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HAPPENINGS OF RACING IN ENGLAND. A Bule Aimed at American Owners Repealed — Ulster Kings Rich Stake Win — General Statistics. f an*—. Eng.. July 2. — At a meeting of the Jockey Club, held at Newmarket June 20, the motion of the stewards to omit the tirst paragraph of Rule ."i2, Which leads: "No weight shall Is- allotted to a horse in a handicap until he has run three limes in The United Kingdom," was put and carried. This is a repeal of tbe much discussed rule adopted last vear. which was in some quarters alleged to lie aimed at horses from the Baited States, in prac tice it was found to Be a practical exclusion of the French horses also. This was a result not aimed at and brought about its repeal. It was an unsportsmanlike iin-asure in the tirst place and everyone CUUCIirued is pleased VllJl Hie action id the Jockey Club in qiiletlv abandoning it. The German Derby wrts run at Hamburg Sunday. June 2*!. and resulted in an easy victory for the Koval Craditz Studs ehestnut colt. Orient, a son of Bona vista -Oily. Hen- P. Pakaetsera star was nrroil and iicrr c. van Laac Puchhoits Kaldias third. Orient was badly beaten in rhe Austrian Derby a lew weeks preioiisly. but had subsequently redeemed his reputation by defeating Fervor, the seat older horse in training in Germany, in the rieh Great Haass Prize, and was a 7 to lO favorite for the G-riuau Derby. LembeiL and Charles OMalley were well beaten in the Grand Prix de Paris, to the great conste-nia tion of their roahdral backers and admirers. Char lea o Ma Hey nerer made much of a showing, hut up to a mile and a half Lemberg ap| carcd as likely to win as anything, then was plainly beaten directly afterwards. Tie- going was very heavy and bottling, and this, together with the journey to Paris, may i.e ite|,| accountable for ids defeat. What makes English critics certain the form of the rare is all wrong Is tbe fact that Bronzino was third, it being wcii known that Lemberg is Immeasurably his Superior. In the meantime the French ate- having a I time over l lie race and averring that the BngHtSb horses are de II cleft I in stamina. Lemberg, a, upanied I.v his stable c panion. Avic. has arrived at Maiiton from France, looking none the woi-e for his journey. our American cousins have-, as all the -world knot: s. a great reputation for hustling, and rarer* have we had a better example cif their rush methods than that afforded by the- importation of eighteen r*ar lings bred hv Clarence II. Msekay at Lexington, •Thirl wen- sold tl reahag of Tuesday. June 28. Despatched from Kentucky on the thirteenth, they reached Newmarket at half past three- Tuesday alt arueuoa, and the tirst lot was under the hammer twee and a halt hours later. This was c-crtainly running ii pretty tine. In the circumstances one- would natu-rnllv hare expected the roMugsteMn to be- trave-i weary sad in anything but 1:00.1 saleable condition. 4s I matter of tart, however, they heokeel so spick and span that they might have had a months rest after their kmg Journey. There was a big muster round the rtas while- they wore leeing sold, and lor man of tie- lots he bidding w as -brisk. It is to 1m-note-el that the- majority Of them have nnexcecttioB-ahle- English pedigrees, and this no eloirbt helped the ale. .-specially in the case- ,,f the lillics. There Wc-re Several buyers in attendance who hoped tie beCUTe some of the- lots feer lit 1 y guineas er see. 1. 111 May saqp realised that there irere very few going at thai flguee. • The twee t.ep iiiieecl lots were a til I v and a colt by Meddler, and both "Were- boagbt by H. J. Kbsg. the- tilly. out eef ■ Hampton mare, making BB guineas, and the colt, out of a Carbine mare, 460 • guineas. The filly Is very racing-like, if a trifle light eef lsine. Mr. Gilpin secured a half-sister to Whisk BToom for 240 guilie-as. and Major Robe rts purchased a sharp-looking tilly. by Meddler, out of a- Donovan mare, for 300 guineas. Frank Harding was the successful bidder lor two very promising lillies by Meddler, and a colt by the same sire went to Lord Villiers. Altogether, it was quite a satisfactory sale: indeed. Wonderful, seeing that buyers bad practically no opportunity of examining the "goods" before-hand. Madame "cie-re-meteff, the owner of Nuage, winner of the Grand Prix de Paris, is the wife of a great lea merchant in Russia. She has been running harass with conshlerable success in Franco for several years, as has her brother, M. Kousnelzoff. I In- Atalanta Stakes, dec ided at Samlown Park on Saturday, June 2,"e. provided a thrilling finish be tween the Oaks winner Rosedrop and Mangalmi, the former gaining the verdict in the last stride-by a margin of not more than two or three inc hes. The race w as conteste-el in a rainstorm of Quite** an extraordinary character, ami all the rielers drew aleout four poHndi overweight npou returning to flu-scale. In the- circumstances they we-re passed by the Stewards present. Lord Shrewsbury is getting together a string of horses whic h are to be traiued by Goby, at Badminton House. Epsom. 1he Newmarket First July meeting provided some good racing, quietly conducted witli small attendance, as usual. Tin* principal race of the meeting, the Princess eef Wales Stakes at a mile and a halt, was ween by Ulster King in easy fashion. It was former!? one eef the "ten thousand peeunch-rs." but it* value has been reduced greatly. Even at that It is still we-ll worth winning and realized 4.7.10 tee l ister Kings owner. The July Stakes, the big race of the meeting for two-year-olds, was won by Leopold eh- Rothschilds promising St. Frusquin coif. St. Anton. It Is worth noting that this race was founded as long ago as 1786; Porphyrio. the first foal of tliat good mare. Flair, made his debut in the July Stakes. As a yearling lie cost Sir Finest Cassel 7."i [ll. In make, shape-ami color In- is a typical Gallinule. but an yet be is very backward. Though he did not show with any remarkable prominence in his tirst race, his style of galloping is suggestive of his one day making a race horse. The new method of arranging the bookmakers at Sandown Park appears to be an excel lent one, and WOlthy of a trial at Other race mee-tlngs where the enclosures are frequently ve-ry congested. The plan is to divide them into small squares, and thus provide- Intersecting avenues, which greatly facilitates the- movements of commission agents between different |Miints of the rings. The spaces are marked out w ith chalk lines. Mr. Falrie is not likely to be displaced from his had in the list of winning owners, almost doubling Us c losest competitor and having sne-h redoubtable mouey -gainers as Ray ardo and Lemberg ready to further advance- his fortunes. Winkipop has served oucg Waldorf Astor so we-11 that he- has passed Lord Rose-leery and is now second in the list. 11. P. Whitneys stable has almost doubled its earnings anil In- is now ninth ami we-11 in advance- of many of England,* leading turfmen. To date those owners whose heerses have won 0,000 or more are the following: Wing Races Amount Owner. Horses. Won. Won. Mr. Falrie 2 5 .".,H42 W. Astor 1 2 40.. TOO Lord Rosebe-rv 4 5 35,300 Sir W. Bass 2 3 1!S. :._". I li. McCalmunt 4 .7 27.002 l.eerd Derby 5 Tt 20.220 Lord Villiers .....5 8 25,080 P. Nolke i $ 24. .-.41 H. P. Whitney 10 12 21,382 Sol Joel _ 4 t; 20.900 Lord Durham 6 7 I7..s2" A. P. Cunlitte 3 4 15:583 E. F. Setoff 2 3 15,280 Iteid Walker 1 2 14.010 H. .1. King .....3 5 12..-.4r, K. Mills 5 7 12.420 Messrs. L. Robinson and Wil Ham Chirk 7 7 12,250 Sir R. W. B. Jardine .1 !» 11,683 I. , de Rothschild 0 12 ll.OoO 3. B. Joel , 4 4 11,500 Lord Carnarvon 2 2 11,235 W. W. Bailev 2 2 10,733 H. I.vtham 5 7 10.41Te R. C. Carton 1 2 10.13S 11. e Derby winner. Leinbe-rg. is nt present safely tirst in tlie list of chief money winning horses, with the spee-dy tilly. Winkipop. a Kood second. Then comes l.embe-igs gnat rival. Neil Gow, with the champion Bayando a good fourth. So. far twelve horses have won 10.000 or more and their names anil winnings are as follows: % Races Amount Horse, color, sex. age, pedigree. Won. Won. Lemberg. b. c. 3. by Cvlleue -Galicia 2 111,500 Winkipop, b. f. 3,. by William the Third -Conjure 2 40,f M Neil Cow. eh. c, 3. lev Marco — Che- lanelry 2 34.47.- Bayardee. b. e-. 4. by Day Ronald — Ga- licia 3 20.342 Rosedrop. ch. f. 3. lev St. Fruse|iiin— Rosaline 2 2fi,100 Crec-nback. b. c. 3. by St. Frusquin — Evergreen 4 23.07."e Bachelors Keeuble. ch. c, 4, by Tre- de-unis -I.adv Pawn . 2 18,425] Dlizabetta. b. f. 4, by Diamond Jubilee—Red Virgin 2 14,77.", Se alorth. b. c. 2. by Symington, dam by Timothy — Florence Montgomery.. 2 13,092 Swynforel. br. c. 3. by John OGaunt— Canterbury Pilgrim 1 13,20.% LsgOS, ch. h, .. bv Santoi, dam lev Wisdom — Sterling Lass . 2 13.07.". he-elarc-. b. c. 4. bv De-sinond —Darling Clara 2 10,135 No change of importance has occurred in the relative standing of the leading jockeys of the year ami the riding record is now as follows: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Mahe-r, D 1«*0 47 32 10 101 23.01 Trigg. C 202 31 23 2S ISO 11. S3 Savhy. W 1RO 25 10 19 97 15.42 HiggS, W 209 25 25 32 127 11. Of, Griggs. William 174 24 20 IS 112 13.70 Fox. F 233 20 27 21 163 8.58 Woottcen. F 124 10 31 tS 50 15.32 • Mark. .1 100 IS 19 12 M l»i.1 Ringstead. C 146 17 5 11 113 11.01 Randall, H Ua 10 27 lo B 10.30 Crlggs. Walter 105 10 9 IS 123 0.03 Martin. J. H 124 14 17 15 7S 11. 2S Wheatlev. E 00 « 13 1 0 54 11.44 Plant. J 122 13 i C. 07 10.05 Toy. C 1T.4 13 0 10 110 S.44 W eed ton. S 103 12 15 11 125 7.30 Sine-e a we-ek ago the list of sires with progenv winners collectively eef 0,000 or more has beau ine roused by the addition or Wolfs Crag. Meddler, Persimmon. MlaselthrUsb and Ms 11 si lin. Tlie standing of all Is sent for this week, but in the future lie standard of adinissieen to the list will be raised be 2,500. At prese-nt the sire list record Is: Races Amount • Sire and pedigree Winrs. Won. Won. Cylteue ISO.-,, by Bona Vista — Arcadia, bv Isouoiuv . . - . . 0 9 0,050 St. Frnsepiin lSH3i. bv St. Sl- meen — Isab -1. bv Plebeian... 9 10 50.120 William the Third 1808. by St. Simon — Cravitv, bv Wisdom 10 13 55. 32." Marc, 1803, by Barcaldine— Novitiate, bv Hermit S 9 42,140 Desmond 1808. by St. Simon LWhlee-ss.- eh- Jotiarre . . , . 14 IS 30.008 Symington 1803, bv Ayrshire — Siphonia. bv St. Simon... S 9* 20,812 Pay Ronald 1S03. eb-ad. by Hampton — Black Duchess. bv Galliard : 1 3 20.342 Count: Sc-homberg 1S92. by Auahrtm — tlonavarhs by Balis! 8 10 20.2S5 Sauted 180T. bv Queen** P.irlhdav — SftHiy Wife, by Me-rrv Hampton 6 8 19,33.". Grey Leg IISOl. by IVpper and Suit — Qufttg, bv Bend or « S 19.320 Tredc-nnis I 1808. by Kendal - St. Marguerite, bv Hermit. 1 2 1S.I2.. Suudridge 1 I Mis 1. lev Amphion Si.-rra. by Sprinstle-bl 4 5 17.03." IMamond Jubilee 18B7, bv Si. Simon -Perdlts II.. bv Hampton 2 3 15.000 John oCaunt. bv Isinglass— I.a Flee he-, bv St. Simon... 3 3 14.7TO Wolfs Crag 1800. by Bar- caleline -Lne-v Ashton, bv Lamine-rtnocer 4 4 14. 200 ..liar 1805. bv St. Simon— Ornament, by Bend Or 9 9 14.0S0 Gallinule lssii, bv Iscmassy — Moorhen, by Hermit 7 9 13.-e45 Me-ddler 1K0O. bv St. C.itien -Busyhody. by Petrarch... 0 7 12.012 Hamburg [1805. bv Hanover Lady Rc-e-1. l,v lVllc.w.-ra ft 5 8 12. 4-:. ltoek Sand ilMXu. by Sainfoin — Roque-hrunc. by St. Simeeii 4 7 11,075 Pe-rsinimon IMS, dead, by St. Simon — Perdita II.. lev Hampton . 5 8 11.033 Wild fowler 1805. bv Gain-nulei Tragady. by Ben pet- tle 7 12 11.156 Mlsse Ithrush 18B71, lev orme — Throtitle. lev Pet 1 a 1 e h . . . . S 9 11,215 Manger ta 180C. bv fcueB — Modest Martha, by Holy Friar 5 5 11,005