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WELL-KNOWN RACING OFFICIAL DEAD. Col. Samuel Marshall Apperson, who was associated with Col. M. Lewis dark in the stand at Washington Park, and who served as presiding judgfl at Hawthorne and Worth, died Saturday at his homĀ« in Johnson. Ark., after a lingering illness. Burial took place yesterday at Little Rock, Ark. Colonel Apperson was born in Mount Sterling, Kv.. In IBM and removed to Arkansas several years later. He held a | osition under Pn-sidont Roosevelts admini -tratioa as an official assayer at the Philadelphia! mint and for years was a prominent tigtaje on southern and western tracks. For ! time he resided in Kansas City during a venture in the brokerage business. He was a member of the Memphis Jockev club and the Tennessee club, mid a personal friend of apt. J. If. Rees of Memphis. Two daughters who were educated at Waterman Hall at Monmouth, 111., survive him.