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MONTREAL STAKE ENTRIES NUMBER 197. Montreal, Que.. August 11. A recapitulation oC the entries for the eight stakes to be run during the fall meeting or the Montreal Jockey Club shows a total of 197 nominations. This is far in advanco of tlie record of any previous seasou and the clasa of the horses is much superior even to that of last spring, which was the most successful meeting in the history of the club. Three of the eight fixtures are for Canadian liorses. One is for the Derby Cup, which is over a distance of one and three-quarter miles. This was won a year ago by Joseph E. Seagrams Crnche dOr. which is named again thia season. The other two for Canadian horses are for Piovincc-breds, one being the Kings Plate, which has an added value of ,200. having been Increased since its last running. In this there are eight named, all- of which are now being given careful preparation at Blue Bonnets. This is probably the best field that has ever started for the Kings Guineas here, going to show the improvement in the class of the locally-owned horses. The open events have attracted tlie best horses now racing in America, including many new coiners. The two events through the steeplechase field have filled better than in previous years and there will be no scarcity of jumpers here tills fall. Tlie Hendrle Memorial, which will have its first . running as a stake event, lias attracted twenty-six. The Strath-cona Steeplechase has an entry of thirty-one, which is an increase of six over any previous year. There, are now nearly a hundred horses at Blue Bonnets, and they are being "one along witli steadily. Tbey are far advanced in condition and will be fit and ready, by race day. There are over six hundred stalls at the course, so there will lie no crowding this fall. Many improvements have been made to the plant since the spring meeting, the most important of all being tlie remodeling of the stables. There promises to be a greater number of layers! here this fall than ever before, due to many having come to the Canadian circuit during the summer months. Mortimer M. Malioney will have charge of the ring and looks for a successful season. The. following are the eight stakes which recently closed and the number or entries made In each: Stake and Conditions. Entries. Hochelaga Handicap, for two-year-olds, 000 added: 3-4 mile 35 Earl Grey Cup, for three-year-olds and over, ,200 added; 1 1-4 miles ... 3G Derby Cup. for three-year-olds and over, the bona fide property of a British subject -resident in Canada, handicap, ,000 added; 1 3-4 miles 12 Champlain Stakes, for three-year-olds and over, selling. ,000 added; 1 mile 44 Stratheona Steeplechase, for four-year-olds and over, handicap, ,000 added; about 2 1-2 miles 4. at Hendrie Memorial Steeplechase, for four-year-olds and over, handicap, ,200 added; about 3 miles 2G Provincial Nursery, for two-year-olds owned, foaled and raised in the Province of Quebec, 1911.sh00 added; 5-S mile S Kings Plate, for three-year-olds and over owned, foaled and raised in the Province of Quebec, ,200 added; 1 1-4 miles 8