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ANACONDA TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 2. Butte, Mont.. August 20. -Tbrre will Im- no racing here .Monday and entries for luesdav will close at Ihe regular hour Monday. On account of the post ponement. the Butte meeting will clone Mondat Vn:!st 29, and the Aauaconda meeting will begin Friday. September 2. instead of Thursday. Aagusl III This dale tor the opening has Dei bnoen iu order to .-t in three Saturdays during the fourteen days of racing. The tuaeouda n ting depends almosi entirely on Batte Tor patronage, in fact, it In virtually combination of tin- Itutte meeting, the two towns being uali an hours ride apart. This means that knacouda. like Butte, is about to have the most successful meeting in its history. Book maker* and visiting folinweru of the sport will remain for it