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OAKLAND FORM CHART. AKPnnNiVrt.PSDfRNt;ARY " 1911.-Fifty-second .lay. New California Jockey Club. I all and Winter .Meeting of loQ days or more. Weather wet. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, Blchard Dwyer. Secretary, Percy W. Treat. ..ronnfiLVr40 ,p cliSaSO tae 3:40 p. ni.. W imllcates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig--VPi .i.rhti SSCiS f2yV;in? 0 distance of each race indicate index number, track -rccbiH;-aKC-ot Iiore and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. Q f 7 Q EIIST BACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 71S17 l:0Stt 2 99. J Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. , 5 1 third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S oS?EgEAF W 102 10 1 111 P 1 J Mclntyre.1 C Wever 2J 14-313-3G-5 3-5 00 ,9.R BOi W1! 9S s 7 54 "nk 3 2i Selden E Movne 3 5 5 2 1 wlr, c,TSTiS-n. w C 3 3" 2" -i 30 Cavangh Avalon Stable G S S 3 S-5 ?7 SUHA1TOA w 102 9 10 8 03 Cl ,G Gargan J Donovan G 30 30 4 2 Akct, svnJH 5 45 55 5k SS Pickens B Schreiber 3 1G-51G-3G-5 3-3 oq?tR? o?? yvs0: 7 2 G 71 7i T Navies E B Cassatt S 35 33 G 3 ?2 HAT ORTH w 103 1 fi -nk 41 4 710 Kirschm C Y M.ondoiff G 10 4 2 1 o"A2. ws.102 3 9 10 9 S 81 Plourd J O Walker 20 40 40 1.1 s ?S RyrELL. T n w 1OT 2 4 71 Si 9 91 Taplin W Butterfield 12 20 20 S I 13199 NAB ..W103 4 S 9J10 30 10 Rosen F Harris 20 40 40 15 S , Time, 25, 51, 1:03, 1:13.. Track sloppy. pinner B. g, by Star Bright Adalmo trained bv C. C. Capps. PTMM"vTr-Va!Jtit l:4Tu At l""1 " "linutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. BEX , , , F- oil st, ran into a good lead quickly and. drawing far away, won in a canter. PARLOR in ,.,1.1 V V toaUI:v ,flom, a slow beginning anI made a fast and game finish. GYPTIS ran prominentlv jiiid .? , HAL Tdriaj?A,t,il?st,ch ,aml ti,reil in tllc ,mul lrlve- SUK LAYTON, off badly, closed a big 0 0 gap. 1 .WICK WORTH showed speed, but failed to stav. Overweights Ben Xlrcenleaf. 4 pounds; Gyptis. 3: Hal Worth. 1: Fontello. 5; Nab. 1. Q O Q rj Q SKCOND RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 718171 :QS 2 09. tUO I J Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 00- second 35; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt j y. 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 93?S0TAY PAY w 330 5 2 32 32 3 31 G ArchibdJ McManus G-513-1013-101-nout 25S5 MS? PPSF vm " 3 lKk-: -1 21 Kirschm C J Casey S-3 9-5 sVll-Oout 932Uj AB SATCHEL w 102 1 5 21 1J 1J 3 G Garner OakwoodSkRch 5 S 8 3 1 SoJ w 102 ,! 1 4 4si 4S Selden ElPalomarStable C 12 12 4 3-2 KOf1? w 102 3 G C 5 5 52 J Martin R J Mackenzie 10 30 7 2. 1 N1APA GIRL w 102 4 4 fh G G G J Callahan G W Berry 10 "3 25 6" , , Time. 25s, 5iy5, l:03y5, 1:13V5. Track sloppy. inner Clu e, by Stalwart 0i Margaret Kent trained bv S. Judge. hi-VV,t to Iost at 2:09. At post 2 minutes. Start good". Won easily; second and third driving. TVY fin opkIT tc,loso "V to tllG "nal fr"- then took a good lead with a rush and won easing Sln-oiV.Vr mTru . , i l?CI s?fc the call-v lacc anU t,un r:l" lu closest and game pursuit to the end. H VXD TI tv showed SnwISPI,IPi speed lGar and pioTjably i11,6, tUrnaV1 will improve. kCDt U to ,Uo ,i"nI friS. tiroil when hard pressed. VEXK-11A. Scratched Dr. Bodine. 107. Overweights Tay Pay.. 3. pounds. Q Q Q H A THIRD RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. 7S210 1 :1S 2 101. Purse 00. 5-vear-olds and up-J tJ KD I tC ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 93S01 BLACKSHEEP wn 131 4 G C.. 3. 4 13 Kederis J Tisnie 3 3 S-", 7-101-1 9SS00DAREINGTOX n 6 134 8 S 93 S" 51 2!k Taplin O Turolc G S 73 i-3 SlP.V11 W 10 111 2 9 31 22 2"k an G ArchibdG A Robethan 5 G G 2S 1 93o09 PAUL CLIFFORD wn 13 310 5 5- S 6-k Gt 4. Borel T Kirk 35 30 30 Jr C XTandl8iHASZ: WB 111 7 1 1 VI 15 T Pickens W Gabriel 30 35 15 5 25 l?,AL wsr. 8 309 3 2 21 2 3 6nk Riddle H A Cotton 30 15 35 S 3 9.!7G NOVGOROD w 5 30G 9 4 . 4H 71 S 7 Rosen C Bogan "0 40 40 33 7 93439 RUBIA GRAXDA w 5 309 G 3 t 41 71 S J MclntvreT W Flynn il-3-" 11-54-5 -5 9312.!MATADOR . ...... w 111 10 7 71 9 9 9 W Fischer A C Henderson S 15 35 G 5 9CG11 HEATHER SCOTT w G 131 1 10 10 30 30 30 Ivirschm Oakland Stable 13 30 30 1" G Time, 24, 48. 1:15, 1:21. Track sloppy. A inner Ch. g, by Sir Hampton Gladeyes trained by .1. Tigue. .yV.SU.l? post at -:?4- At ,ost 4 lill"tts- xtiUt straggling. AYon driving; second and third the same r I.I..U t KSIILEP was off slowly, but. making up ground steadily, came fast iu the last quarter and outgamed DAltEINGTON at the end. The latter ran a good race, closed an immense gap and linished with a rush IMItLEIGH was speedy and ran well to the stretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. PAFL CLIFFOIM made up much ground into a close up and gaining fourth. TILLINGIIAST set a fast pace to the stretch and tired in the final drive. BPBIA GRANDA moved up menacingly on the last turn, then uiilt hull,- in the stretch. Scratched 93S0O Dargin. 113; 93730 Bucolic. 300. Overweights Paul Clifford. 4 pounds. Q 9 Q 7 FOtTRTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 7S2S9 1:11 3 130. Purse 00. 3-vear-oIds mil np- J O O I tj ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0: third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S C37S3JOIIN- H. SHEEHAN W 7 107 7 1 V 1 V in Kirschm J MCrane ., 4 4 tt, 7-10 93S29 EARLY TIDE wn G 10S 2 5 7 6 42 2 G Garner J Bobbins G 10 10 r, A C3457 ABE SLUPSKEY w 3 S9 3 2 2k 3 3i 32 Selden J Murnhv 50 m CO 0 10 93.-.S1 V EN ETA ST ROME w 5 107 4 4 52 4i 5 4 Taplin R J .Mackenzie . " 11-54-r, is P.-.,7.17NO QUARTER wsn 7 10S 5 ; 3 21 22 3?, W Fischer G Bassett G 30 10 " fiS 9SS0.1FERNANDO wn G 307 1 3 4? ! fi fi" J MclntyreR Frazier - i n 93S24HERETIC wn 3 90 G 7 G2 7" 7 7 I-Cederis C J Quinn 1" " 15 r," J; Time. 23, 47. 1:14. Track sloppy. !i inner Ch. g, by Rubicon Carilia trained bv J. Dixon. T,,,.".1 ; A?,.1. :,t-:!:.00- ,At l,,Bit - iniiiitis. Start gootl. Won driving: second and third the same. JOHN II. Ml K KHAN showed much the most speed and set : very fast pace, but tired and just lasted Ion" enough to win EARLY TIDE closed a big gap into a fast going second and would have won in another stride. ABE SUISKEY ran a good race throughout. VEX ETA ST BOM E ran fairlv well and lluMiril showed speed, but quit. FEBXAXDO was cut off on the liackstreteh and never puuuliKM Overweights Abe Slupskey. 1 pound; Veucta Strome. 2: Heretic. 2. O n CK 5F,,;"rl1 ACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 93580-1 :40-,-,-U4. Purse 00. 4-year-ohls J tj O t J and upward. .Selling. Xet value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 93SiSBEr.LEVlEV - ,w S 103 3 1 7 5 3 1 31 11 Kirschm J M Crane c, 10 10 :i -6.s 9.1752 PAMEIJ.-. s 4 90 1 3 1 31 1 IU 2k .1 CallahanD S Fountain 20 CO GO 0 30 9370S MERLINGO w S 109 G 5 5 42 4 4 3i Taplin TnipsonRineht 4 5 13-54-3 2-5 93C63KEEP MOVING w C 10S 7 C 42 3 21 25 43 .T MclnlyrcOakland Stable 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-3 out J3S2S GREBNBRIDGE "ws 5 109 4 S G3 7 Cnt 51 5 Riddle I II Miller 10 20 20 S 4 9363 YOUNG BELLE w 4 101 5 4 33 6"!: 7 G3 G3t. Gargan L W Bond 6 12 12 4 S-5 33443 NEBRASKA LASS Wn 5 101 2 2 2H 2 63 7 72u Buxton J J Connor 10 12 12 4 3-2 937S73OCEAN VIEW W 4 101 S 7 s" S S S S G Garner Beckwith Stable 12 20 20 S 3 Time. 25, 49, 1:14, 1:43. 1:44-. Track sloppy. Winner CIi. g, by Bel Dcmonin Gadabout, by Spendthrift trained by .1. Dixon. Went to post at .5:27. At post 1 minute. Start good. AVou driving; second and third the same. ; l.ELLEVIEW began slowly, but moved up quickly at the three-furlongs post and, finishing fast, won drawing clear. CAMERA set the pace gamely to the stretch and stood the final drive well. MERLINGO closed up rapidly in the liual sixteenth, but could not quite get up. KEEP MOVING quit badly when she appeared to have a good chance. NEBRASKA LASS and YOUNG BELLE showed speed, but failed to stay. Scratched 93S03 Massa, 103; 93S5S3E1 Paisano, 100. Overweights Bellevlew. 1 pound. SIXTn RACE 3-4 Mile. 7S2S9 1 :31 3 110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds. Selling. lOO I I Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Yi Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S P320O BANORELLA w 112 7 5 G1 5 23 1 J Glass G H Strate C S S 3 11-10 93612 MISS PICNIC w 100 S 1 4J 3J 3i 21 Gargan J Schreiber 25 16-516-56-5 1-2 93S03 WARFARE w 102 3 4 131 3 31 3s J MclntyreJ Umensctter S S G 2 1 37393DOMITHILDA WB 107 G 2 3 4! 43i Taplin B S Michell 2 2 S-5 7-101-3 S9009 INDIA STAR w 90 2 3 23 2"k 5s 5 Selden Givens and Balrd 20 100 100 40 20 03737 EULALIA MAY w 100 1 G G 61 6 63 Kederis A C Henderson S 30 30 10 4 9326S MELTONDALE ws 112 4 7 8 S 7 1- Leeds J Bobbins 3 5 4 2 1 93752 GYPSY GIRL w 94 5 8 7 7 S S J CallahanOrangevaleStable 20 50 50 20 8 Time, 24, 48, 1:14. Track sloppy. Winncrr B. f, by Bannockburn Sorella trained by G. II. Strate. Went to post at 3:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. BAN-, OltELLA ran in the middle division for a half, then brew up and, passing WARFARE in the final sixteenth, won in a canter. MISS PICNIC ran forwardly all the way and made a. game finish. WARFARE opened a leng lead quickly and set a fast pace to the stretch, but quit when challenged in tlio last sixteenth. DOMI-TI1ILDA and INDIA STAR showed speed, but tired in the stretch racing. MELTONDALE was badly outpaced. Scratched 93739 Lord Clinton, 100; 9373G3Lofty Heywood, 9G; 93730 Oswald B., 100; 92270 Southern Gold. 104. Overweights Warfare, 4 pounds; Domithihla, 4. JACKSONVILLE FORM CHART. JACKSONVILLE, FLA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1911. Moncrief Park. Forty-second day. Florida Live Stock aud "Agricultural State Fair Association. Winter Meeting of 111 days. 24 books on. Weather clear.. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, H. D. Brown. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of borse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. QQQftA FIRST RACE 1-4 Mile Straight. 8740922 2 112. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. tOOOv Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. lud Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 93674 IRISHTOWN W 107 4 1 11 1 Goose A B Gallaher 10 10 6 3 3-2 93S1S3EFFICIENCY w 10G 5 2 Si 2h Loftus R D Williams 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 MINCE JIMMIE w 118 2 5 4and 31 Gross G Gray 12 20 20 8 4 AMERICAN GIRL w 113 7 7 2and 4 Butwell L Leblond G 12 12 5 21 MAZARD W 107 3 3 51 5! McCahey T C McDowell 15 30 30 12 6 TRANQUILITY WB 104 13 11 7l McTagrt G P Chinn 4 5 4 2 6-5 93674 CULLY BURNETT W 112 1 C CI 7i Musgrve D Lehan S 10 7 3 S-5 NANNIE MDEE w 107 11 10 S S1 Hufnagel W H Fizer 30 40 40 15 8 93S1S LUCKY WISH w 109 12 12 10s 9l A Lang W Gerst 40 50 40 15 8 937J0 DREXEL HILL w 112 9 S 91 10l S Davis W Shields 4 6 5 21 6-5 93818 CHARLIE OBRIEN W HO G 4 51 ll3 Kohn T Abadie 100 100 100 40 20 93S1S LORD LEIGHTON w 112 10 9 32 12s Sweeney M Nicoll 15 0 15 6 3 JUDGE SALE W 10S S 13 13 13 Dagler B Schreiber 30 60 50 20 10 Time, 11, 23. Track fast. Winner Br. f, by Irish Lad Gold Mint trained by J. U. Gallaher. Went to post at 2:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. IIUSII- TOWN outbroke the others and dashed to the front in the first sixteenth, showed the most speed all the May and drew away at the end. EFFICIENCY ran forwardly from the start, but tired in the last sixteenth and finished in a hard drive to outstay MINCE JIMMIE. The latter finished gamely under punishment. AMERICAN GIRL showed speed, but tired finallv. MAZARD is a good looker and will probably improve. Scratched 93740 Sister Florence. Ill: 03740 Coletter. IPS: Froglegs. 110. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 8S522 1:00 8 112. Purse 400. 3-year-olds. tOODl Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S lOTlsSTARTLER WSB 103 6 5 5t k 32 13 McTagrt Mrs H H Selby 5 G 5 2 1 93771 CARDIFF wn 112 3 2 21 2J 22 2i Goldstein A G Weston 15 25 20 S 4 93K9S YNCA wb 107 2 3 lt l2 31 3s S Davis W P Burch 3 5 41 2 1 92S13 LTLY PAXTON wn 107 8 6 41 43 4 4h Musgrve R G Martin 6 S 31 2 1 93722 ZOOL ws 107 11 1 9l G a1 51 C Ross P F Gloss 20 25 25 10-4 934273OAKLEY w 109 5 7 7"t 71 81 6"t Obert F J Pons 21 31 3 6-5 3-5 92725 INDORA w 107 7 11 10l 91 9- 73 JNIcCahey G Griot 10 12 9 4 2 936322DANCEAWAY WB 107 9 10 6t 61 GJ Sl Goose A Weber 15 25 25 10 4 93741 MORNING SONG w 107 1 4 Sh S2 71 9 Butwell D Lehan 10 10 10 4 3-2 93771 MOPHANDLE wb 107 4 9 3 i 5t ll1 10l Warren C H Knebelkamp 100 150 150 60 30 9342S COMMON SENSE wn 104 12 S ll1 ll1 101 ll10 Gross J O Holder 40 50 50 20 10 93634 DEFINITE wb 103110 12 12 12 12 12 Loftus R D Williams 20 25 25 10 4 Time, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:08. Track fast. Winner Br. f, by Stalwart Rossa trained by H. n. Selby. Went to aost at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second and third the Panic. STARTLER ran in forward contention to the stretch turn, where she was taken to the outside and. finishing with a rush, won drawing clear. CARDIFF ran in closest pursuit of YNCA for the first half and wore Hie latter down for second place in the final furlong. YNCA showed much speed iu pacemaking and drew away while rounding the far turn, but tired under a hard final drive. LILY PAXTON ran fairly well. ZOOL closed a gap. OAKLEY ran below his true form. Scratched 93494 Evia, 102. Overweights Startler. 1 iwnnd: Mophandle. .: Definite. 38. . . , QQQO THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. SS57G l:314f 7 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. tOO04 Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 93701 COUNTY TAX w 102 4 1 3k 21 2B ll Goose R N Smith 4 41 4 4-5 out 93789 ANTENOR wn 105 3 4 2 l1 Ink 2 Loftus W P Austin 3J 4 1G-51-5 out 93159THE NIGGER w 109 1 2 4; 412 33 3 McCahey T R Condran 4-5 ll-109-102-5out 93550 GROVER HUGHES W 115 5 3 H 3 4 4i Musgrve J M Barker 5 10 9 21 4-6 93713 T. H. M BRIDE WB 100 2 5 5 5 5 5 Bauer J Cranor 50 100 100 30 6 Time. 23. 47. 1:13. Track fast. Winner B. g, by Garry Herrmann Tactful trained by J. Everman. Went to post at 3:01. At post 3 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second and third driving. COUNTY TAX was taken back and saved in the eariy running, then moved up with a rush while rounding the far turn and drew away easily in the last furlong. ANTENOR showed much the most andiecd for five furlongs niul tired in the last sixteenth. THE NIGGER was sharply cut off at the half-mile post and was forced to pull up. G ROVER HUGHES showed early speed, but tired badly as if short. Scratched 37012Eilda. 109. AQQPQ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. SSGS0 -1:89 4 102. Lake City Selling Stakes. Value vOOUO ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 93262GLUCOSE w 5 104 3 2 DS 1 1 l3 32 Loftus R D Williams 41 6 G- 9-5 4-5 93653 MARY DAVIS wb 5 114 7 G 2"w 21 2 2 2s Butwell L P Doerhofer 6 7 G 2 7-10 9:fT42TOM HAYWARD wb 5 111 6 7 7 7 7 63 32 McTagrt J W Schorr 31 41 4 1 2-5 93S212FRIEND HARRY WB 5 110 5 4 51 C2 C3 51 41 Musgrve W H Fizer 1 G-5 9-102-5 out 93651 BAD NEWS II. wb 3 92 1 1 3l Sh 3" 3l 5 McCahey L Johnson 15 "25 25 S 3 S3601QN MARGUERITE SB G 104 4 3 G2 G2 CI 7 Gl Gordon F Starita 30 50 40 15 5 93651 MISS NETT w 3 100 2 5 42 4 4 41 7 Gross G Gray 12 20 20 7 3 Time, 24, 48, 1:13, 1:39. Track fast. Winner B. h, by Watercress Sweet trained by II. Marshall. Went to post at 3:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. GLUCOSE outbroke his opponents and, opening an easy lead on the backstretch, showed great speed and easily held his advantage when MARY DAVIS challenged. The latter was In closest pursuit under restraint to the stretch turn and made a resolute effort when called on. but could not get to the loader. TOM HAYWARD closed a big gap steadily and came fast in the last furlong. FRIEND HARRY ran a poor race that should lie thrown out. BAD NEWS II. and MISS NETT ran well for three-quarters and tired. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to ,205 and bought in. Scratched 93599 Ben Double. 100. QQQA1 FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. SS570 1:11 7 105. Purse 00. 4-yoar-olds and up-tOOO Jt ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 93773;ALF. THE GREAT W 4 114 5 5 53 32 l2 Is Loftus R D Williams 1 G-5 7-101-3 out 937922FULFORD wsr. 5 10S 7 1 41 41 4 2nk A Lang G H Holle C 10 10 3 G-5 93744EYE "WHITE W 4 106 1 3 1and l"t 23 32 Musgrve W H Fteer 7 10 10 . 3 6-5 93S43 NIGHT MIST w 6 101 3 7 7 6nt 6nt 41 C Ross H A Freeland 30 CO 50 20 8 93772MARK ANTONY II. sn 8 109 2 4 3" rl 5l 5k McCahey C K Lyman 10 20 15 5 S-5 93792ALL RED wn 5 111 G Ci 7 7 G2 Butwell G Land G 7 7 3-2 3-5 93725 FLORIMEL W 5 IOC 4 2 23 21 31 7 S Davis Tt Bauer S 8 G 2 1 Time, 23, 47, 1:13. Track fast. Winner B. c, by Cesarion Anecdote trained by II. Marshall. AVent to post at 3:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won cantering; second and third driving. ALFRED THE GREAT ran well back under restraint to the far turn, then moved. up rapidly and drew away with a rush in the homestretch. FULFORD closed a gap in the stretch and finished fast through the last furlong. EYE WHITE set a fast pace, but was mucli used in racing FLORIMEL into defeat and tired in the stretch. FLORIMEL showed speed, but quit. ALL RED ran a dull race. NIGHT MIST finished fast and is good, but was outclassed here. The winner, entered for ,000, was bid up to ,505 and bought O O Q d PC SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. SSS94 1 :45 4 100. Pnrsc 00. 4-year-olds and up-uOODO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind- Horses AWtPPSt 14 y2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 9222BREVITE w 4 105 9 6 23 23 21 21 1 Bauer M Foley 8 10 7 3 7-5 93J97 BEAU BRUMMEL wn 7 103 7 4 lJ l1 l1! I1 2 Hufnagel F Gering- Sr 20 30 25 10 5 03820HEART PANG wn 4 103 1 3 Gl 51 4 32 3s Gross J R Marquette Jr4 S 7 21 1 9M597 SARABAND Wsb 4 3S 3 2 41 S1 51 4 4 McCahey M Nicoll 8 10 7 2h G-5 936..". TEN PACES w 4 106 2 1 7" 8 G"t 5s 52 A Walsh M "Dooloy 10 15 15 5 21 93770MADELINE L. W 4 100?. 8 9 S3 7ni 7and 61 63 Obert 1 J Pons S 12 12 4 2 93S47 STAROVER wb 4 106 G 8 10 10 10 Sl 7"t Goose W Shields 20 30 30 12 G 93S23 HIBERNICA w 4 106 10 7 31 41 55 7"i S1 Hopkins MissAMMarrone 50 60 60 20 10 P349S CAMPAIGNER wn 7 111 5 10 9l 9l 91 94 9 S Davis O L Richards 2 3 2 6-5 3-5 93351 NORBITT w G 111 4 5 51 C1! 61 10 10 Butwell W S House 4 5 4 2 1 Time, 24. 49, 1:14, 1:41, 1:48. Track fast-Winner B. e. by Miller Garnet B. trained by H. Bowers. Went to post at 4:13. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same BREVITE ran in closest and game pursuit of the pacemaker to the stretch turn, then moved up resolutelv and, wearing BEAU BRUMMEL down, ontgamed him in the final drive. The latter showed a fine turn of fipced in pacemaking for seven furlongs and tired when challenged, but finished gamely. HEART P VNG met with interference while rounding the first turn and was crowded back, then closed up into a close un third. SARABAND ran well to the stretcii and tired. TEN PACES finished well. MADELINE L ran poorlv. HIBERNICA showed speed. CAMPAIGNER was never prominent. Overweights Madeline L.. 2i pounds.