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RACING MOVEMENT IN MISSOURI. Jefferson Citv, Mo., July 8. — A bill is to lie presented to the next legislature for the restoration of horse racing in Missouri, according to John 1. Knapp of St. Lmis in a communication to the secretary of state. The original intention. Mr. Knnpp says, was to submit a bill through the initiative creating a state racing commission eoaapeasjl of tive nieniliors. appointed by the governor, to supervise and regulate the S|iort in Missouri. Knapp says the movement "was initiated by certain sporting members of the Missouri Referendum League at St. Ixniis, who saw a chance to restore racing in Missouri under proper conditions and safeguards, both to breeders and to the public, by putting before the voters a reform racing bill." The betting permitted in the contemplated act would be on the "pari-mutuel or auction pool style," Knapp said. If the bill fails of passage, he says they will submit it to the people through the initiative in 1912.