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OFFICIALS FOR CANADIAN MEETINGS. The list of officials for the approaching meeting of the Hamilton Jockey Club comprises Joseph A. Murphy, steward: .1. J. Burke, presiding judge; Francis Nelson, associate judge: A. B. Dade, starter; F. w. Qerhardy, dark of the scales ami handicapper; F. Elmore, paddock and patrol judge. The official roster for the Fort Lrio meeting is made up of E. W. Maginn. steward: Francis Nelson, presiding judg: Horace Lerch, associate judge; e. w. Msglnn, handicapper, E. W. Mi-Bride, clerk of the scales; K. Limine, paddock judge; A. B. Dade, starter, and B. W. Mills, tinier. For the Windsor meeting the officials will he: Presiding judge. Charles F. Price; associate judge. Francis Nelson; starter, A. B. Dade: clerk of tho scales. F. W. Gorh.-irdy : haiidieappors. Charles F. Price, w. o. Parmer, Francis Nelson; secretary, w. I. Partner.