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BARNEY SCHREIBERS HORSES IN TRAINING. Barney Schreiber. who now enjoys the distinction of owning more thoroughbreds than anybody else in this country, has thlrty-ntoe hersej in training at Woodlands Farm in Missouri at the present time. There are among the lot numerous near relatives ot horses that have attained tame on rues courses in all parts of America and that have done their part iu making a reputation for Mr. Sehreibers noted niiis. ry for thoroughbreds. The list of the horses in training at Woodlands, where Mr. Sehreiher now is. follows: Apiaster. b. 0. l hy Bannockbuni -Lady Churchill. Baden, b. g, 2. hy Sain — Derfargilla . Benediction, ch. c, -. hv Bannockburn — Clicquot. Bogart. fir. g. 1. hy lianiioekbiu 11 telle Ward. Cororter, br. f, 2. hy Ceaarlou Bretnel. Dont Say No. h. c, 2. by Joe Carey — Proposal. Reatino, b. f. 2. hy Sain — Mayflower. Good Cook, h. I. 2. hv Sain Miss Maker. Ilellee, b. f. 2. by Sain— Almee Abbott. Ilughie Quinn, lir. e. 2. by Sain Lady Helen.-. Jack DriscoU, b. e, 2. hv Sain— Miss Modish. Jack Malum, br. c, 2, by Deutschland Mrs. Brunei]. Joe. Cantrcll, b. c, 2, by Lamplighter Native Daughter. little Ernie, but. c. 2, by Sain — Pubescent. Little Paul. b. g. 2. by Sain— Pranks. Montilnno. Dr. c, 2, by Sain — Lisp. Mr-. Wagner, b. 1 ,2. by Sain - I.alshot. Patron Saint -h. f. 2. by Bain — Patroness. Bidgeland, ch. c, 2. hv Deutschland- -Parkridge. Senary, but, f. 2. hv Sain— St. Rosa. Saintly, eh. f. 2, by Deutschland Ohio Belle. Sarcona, b. g. 2. hy Sempronius Rose Thorn. Sehioeder. h. g, 2, by Balgowan -Coll. en Pawn. Beelhnch, b. c, 2. by Deutschland Bather R 1. sergeant Kirk, en. e, 2. by Balgowan — Grand Lady. Sheriff Gruninger, blk. c, 2, by Deutschland — Laura F. Sparkling Water, h, c, 2, by Deutschland — Appo-lonia. Slrathlad. b. c. 2. by Yorkshire Lad— Slratlunaid. Tayoiia. b. f. 2. by Deulschlaud— Caroline Hamil ton. Top Notchcr, br. c, 2, by Deutsciiland — High Stepper. 1 1110. b. f. 2. by Joe Carey — Ursula. Virgil C, b. g, 2, by Sempronius— Enid. Witness, b. e, 2. by Deutschland —Testimony. Ann Schuyler, hr. f. :!, by Sain— Sister Ella. Cailyle If., br. g. : . by Sain — Parkridge. Clara W.. ch. f. :l. hy Sir Hercules- Grand Shot. Flo Coleman, br. f, .!, by Sain — Uncle Bobs Sister. Mal.el Hito, ch. f, ::. hy ISaimoekbui 11 — Sister Jo-sephine. Animus, hr. g, 7. by Lord Esterling — Animoso.