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NOTES OF THE TURF. Starter James Milton thinks that with a little nioiv practice he will lie abb ti achieve better stars with the walk-up s.vstciu than under the standing system. •Uickcy Qeerg Mountain is under contract to .1. H. W iiodfoi il ana proliaPh will l.e attache l to the sttl.lo ei .1. T. Ireland, in which Mr. V Iferd has sifvcinl haran. lather ihan that .if .lohli Walters. / Trainer .lanes Bewt liars that In will 1m- unable /to get an.v el .lames K. Kceucs thirty two-ycai- J ..ids t., i,,,. post Um raefcaj at Park, and / |H«H] 1..I at Graves. -nd. bccntlse of the epidemic of intlin which is sweeping through their ranks. lor ilie tirl time in lour voars racing was con-dinted at Ls .-v 1ark. Hot Springs, on Saturday. Tin- nlca prevails that there will lie a revival of tin- thareagbhred s|H.rt in w eeasea. Harness events al ni. arere run Saturday. Oral betting was con- , tpicoous, wit loft interference. Francis Kelson, who presides at some of the C;.-liinliaii tracks, will be among those who will witness the running of the Kentucky Dcrbv at Churcliill Di.wih t...lay. Mr. Nelson will remain at Louis illc for a lev. da. s i.. observe the o|K-ration of the pai: niutiiel forin if lining, which will probabl.v be adapted in Canada next year. Then was in. official announcement of the profit .ii.i Ming from tie- I.oiiigtou meeting, but it is I. leliahl.v stated that the association netted more that . mm. an average or over Jfl.lMI per day. It is sal.- lo say [feat the tain of Saturday cost the asso ciation at least in gate receipts and half thai sum. if ii"! more, in commissions from the betting. Thai Kitz Berber! i- getting ready lo run a fast lace was demonstrated at Grav es.tnl Saturday . alien the Etbetbert colt worked three quarters i-i 1:15». Tliis was the iirst time trainer Frank Taylor had asked Pita Herbert to show any speed, and he v as delighted with the wav he responded. The big l.rowu was full of run. and he could have goae niuch faster. At the Lougchamps corns- in Iaris. France. Sun day. W. K. andorl. ills Bats Delight won the Prix do St. .Fames for three-vcar-oh! fillns at a mile and an eighth. His Sir Peter nnished second in the Irix de Sevres, another three year old event, for colts at the same distance. Vesterday Mr. Yamh-rhills Bar-bar., ssa won tin Pttl il s Cavalier. SMS, for .lis. distance one and one-half miles, at St. Cloud, and his Defender finished second in the Prix des Iris. BM, selling, distance one and three ■■altera miles. Frank .lav liaaMa lagaaabe BaJabed third in the Irix tea Kglanticrs. . distance oil" and a quarter miles. James K. QaaTbjejr is delighted with the improvi -Uicut shown by b - thorpc in his .,nly start of this season. When Mr. Cattney bataght the colt last summer it was disco.|.l Unit his wind was aftoctcd. He could not run more than a half mile at top speed and was pronounced a failure. Trainer Weir. however, never bad roMMeaee i.i his ability to rid tin- Wo .IstlioipK colt of his ailment and assured Mr. tiaffney carl this Near that liarlev thorpe would itrioe bia worth. In defeating the fast filly Pollie l.i laat Thur.-d i. Bark ■ thorp- showed both speed and staing power, at the same time demonstrating the patiinc- and skill of his trainer.