Tampa Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1911-01-31

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TAMPA FORM CHART. TAMPA, FLA., Monday, January 30, 1911. TWenty-tif th day. Florida State Midwinter Fair As-tociation. Winter miietlhg of GO days. 3 books on. Weather clear. Presiding, Judge1, J. J. Burke. Starter, "William Mprray. Itacing Secretary, E. C. Smith. 94238 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 8S241 1:092 4-110. Purse 50. 4Tyear-oidB arid-. upward. Selling. JNet value to winner 110; second, 5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 94155 Uncle Jim 112 IS FJkan 2. 21 1 1-2 94125 T. B. Spears 103 24 Irvin lo 10 4 2 94124Herman Doyle 115 3 ilcCly -5 7 23 1 941G0 Donation 105 41 CWhite 10 13 0 3 94101Shephds Song 9S El Gerndo 5 5 2 1 94127 Johnny Wise 108 C- AMtin C 7 25 0-5 04101 Polly Lee 10G 7 JBgen 2.1. 3 i-5 3-5 91190 Claiborne 107 S Quinln 15 20 S 4 9419G Otto Stifel 109 U Trxler 4 4 2 1 941G0 Colnio 110 109 McAle 30 SO 20 10 91118. Little Lighter. 115. 11. Goines 100 100 40 20 . : e : Time. S5?J 52".l:06, l;ia. Track ood. .Winner Mrs. -JL J. ODonnells di. g. .". by In goJdsby-Miss .ArodLsli trained by M. J. OUounell Went to iHst at 2:34. At post 1 minut Star gooil. Won driving: second and third tbe same Scratched 91154 Bestless Lady. 100. Overweights Otto Stifel, 2 pounds. 94239 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. SS241 1:092 4 109. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 941C.l Sandy Hill 109 in Winkd 3 V, C--5 8-f. 94190 Lucky Mate 110 2 Donvn I 21 -5 91193 E. T. Shiiip 112 Troxlr 3 5 2i 6-5 94190 Regards 112 4 Jensen 5 5 2 I 941CO Ameron 103 51 Irvin 6 7 2i 0 5 , 94157 Chief Hayes 10S C AMws 10 10 4 2 iMl.KlDandy Dancer 111 J 72 Fpton 2 23 1 12 1 94Hil Blak Domino 110 Sl. Hoffn 3 fi 2 1 94192 II. of liycintbllO li LMcCc 6 10 4 2 91100 Ch. Hamilton 110 10 CKnht 10 10 4 2 94127 Melzar 110 It Ralph 5 7 2J. C-5 Time, 2SV4. 52"5, 1:0SJ, 1:12. Track good. Winner E. McCloskeys b. g. 5. bv Bute Sandola trained by T. .M. Kent. Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 94077: Boserrian, 117. Overweights Chief Hayes, 1 pound; Dandy Dancer, 1J. Charlotte Hamilton, T. 94240 Third Race 5-S Mile. SS344 1:031 3 91. Purse S150. 3-year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 5: third. 515. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PL Sh. 941G2 Robert Bruce 107 l1 TKner 7-101-2 out 94192 Bche Frances 110 21 MeAle 30 30 10 2 9412S Big Osage 110 ;: AMtin 2 2 1-2 out 0392S Crv Babv " 107 4 Hlmes 10 10 4 2 Zlipah 107 51 JMcCy 10 10 4 2 94t02Rodman 107 r Jensen f 4 3S out Time. 27i. 53. 1:06. Track good. Winner W. O. Joplins br. g. by Henry Young Provident trained by N. En-right. Went to post at 3:21. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 94190 Blair Raggley, 110; 932SI JL M. Sabath. 107. Oviiinveights Rlanche Frances. 5 pounds: Cry Baby. 2. 94241 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 8GS20 1:10; S 113. Purse 50. 3-yoar-olds and Upwaitl. Allowances. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PL Sh. 94121 Horicon 111 li EGrifn 3-2 3-5 out 94054Elizabethan 100 21 TKner 3-2 3-2 1-2 out 93935 Moutagnie 105 :: DMhy 10 15 C 2 94121Sandiver IOO 4 Winkd 4 4 -." 12 94120 Profile 108 5 AMws 10 15 C 2 94074 Charley StniuslOO 6 Irvin 10 15 C 2 94079 Easy Life 99 7 Dreyer 15 20 S 3 Time. 26, 51;,, 1:19. Track good. Winner W. F. Kings b. c, 4, by Rockton Burnt Hills trained by W. F. King. Went to post at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won eafiily: second and third driving. Scratched 93525 Jolly. 105; 94121 Cherokee Hose. 97: 94147 Shawnee. .102. Overweight Profile. 1 pound: Easy Life, 4. 94242 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. SGS20 1:16! S 113. Purse .50. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value- to winner 10; second, 5; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PL Sh. 94129Teddv Bear 115 1 .VM ws C-5 .4-5 1-2 out 94157Clysiiiic 107 2 Jensen 3 3 1 out 94195Tony W. 113 3s Pickett S-5 2 3 5 out 94193 B. J. Swannerl07 45 Davpt 15 15 5 2 94195Grenade 110 5l Winkd 3 3 1 out 94039 Huskv 107 0 O Ienk 15 20 C 2 Time. 25V4. 51?, 1:19?J. Track good. Winner J. B. Bryans b. g, 5. by Gold Heels-Helen IT. II. trained by 15. C Evaps. Veut to post at 4:1S. At post 5 minutes. Start goMl. Won. easily; .second -and third driving. OVerweigiits II. J. Swanner,; 3 pounds. 94243 Sixth Race 1 1-10 MUci. 93691 1 :53i I 104. Purse 30. 3-yearrolds. and upward. Selling. Not value to .winner 10; second, 3; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PL Sh. 94073 Hoi-ire E. 109 1 PHKg 3 23 1 1-2 940S1 Bethlehem 109 2 Dreyer 6 3 C-3 3-5 94075 Carthage 109 3" JCgen C 3 0-3 "J-5 941972Golden Castle 109 4 EGrifn S-5 6-3 1-2 1-4 04201Varien 104 -3l Quinln 2" 4 3-2 1-2 94119 San Gil 107 6l AMtin 6 4 S-3 4-3 9415G Explicit 92 7 Winkd 15 15 6 2 Time. 26J, 53, 1:21?4, 1:50, 1:56. Track good. Winner P. J. Reillys cii. g, 7, by Raunockburn .Miss Lynah trained by P. J. Roilly. Went to iost at 4:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. Overweight Golden Castle. 5 pounds; San Gil, 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911013101/drf1911013101_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1911013101_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800