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. TRAINING GALLOPS AT WOODBINE. Toronto. Out.. May 9. — On a good track and in fine weather several interesting stages in the preparation of horses intended for racing at the May meeting were seen at Woodbine Saturday. The otltslaadini: features of the nioriiiims work were shown by Detective. Parade and Chief Kee. Parade is now niak hag his first .ipitoarancc as a race horse, though live vears old. He is a bav gelding by Procession, twice winner of the Liverpool Cup at Woodbine for J. E. Seagram. Parade was bred by his owner. M. Meaglnr. He injured a foot as a yearling and was not taken up to be broken until last year. He was sent a mile and a quarter in companv with Lyndhurst and accomplished the distance in 2:18. which used to he good ein.u-h to win the King"s Ilate. iu which Parade is entered this year. Parade carried a good 133 pounds. Stranger things have hapiiened in racing than that this unfashionable outsider should win the Plat.. One does not need »a long memory to rin-all how Moonraker came down the hill from the same stable and won at 50 to 1. The work of Detective was nicely rated, the first half in 52. the next half in •" .". and the mile iu 1:4T|. pulling up a mile and an eighth in 2:0::%. The Woodstock Stables horse is in fine fettle, and would have run close to 1:40 hail he liecn allowed. Tnphet went the first live eighths with him in 1 :00. The two -year-olds. Helen Winter. Coldeti Weridine and Lady Lome did a half in a little under 53. and Cypher Code and Nelchen went three-eighths in :Kt. From the Dymeiit Stable Chief Kee. working alone, put in a mile in 1:47%. the first half in 52. after which part the hoy took a stronger hold in response to the trainers signal. The Waterloo horses hail easy gallops. Jockey Ifaagrav* riding tin- Plater. Pearl Fisher. The It. J. Mackenzie hor.M-s will come here at the close of the Ac ueduct meetitur Thursday. Then-are ten horses in the New York lot. besides which Chris Meldrum has six others at Woodbine. John V. Hynes. of this city, while in Baltimore last. week, purchased from J. II. Lesh the four-year-old horse Teddv Bear for his brother Fred. Teddy Dear is by odd Heels— Helen II. II. A. II. Breners two-year-old. Oil de Sac. by ILinrisouie. has arrived at Woodbine from Loudon.