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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. c. li.. si. Louis. Mo. Oklahoma remits will be published from time to time. s. O., st. Louis. Mo. Give your name sad make your uuerj noce nnderatsndablc. lb iiiv P... Chicago. Dick Baker Inning failed to win. the bets on tin other horses did not go. H. p.. Berlin, out. Since Whist did not atari there was no ••winnings" to go ,.n Gala tine and the Pet was ■ draw. Win. -T. S.. Chicago. Cannot Inform you until Salt Lake prices shall pave I., en ■reared, which may not be until several days have passed. Man] Inquirers, Chicago and elsewhere. Daily Baring loim will endeavor to secure Bail Lake prices of hist Saturday and If roccesafnl will publish tin in .is speidih as m.i.v be possible.