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BUSINESS INTERESTS RALLY PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN OF CHARLESTON MEET AND ENDORSE RACE TRACK. Resolutions Adopted Approving Plans of F. J. Pons and His Associates in Racing "Venture Move to Obtain Support of the Local Press. Charleston, S. C, December 14. Between live and six hundred men, including many prominent business men. met last night in the lower hall of the Cernian Artillery Building for the puriosc of endorsing the Cliarleston Fair and Racing Association and the nice track whieh is now being eonstrueted bv the asso vint ion at West, just outside the city limits. That the sentiment of the meeting was entirely in favor f the establishment of the race track was shown liy the fact that all action taken by the meeting was unanimous. Important resolutions were adopted and several of those present delivered extemporaneous seeelies. The meeting had been called by Messrs. 0. G. W. Marjenhoff, Harry L. Wilensky, Julius I. Kocster and F. I". Duffy, Jr. .Mr. Marjeiihorf acted as temporary chairman and was elected permanent chairman. The proceedings were conducted in the most orderly manner and all action wis taken in a parliamentary way. Chairman Marjenhoff announced that the meeting had lteon called to ascertain whether the business people of Cliarleston wanted to endorse the race track and he declared that as a business man he was ready to give it his support. The meeting was addressed by John Marshall, I.. . OXeill, William M. Bird, L. C. A. Roessler, I.. A. Cassidy. M. O. Sbaughnessy, Harry L. Wilensky. W. E. Hughes, James Livingston and Walter Nelson. All the speeches were received with great enthusiasm and the following resolutions were adopted by rising votes: "We, the undersigned, business men and citizens of Charleston, endorse the Charleston Fair and Racing Association in planning to hold a winter meeting at West, this county. We believe that this enterprise will prove a wonderful stimulus to the business of this city and that its promoters should receive the god will and cooperation of every progressive citizen of Cliarleston." k It was decided to publish a petition in the local fclailics, leaving space in the advertisement for signatures and thus give the public an opportunity to ex-pi tress itself in favor of the enterprise. It is under-r stood that several hundred signatures have already been received. It was further resolved that a copy of the resolutions Iks sent to each member of the Charleston county delegation to the General As ticmbly. The meeting then expressed formal approval of a petition which is being ciiculated among advertisers, in which the daily press is asked to consider the race track favorably or at least not to agitate against it. Horses are coming in rapidly and there are now a hunt 350 stabled on the grounds. With the addition Of the Columbia contingent and those that will ship from Kentucky, Washington and Norfolk it is assumed that there will not be a scarcity of horses here this winter. The stakes which close on Saturday. December 1C, will contain the names of some- of the best horses now in training in this country.