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HOPE REVIVED IN LOUISIANA. New Orleans Business Men Sanguine of Restoration of Racing Despite Governors Attitude. New Orleans. La.. May 14. — Business men of New Orleans who are advocating tin- restoration of racing took on renewed hope of having the sport revived as the result of a rousing meeting at the Progressive I niou Hall Thursday night. Albert Oodchaux. the millionaire clothier, whose name headed the petition for the meeting, made a stirring address, stating that lie believed having race tracks owned and controlled by business men would induce the legislature now iu session to repeal the Locke law. Mayor Bchrman. returning from the capital, addressed the meeting anil said he felt satised that four senators who voted for the passage of the I.ocke law had changed their views. The mayors ■jmch was greeted with applause. It became evident as the meeting progressed that the restoration of racing under a reform regime is greatly desired by the hotel, cafe, restaurant and other business interests of the Crescent City. Representatives from the Business Mens Club were present to tell how the city has sutTered in a commercial way for lie last two years because of the operation of the Locke law prohibiting belting. Informal discussion developed that the legislature, now in session, will be asked to appoint a commission on the Kentucky plan and install pari-mutucl machines. It was decided to appoint a committee of five members of the Progressive Inion to report as to whether a petition should be presented, said petition to lie voted upon by members of the organization to determine whether the Progressive Inion is to sanctum sending a committee to Baton Rouge. From a reliable source it was learned that options have been secured on the stock iu the two tracks now held by outsiders. A holding company Is planned, to lie composed of local men to conduct races on the scale which prevailed in the old days. After the meeting those favoring the return "of racing were jubilant over the outlook, despite the declaration of Governor Sanders that the situation was hopeless.