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WINDSOR ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago lime, 2:.!0. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maiden. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 7-8 Mile. Canadian-bred :;-voar olds and upward. Selling. Track record: .11552 1 10ft — :2S| — ft — lad. Horse. wt. awe. A. VVt. Hdcp. .11551 Caper Saace 108 l:30i s. .IPs. . X 725 91551* Mill on tin- Floss. .104 I :2S 5 . . KM. . . X 720 !ll551-*Connnola Ml 101 l:2gj 3. .103. . X7I5 :il551 Sir Dilk.; Jr. i.Mi. 3.. 103 KZS :i|551 The Shrimp M .. 3. .103 075 Second Race — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: S57U1 -4:252— 3—133. B1S60 Oakhurst 4. .152. .. .725 andM53tt**Oaage 4. . l.:o. . . .715 .11550 John Dillon 7..l4S..©7oa .ir.72 Dacra 8. . i:!s..x7oo 91536 Dr. Heard 7. .lftg. . X000 91536 Dr. J. F. Aitken iM 6. .138 090 01406 Teddy Bear t.Mi .. ft. .130 086 91536 Francis Joseph 11 5. .130. . Xfl7u Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-vear-olds. Fillies. Selling. Track record: 915;i7— 1 :00— 2 -los. 91364* THRIFTY 80 1:011 loo., x 725 915V91 Nisi .Mi K 4 715 I .1 1 553 "The Busvhodv 103 1:011 KM! 710 91537 P.averin 110 1;ol 111.. X 708 "111277 Doris Ward 1O4..X705 915381 Nora Fmma 84 1:081 104.. X 700 80876 lily Paxton 104.l:02i lot. 088 01554 Never Again Ml.. 104 083 0155:: Quicksilver Ml... 1 00 075 91553 Allie Blitz.en M .100 I:0B| 104.. X 065 !MK12 Tripping M 104.... 650 tirade, eh. f. by Islington — Ami tie Mum 100 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. .1-year-olds and upward. Selling. CI rack record: 7000O — 1:: 8?, — 5 — .»!?. 91655 ChapulIc|K C 100 1:40 5 . . 100. . X 725 .11575 Ben Double 102 1:4K 0..1O5. . X720 9154X * Black ford 100 1:384 4. .164. . X 713 9l356**Jobn Beardoa I OB l:41| *.»:;.. x7L5 »1565x The Golden Batter - By BB t:18W .if _ . . x"i" 0l5t2li!Kerrand Cecilian... »Jll:40g 3..06..X710 91576 Judge Lansing . . . . lou . 1 :4o.; :;.. .ss». . x •• • 91540 Saiulrian ::. . 104 . . X 705 91533 SelwiU 4 . . I Kt. . X7O0 .11555 Bedminsler ::. . .»».. X075 Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-vear-olds. Allowauces. Track record; S4205 1 :o5jt 2 IO0.1 915641 Limpet MM tiOgl His. . X725 81537 Fort Worth M9 lli ill.. X 720 S» 1 ri74! Melton Street ....100 l;o7t N8 715 OI44S Trnslee Mi Hi:! 715 91508 Missive lo2 I :osi los..x71o 91549 Ivabel 107 1:071 100....705 .11554 SberilT Bradley Ml 183 7tHI Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 90972—1:12—* -124. 9157oi*Pedro 108 1:131 8. .100. .X 700 9i:t27i*Kuglish Fslher lot t:I3| . Wt . . X 005 91577»4Woolcasta loo 1:131 8tL . X086 91577 *Maiitiue 105 1:144 80 MM 90073 Jane Swift 1H I:12H 5 . . Io7 . . X 00O 91503 *Mapieton 107 1:131 4.. 109 HXj 91574 Little Minnie 104 1:14 * 5. .107. .Bono 91507 Dona II ION l:18j 5 . . i 07 . . X 075 81358 Lady Ktna lot I:I4| 3. .108 070 81463 Laughing F.ves ... 88 1 :2I 1 5..IO7..X07O 91304 *Amanda Lee 90 l:13| i.. 90..X070 .h I.iTT Amerofl M| 3. .MB. ...863 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. ;! vear-olds and upward. Selling. track record.: 90872 — 1:12 — 8 — 124. 91577 Howdy Howdy ....1081:14 3..X08..X700 91570* Sight loo 1:131 4. .107. .ff095 91419 Domithilda 100 1:14; 3. .108. . ®090 .11550 Sallv Ireslon 102 1:131 8..1M..X880 91378 "Jennie Wells 104 1:141 B..10B..X085 91570 Olive Kty 4. .107. . X0S5 91454 Doiiv Bajtman ...Ki4 1:124 4..H4..X680 91555 Stafford 104 1:181 4.. 114 OSO 91449 Shawnee 3. . 108. . . .888 9140N laul Davis 108 1:141 ::. . Kt4. . xtiSO 91540 Toniata 104 l:13j 3.. 104.. ..073 80801 *Ualiack .to 818 Eighth Race — 1 3-16 Miles, vear-olds and upward. Selling. Tract record: 83S0O- 1:58! — t — 104. 81538* John Beardoa 3. .108. .X 723 81978 John Carroll 106 2:001 8. .187 720 915i;N-*Mennan . 95..X715 i9i5o.NCMieiige Base 3.. 87.. ©710 9157:: Montelair 5..107..X710 81588 Kirsl Peep 108 1:59 6. .107. .©TBI 81908 Clovne 5. .107. . X7«KI