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BUTWELL SUCCESSFUL LN RUSSIA. New Yolk. June 20. — One of the latest American Jockeys to acoce a prononneed success on foreign courses is James Butwell. who rode with success for Janes R. Keeae la this country. Buiwell is now la the employ of Count Lazaicff. who races probably the beat stable in Russia. He was engaged at the suggestion of S. S. llowland, and out of the first eighteen races that he rode abroad he lost only three. A recent winning ride was in the Warsaw Derby. Besides Ibis rich stake he has won the Empress Prize and the Produce Stakes, two of the rich Russian fixtures. In the running of the Empriss Prize a peculiar ruling was made after Butwell had won witli the Laaarefl starter. The stewards decided that the pace had been too slow for the tirst VOtat and it was -ailed no contest, making it BCCSs s.iry to run it over again. This was not the only time Batweil came under the displeasure of the stewards, and for OSM offense he was threatened with a suspension of bis license for fifteen days. The ruling would doubtless have been made had It not been for the influence of bis employer, who Is a steward of the Jockey Club. Butwell had been fined 100 rabies for "bothering" another rider in a race at Warsaw on the utcoad day of the meeting. Later whan lie was carried into tlft- fence in a race he took the law into his own hands, and after dismounting proceeded to whip the offender in real American slv le. It was for this offense that the suspension was threatened, hut he escaped by paying a fine of :;ih rubles. Of the American jockeys still in Russia Joe Pig-got t, who several years ago rode for Edward Corri-gan, when the master of Hawthorne raced oue of the best stables in the west, is riding in trotting races. Jockey Hoar has been riding successfully for several seasons, and the services of Joe Rich aids are still in great demand on the Russian tracks. Heinle Homer, an American who was riding in Russia, lias gone to Paris, where there are more frequent opportunities.