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MR KEENES ESTIMATE OF NOVELTY. Saratoga. X. Y.. September 2. — S. . Ilihlreths Novelty is the Brst two ycar-ohl to win the Saratoga flpei 111, the Hopeful and the Futurity. After the running of the Futurity. James K. Keene, who bred Novelty, congratulated Mr. llihlreth and said to him: "I believe you have the greatest horse in the world. Novelty is certainly the beat horse Kingston ever sent to the races. Me can go fast and far. and he handles weight as easily as a horse twice his size might. I am sorry 1 did not keep him. hut since it was not niv fortune to have him win for me, I do not know of anyone Fd lather he had won for than you." ••I am willing to bet. Mr. Keene," Mr. llihlreth snid, "thai Novelty can beat any race horse of his age at any distance and over any kind of track. Jlc is certainly the greatest horse I ever owned or handled. He is sober and level-beaded at all limes. He hasnt a had or vicious trait, in fact. When I send him on the track to work he does just what is n quired of hlin and comes liack to the stable hungry. Fitz Herbert ami l.nele were as fast as Novelty and they were great race horses, hut 1 do consider thai either of them had anything on Novelty. Hunter, as we call him about the stable, has had a lot of racing here at Saratoga and I do no; intend that he shall do anything more this year. He is 1«m ■nod a colt for a winter track. 1 am S ins to Hit Sim hy and I am sure that he will make a great three-year-old."