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NOTES OF THE TURF. K. F. Miller has shipped Topland. Romp and Night .Mist from l.atonia to Hamilton. There are about forty horses on Secretary Mil-ginns list of throwouts at l.atonia that will receive the preference at next time of entry. Bicliard Dwyer has accepted an appointment as starter for the fall meeting of the Couer dAlcnc Fair and Racing Association on its new track beginning Sopteinlier 11. E. R. Bradley has sixteen sucklings at Idle Hour Farm this season. Eleven of them are colts. One is by the Futurity winner. Yankee, and the rest are by the California sire, Cunard. Harry La Montagues The Baron finished third in the race foe the Prix du Chalonnais, of S.888 francs, at Saint Oucn in Fiance Saturday. Five horses ran and OLoary had the mount on the American horse. OSSM 188 of the 880 stalls to be built at the new track near Bpokane, Wash., have been completed. Some farmers of the locality may go in for the breeding of thoroughbreds as a result of the estab lishment of racing there. W. OX Panuer has twenty yearlings at Edenwold Stud which he expects to sell in Canada. Fifteen are by The Commoner and five by Lord Ksterling. A colt by The Commoner — Bessie McCarthy he regards as the most promising of the lot. David C. Johnson, best known on the turf as the owner of the sensational Besebon. lies dangerously ill at his home. 310 West Seventy-ninth street. New York City. lie was noted as one of the heaviest plungers on the New York tracks during the period Immediately preceding the passage of the Hart Agnew law. At chantilly. France. Sunday. June 4, Frank ONeill, the American jockey, rode three winners, two seconds and a third in six races. Sumter, another American jockey, won the Prix do Diane French Oaksl. worth 7,801, on M. A. Aumonts Rose Verte, by Elf — Rose Nini, which, was at 915 to 100 in the betting. S. C. Hildreth, who scratched Zeus from the Hamilton Derby in order to lot his contract jockey, C. H. Shilling, ride R. T. Wilsons Nausnon. is reported to have backed the latter unsuccessful horse to the extent of ,000. This leads a Canadian exchange to remark: "So much for inside information. which many speculators are so eager to oh tain." Leoace Fuller, a well-known gentlemen rider who fell from Magnolia in taking the Liverpool jump at the Brookline meeting Saturday, died at the Massachusetts General Hospital without regaining consciousness. He was formerly assistant corporation counsel of New York County and was a partner with Lathrop Brown iu the ownership of Planter, Nastar dOr, Qragjon and other horses. Arrangements have been made by which Vancouver. B. C. racing, which began June 10 at Minoru Park under the auspices of the Vancouver Jockey Club, will bo continued this week and next. The British Columbia Thoroughbred Association has changed its dates to cover the present week and then the Victoria Country Club will immediately follow wilh its second meeting transferred to Minoru Park froiu the Willows track at Victoria. This will give Vancouver thirty five days of racing. It is assorted that former jockey John J. Mc-Cafferty, who is now at l.atonia. will soon again figure iu racing as an owner and trainer. He is negotiating for a band of yearlings raised by a leading Kentucky breeder and if the deal goes through ho will have a big string in training in 1912. Mr. McCaiTerty once raced one of the greatest strings of horses ever handled by a jockey and Won many races and much money. Some of the noted horses he raced were Aloha. Hugh Penny. Helen Nichols, Apptegate, Winged Foot. Kitefoot, Red Taral, Giveaway and Qaeenhi Trowbridge.