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LAST BIG SALE OF THE YEAR Lexington, KENTUCKY, September 19-24 during Kentucky Association fall meeting, when there is no racing in New York or Canada. This sale will include Yearlings, Horses in Training, Stallions, Broodmares, Weanlings 250 Head Already Listed 250 From Americas Representative ... Breeders and Owners ... TO OWNERS: Tim win t» your last chance of the year to sell and at a time when racing elsewhere is at a standstill and over f 0 days racing scheduled in Kentucky. TO BUYERS.* This wi] be your last chance of the 3 ear to buy and at a time when you can race over 50 days in Kentucky before shipping south or west. OTHER ENTRIES SOLICITED, but must be made at once. THE KENTUCKY SALES CO., Incorporated, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY All Bettors Miss Jonah, 5-1, Won Aug. 15 WIRED TO SEVERAL HUNDRED BETTORS TWO WEEKS BEFORE ENTERED. As many bettors whom I hive atet at the Iraeks said have seen me castling so many bets all lie tune have asked die if I would furnish them with my gystesl of daily betting, and others w h. have sent for my Occasional Win- ask if I would u ire them one or two horses each day to bet on and always let them know of my ileeasionals. I will .1.. so and treat you all the best I can. In order to save hot tors the daily expense of telegrams, etc.. 1 will write up a sheet and explain my system in full. Showing how I make the hets daily *at the tracks and poolrooms, and also tin- way 1 operate in handbooks hy selecting one or two hets. This system was figured out hy a trainer who is a relative of mi n . and myself. 1 have played it for the last two years and won hack my heavy Inss.s of fourteen years previously. I use this system for my daily betting, and when he wires nie a good one I put a g 1 hot down "ti that. This is the way I play and make such large winnings every month. Take my advi. .- fi-.uii experience. To make hets eeiy day voll sbonM use this system if you wish lo win. 1 will have a large number of copies typewritten to send out la hot tors. The Occasional* I get sbotjt once a month are the h. st obtained. June 22: K0K0M0 ... 1 5-1 WON July 18: WOODLANE . . 25-1 2ND August 15: MISS JONAH . 5-1 WON My advertisement of July Ll stated ahout the goo.! on.- to go over at Fort Krie August 1 or 2, and when I learned July ::i» of another good one at this meeting 1 also sent it on the same telegram. This is the way I treat bettors. Miss Jonah was the ,.ne I ad vertis.d. and I sent all the telegrams July ;.l for Canada meeting as follows: "Miss Jonah anil ion oral Mat chniont. If scratched, next time entered." The meeting was postponed owing to the Brand Trunk strike, but Miss Jonah won tirst time entered. August 13, when I advertised a borse in Uallj Racing Form. I sent a copy of the telegram lo that paper t file the day before the race, which proves my statement and shows my reliability, of curse many he! tors know me personally, through mv husi ness in Windsor and Detroit I will send a copy of this system, by registered mail, to insure sale and personal delivery, on receipt of $::.«K. The next good one go. s at the Windsor track August 29. i will wire this horse so that even-one will receive the telegram on the morning of the race on receipt of HO. and everyone who sends for Ibis system and Occasional for August l".t. please state in your letter where telegram can reach vim :iny time, and if I cant advertise a horse in time I will wire you and trust to vour honesty to remit the next day. This happened the opening dav al Hamilton. August 13. My relative -phoned me at H» a. m. over the long-distance •phone to plav Ta Nun Da heavily win. place and show. It won at il l. So if you send me your address. I will have il ready to send telegram at any time. HARRY J. TAYLOR, P. O. Box 354, Windsor, Ont. j "COMMON SENSE." I My "Sure Shot Method" is a "Practical Com-■ aton Sense Method" of playing the races— noth-• ing more. It is "not" a favorite system, and it B is "easy to play" and an absolutely eertafn I "Winner." it only takes a minute with the "Entries" to pick your own "One Best Bet," esnrciallr for "Handbook" plsr erefy day. it points out "One Horse" and "One Horse Onlv." and you always bet the same amount. "My Method" is used and "recommended" by bnn ureds of "Successful" players ail over the "U. S." If you are in doubt as to whether mv "Sure Shot Method" is adapted lo vour repute I tin-nts- let me hear from v..u. I reply to all ] letters promptly. "My Method" hasnt "Eighteen Rules," like most other systems, hut. instead, it is "easy to play" ami a "Sure Winner." ■nd it gives "Satisfaction." If yon are eon-tented to earn from 00 to 00 a n tl, plav Ing the races with small capital at "Handbook" or Poolroom or "Track" then "dont delay" sen, img for "My Method." V -an take as Utile as 5 capital and heat any "Handbook" ami "I Guarantee it." Hundreds of un-n have written me thai my "Sure Shot Method" is the "Greatest Winning System" on earth, and the one thai is "Practical" and "Easy to Play." Noli will say the same when vou get it. Its the "one method" that his "stood the test of. Ionly time." All orders receive mv personal ami prompt attention. If yon are looking for I "Square Deal" and desire a Svstem of "Genuine-Merit"— one that vou can lo|iend iiiw.ii then E Send your order. My "Complete Sure Shot Meth- for "Handbook" and "Poolroom" and "Track" seal upon recl of M. 0. . !od" WM. H. SUTTON. Chemist. 2G51 Orchard Avenue, : : Los Angeles. Cal. SINFRAN, 5-1, WON was vestenlavs I-reo lorni Special. let the Bhm Book: 25 Cants per Copy: .00 per Month, by Mail. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: June Apple 24-30-29-35-13-32-31-28-10. Yesterdays Two-Horse Hailv lost. • THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 211 :: 59 Dearhorn St.. :: Chicaao. Illinoi. National Racing Review, Chicago Yesterdays Form S| oeiai scratched. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: ldaao, Morning. Moccasin. Hawk. THE TURF REPORTER. CHICAGO J esterday n Occasional lost. Yesterdays DsJIy disqualified lesterdayji Form Spccisl ran third. , . MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: White Monday 41 57-89-51-63-93-87-1-96.