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RACING GOSSIP FROM KENTUCKY. Lonisville. Ky.. July 28. — J. B. Lewinan. a prominent contractor, lias decided to return to the turf, and a portion of bis new racing stable, four horses, ha;- reached CbordrUI Downs in charge of his old trainer. Prets M. West, and the latters son. Shelby West, who will look after the horses whenever his father is forced to be absent from the track. The string with which Mr. Lcwimili conies back to racing are all untried performers, principally near relatives of his old stallion. The Elector, by Hanover. Captain Ia-wih.iii s return to racing is due to the prosperous conditions prevailing on the Kentucky turf today. He lias never been entirely out of the thoroughbred htiwluesa. retaining a few of his mares, though he sold off sonic of his stud matrons, includ lug Mary L-iven.t. When he quit racing several years ago he had no intention of ever again campaigning .1 string. Time, however, has changed the tide of the s|M»rt iu Kenlucky. and the veteran turf-u an bus come back with the lioom. When he ascertained it was poatdble to get his old trainer. Pres West, he was quick in making up his mind, and it is now probable that hi time Captain Lewuiau will have a* pretentious a string of horses as represents any DoMfenrfllian now on the turf, though the list of local turfuieu is constantly on the increase. Wonderful changes have come to pass since the forwa- tion of the Kentucky Slate Racing Commission, and the restoring of confidence in the sport by the passing of lxtokinaking and the- installation of the pari-Umtuel svsteni of betting. Horsemen at Churclrill DoVrns and Drmglnst Park have been solicited for entries for the running races in connection with the Blue Graf* Fair at Lexington, but it is not likely any horses will he shipped from here, though it is said a number from Latonia will take a try at the Lexington fair game. During the progress of the running races two pari-mutticl machines will be in operatlpu. The report will not down that Lexington will have a fall meeting this year, probably early in September. The claim is made that things in that section are vastly different than when the lasl fall meeting was held at that place in 1998. Then, owing to the night rider troubles, as well as a scarcity of money, the meeting had much to contend with, while pow things are changed and an air of peace and prosperity rules iu the blue grass region. » Carroll B. Reid has gone to his old home at Houstonville. Ky.. for a visit. During Mr. Reids absence from Churchill Downs his friend. Walter S. Hopkins, will keep a watch over the Iteld string, ami Ben Trovato, Third Kail and the rest of Unstable will get their training just as If their uwuer was at the track.