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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. c o. W. I".. Jr.. St. I.-.uis. Mo. The het on Tony W. lost. if. fe. It.. Indian:i|tolis. Ind. Fnder the circum blame-, named by you the licl lost. Jim- K.. Cincinnati, o. There Iteing no separate .place price— I Aldrian tie- wager was u draw. The entry should have |,een hacked. W. IL L. and /.. II.. Nashville. Teiin. The bet on Tritciiia kml because Tritoiua ran unplaced. The price against Tiiioiua was the price of the lieid. A. M . Buffalo. N. V. The hackers of Colloquy to show. Mav H». received back .25 for each liollar Im t. and ihe hackers of Bonnie Bard .20 for each dollar Ut. it. ink N . Kansas City. M . Hie horse was included in the tiehl and if he had won the price would hae lioeii whatever a dividend on the field tickets paid. As he i in unplaced* tile l et lost. C. I*. IL. Catena*, ill While at the | ost in the third race at liuilico. May 4. Master John reared 1 1 1 . and Galling broke his hack and had to be dc-■troyed. C2i Coa are mistaken. Ike day is named. as **B«ra l« st in Saturdays races."