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MESSENGER BOY WINS AGAIN. Tampa, Fla.. February 2S. Eugene" Lutz good colt. -Messenger Boy. came back today and achieved another victory. The manner in which he won Impressed the horsemcii. There was a big slump in speculation. Had it been more voluminous the layers would have reaped a big profit. J. F. Sweeney, the young AVashingtonian who is gathering a stable to camalgii at Jamestown, Marltioro and Baltimore, added to it today by purchasing Sweet Owen aud Tom Shaw. Secretary E. C. Smith received a letter today from Robert Leighton announcing that there would be twenty-eight days of racing at Vancouver, B. C, and fourteen days at Aictoria. E. AA". Moore has transferred his contract on jockey Quinlan to J. IL AAaggoner. J. A. Strode has purchased Sanetim from C. B. Patterson. Horsemen here are greatly encouraged by the reiwirJs that favorable racing legislation is in prospect in various parts of the country. AVhile it has been announced that racing would be prolonged here until March 25. it by no means follows that this will be the closlug date. Should conditions warrant a continuance the meeting will go on indefinitely, or up to the time that the Florida anti-betting laws become operative on May 1. The prolonged continuance hero will naturally preclude a return to Pensacola. Many think a return there would be expensive and unprofitable to the management and horsemen". The transportation of at lensl 200 horses would entail an outlay of ,000. and at most of this sum would have to be defrayed by the association until the owners could win It out it would start the management off a big losr." with unlikely prospects of a return on the investment, in view of the disappointing experience during the last ineetiug at Pensacola,