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l 1 1 ■ • 1 __ MISSOURI BREEDING BUREAU STALLION. St. Louis. Mo.. January 39. — Another valuable stallion has been added to the breeding bureau for army remounts in Missouri. Joseph A. MurpbV yt sterday received word from Mai. Thomas c. McDowell iit Lexington that he bad secured for bin the stallion Maxio. by Maxim out of Precioss. The horse was bred by J. P. Haggin. the millionaire copper king, and is said to 1«- a superb Individual. Maxio never raced. Dill hi- form was o good, his breeding so fashionable, and his individuality so impressive that he was reserved for the stud. His sire, imported Maxim, a son of the great Musket, was winner of three races as a two year old and Wi i all his races a- a three year-old including the Canterbury Cup and Derby. Precioss was a tin- race marc. Behind her in some of her race- finished such horses a- The Raid. Dry Mouopole, Ben AH, Plue Wing and other-. Maxio i- the -ire of Daw- Ala Nav. winner of over 313.909, Bismarck. Peter .L. Padua. Maxtose. Masedo, Bombardier, Voltage, Maxetta. Sultrv. Colin-. Dowapatrick. Maxnai. I.cad.r. Mabel Hollander. Muxtrcss, Ha Una. Blue Byes, Dresden, Dry Dollar. Maxim Gorky. Tanana and others. Major McDowell had tin- choice of Montana. Horatio. Bute and Maxio. and -elected the latter. He will be shipped to Missouri th" coming week. There are so many applications foe stallions that some difficulty will be found in making a choice a- to winie to place him.