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BEDWELL CASE STILL HANGS FIRE. Members of Kentucky State Racing Commission Unable to Agree on Course to Be Pursued. Lexington, Ky., January SO. The Kentucky State Racing Commission, all present except Chairman E. F. Clay, met here today and allotted to the Kentucky Association eleven days, from Saturday. April 29, to Thursday. May 11, inclusive, for the meeting at the local track. Action on the applications of the New Louisville Jockey Club and the Latonia Jockey Club was deferred until Tuesday, February 21, to which time the commission adjourned. Imisvillc has asked for twenty-five days, from Saturday, May 13. to Saturd.iv, June 10. Latonla wants thirty-one days, from Tuesday, May ."0. to Tuesday. July 4. Secretary indwell wis instructed to notify the officials of these tracks of the conflict in the dates requested and tosk them, to amend their applications. The several rules ami amendments to the rules were discussed, but action was deferred until the next meeting. There appears to be a disposition in the commission to do away with stakes of the guaranteed variety unci to induce the race track managers to give larger purses and increase the distances of the races-. The case of If. G. ISedwell was as usual discussed, but there was no motion to reopea it. The commissioners want to do something for the relief of this man, but they are not agreed as to what is best to lie done. Col. Milton Young favors the reinstatement of Mr. ISedwell and all of his horses, feeling that he has been sufficiently punished. George J. Long is is of the opinion that the case should be referred back to Judge Charles F. Price, who ruled him off. Johnson N. Camden stands for an amendment of the rule which would permit of the reinstatement of the horses without lifting the ban from Mr. Bed-wcll. Maj. Fox hall Daingcrtield believes that it would be a grave mistake to tamper with the rule. Colonel Clay, in a letter to Colonel Young, sent his proxy to be voted for Mr. Bedwells relief.