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11, - ■ • 11 iTT — SALT LAKE CITY FORM CHART* SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, Wednesday. July 13, 1910. Thlrty-tnicd day. Dtah laney Cluh. Summer Meetiug of 40 days. 0 l ooks 0111. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. F. St. D. Skinner, Starter Bicbard Dwyer. 90786 First Uace— u S Mile. lurse »0. 4 year-olds and upward. Helling. Xet value to annaec 00. Ind. Hotae. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. I".. Sh. VC2.! Hannah Louise t07 1* Kbam 1 M 7-102 .7 90731 ! ■ i Oaaadbr 112 23 Page ■ 7 2 4-7 W48S .h-ssup Bum 109 UMctry 4 41 2 1 902W Hattie Dodson H7 4 TTaj lor 40 fitt 12 4 90MO Keubcn IM 7 Ivors 10 1C 7 3 1I-I2N7 Hill Mayham m t;j Vantln 12 Id 7 21 00288 Kunsuni 107 7-J Aguavo 2", hn 40 20 " 90594 Colbert IM s Sehlen 40 100 M 20 9u5C02Tbor 104 9 Nolan .7 1 S 5 7-10 906M Hsnrper ion W Hgnian 4a KO 50 211 B22M Em ami Em 107 11 Cneau 30 100 40 20 Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner— W. CabilPs ch. f, 4, hy Yellow Tail-Motto trained hy W. Cahtll, Went to |Kisf at 2:79. At post S minutes. Start good. Won easu ; second ami third driving. Scratched — .KK59S Chief Desmolitl. 100. 90787 Second Bae.— 4 1-2 Furlongs. lurse 00. 2-year-oltls. Selling. Xet value to winner 7tt. Ind. Hoaaa. Wt.FhxJookey. Op. CI. PL 8ii 90732 F.tlmond AdamshW 1- WFher 1-2 £-201-5 out :«"..i3" Louise E. 102 21 Seidell 4 .7 !l-lo] 2 90S IM Le Van IM 3 Cage 7 13 2 4-7 90732 Othale 107 4- Leeds 10 1,7 21 7-10 Witt Abe Slupakey no 5 Gauge] 5 13 2 4-7 90.V.U Little SYiar 110 S Vosper 2U loo 27 c Time. 55. Track fast. Winner — G. B. Morris b. g. by Russell — Memorial trained by B. Morris. Went to post at 3:31. At inist 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched — WTO2 Abigail K., 102; .MHSt.i Twenty Hours. 107. 90788 Third Baal — :! 4 Mile. lurse 86. .l-year-oltls ami upward. .Maidens. Sidling. Xet value to winner 50. lad. Horse. Wt.Fiu.. Jockey. Op. CI. PL Sit. 80402 Brighton lol 1 -■ Ked. i is 3 7 3 3-2 905SS Iilain 104 2»i F.Caltn 12 17 C 3 90731 Plying M2 3] Carey e 0 2 1 90C92*Taasy , M t- Selden 6 4 S-.7 4-5 906 107 a* Snriner 2 l3-.7t; 7 !«Ni:i2 Babe Neely 99 6* Nolan 20 27 10 31 S!*797=Cool 10S 7 Vantln 4 3 9-7 9-10 90692 Joe Woods ins 8 Victory 20 30 10 .7 84191 Macall 10S It Vosper 1.7 9 3 3-2 :ttiis:, Tom Adams MS 10 WFher 17 HO 27 12 SMi:;:, Miss Knieralcl IOC il Flourd 40 100 40 20 Time. 1:15. Track fast. Winner — C. B. Morris h. g. :!. hy GoWcrsgt — Miss Teuny trained hy GL 1!. Morris. Went to post at .!:.» :. At post 2 minutes. Start poof. Won easilv: second, and third driving. Scratched— .Mfjso QoeenfoU, M. Overwtdghts — Flying. 1 pound; Patterson, M; Tom Adams, 2. 90789 Fourth Race— .!-4 Mile. Purse .70. S-year-afda and upward. Handicap. Xet value to Wiii- nec .7.7. Ind. H.trse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 90783 Batronja 92 l ? BCairn 331 2-7 9O7035 Fernando 102 2 Hattiste .7 13 3 G-.7 90703Knfield 117 » TTaylor 7-7 17 3-5 1-3 905C5 JacqiMllna 90 V Xolan s 15 5 2 PK38*6«ean Quean 97 7 Kederis 3 3 9-102-5 90S94*Leaa Lech 101 6 Sehh-n S 12 3 3-2 Time, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner — F. M. Hoppers b. f. •!. hy Balgownn— Sehastiana trained by S. C. Cottrtll. Went to post at 4:27. At post 1 minute. Start bad. Won easilv: seeond and third driving. Overweights — Fernando, 2 pounds. 90790 Filth Rata — 5-8 Mile. Purse 50, 3-yeaX-ohls ant upwanl. Selling. Xet value to winner 0Oi Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin..lHkey. Op. CL PL Sh. 903tOFigeat 107 1-1 laugel 0 7 3 3-2 90640 Wistaria W 8* TTaylor 7 :, . 2] 1 I04M Atpiiline MS 3» WFher 4 9 3 9-5 96a92tLndale Belle 108 i-| Selden 4 7 21 0-7 9049U Q. of Lowlands 102 .7:j Mnders 10 10 4 2 99731xSusie Gregg K»2 .lahnsen 10 27 10 4 :hi721 Burning Hush 109 74 Vosper 3 2 1 1-2 fOSSO Cresham 102 S Corey 10 15 I 3 90003 Chanate 9S :• Huxton 20 To 20 H 8O6BO O. Cunningham 93 10 ECalln 10 30 12 C. 90SS0 Hex 100 11 Ieetls 6 4 21 fi-7 90SM Phosphorus 93 12 Kederis 12 30 12 5 t Omitted from entries. Time. 1:01%. Track fast. Winner — F. I. Howards h. f. 1, by Hastings— Fiih na trained hy F. 1. Howard!. Went to post at 4:.72. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won driving; second ami third the same. Overweights — Aquiline. 3 pounds: Oreshani, 2; Ilex. 1. 90791 Sixth Bad — 1 Mile. Purse 50. P.-year-ohls ami upwanl. Selling. Xet value to winner 00. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. t0690*Weymouth 92 1» No fen 0 5 2 1 9009,7 1. of Mtehello 103 1" Selden 4 1S-77-.7 7-10 90701 t topper* 10S 3" TTavlor .7 10 4 8-3 90561 .1. c. Clem ME 4J Coburn 6 S 21 0-6 9050j*Plora Riley 9S -WFher 1 1 3-5 1-1 9t»7:,3 Aks-Ar-Hen 110 0 KSmith G 10 4 8-5 110773 Obcron 107 7 Ivors 12 30 10 .7 9tM-,l!» Royal River 9!t S Kederis 12 20 0 2?. Tim;-. 1:42%. Track fast. . Winner— W. T. Andersons ch. f. 4. hy Jack Point — Sallie Appleton trained by J. Diasoad. Went to post at .7:11. At post 2 minutes. Start gootl. Won driving; second and third the same. The winner, entered for M. was bid up to 00 hy F. Robert anil bought in. Scratched — anM53Ocean Shore, 10!; 90040lCoii-vent Roll, !Ki:, Osslan, 101.