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• I f ■ 1 • ; « , • d SECOND SECOND RACE RACE — — 1 1 Mile. Mile. 3-vear-olHs 3-year-olds nnil and imword upward. Selling. nuum MM8— 1:87%— 1 .o7:. -- ,„., . 0—122. 1lnMt,?.•,rl• e 4 I"? . . By Macy or Major Daingerfleld— ManettiefL.H.EzelM 1114 Juarea 1 .,..MM l:« fast 10 10.1010 7 G 3» 3H Gross 10 Don Diego. Ouatassa SamBarlhT 1068 Juarea 11:42 fast 4 107 7 5 5 7 94 Moteawh 10 PIpeVision Skillute Minnolette 1046 Juarea 1 l:401 fast 8 M7 14 4 6 41 3" Taplln 7 So back. Sina F rn L 1011 Juarea 1 i 1:41 fast 10 107 4 5 3 2 7 7"|Sroall 0 Coppers Sam harb -r. |,.„ c.cas ©990 Juarea 1 1:421 good 10 103 6 6 7 7 5* 543 C H Miller S Ti , Jadge. Sona Ben lie s 9W3S 1 Juarea 7-8 1:28| fast 11-S 110 6 M 1 4 8* ji" Moleswh 10 BlaekMate, ji„ Mc c Less Juarez 1 l :448 slow 8 105 1 5 3 1 l«a g» nUxton 8 Miss Korn? B. OldneldC Oeilco 99812 Juarea 3-4 1:13 fast 40 101 6 7 7 6 8»|C H Miller 7 HeiiryWalbank. LaayMacy, Oxt-t 91..., Juarez 1 i-ib 1:481 good 12 103 3 3 3 3 7 8"JBuxton 8 Hanuis. Sam I.arlH-r. J. Caffe rata " 99747 Juarea 3-4 1:14 fast 15 103 S 10 9 9 C Ortnes 10 Chanticlor. J.Cabin ss. J Hen r. .,v;Vias iVS S2 7 _ *S and 9 7 9 9 Thi Iienry 10 Leo» old- ««K«r£ K-pMevi,, .. " olVA f?Sl ,?i 4 6 WofreVtOB, Shawnee. LM.F.eken M4o8 Dallas 7-8 1:34 slow— 114 6 8 Zaadla Transparent Nil, y.Cand0 Dallas 7-8 1:281 good — 105 1 Small 4 Lodestone I Dlion C. If Vh t» 98853 Ok.Clty Ab 7-8 1:271 faat 8-5 104 m E Smith 8 JartWltt; Cordow* U Wahrart M7U Okla.City lm70yl:45 21 99 14 E Smith . 8 RTlVlat iMDaVbnVanderT PEDRO, br. g, 8 112 By Masetto— Palmi J. E. Dwyer. llol Juarea 1 1:4M fast M M8 11 .". 4«!4*| Borel 10. OnaiTsM. Wicket Qaanis |:"» -! -■"•- S-4 1:14|faat 5 112 5 7 7 71 8" Mol uh 10 Oxer. Bob Lynch Don Dieen [Dallas 11:42 fast- IOC 5 6 Wolferton. bawneeL M Kckeri :. alias 11:564 hvy- 109 1 T T Burns 0 ESose U.H.WhitT L MclinTon «347 Dallas 11:43 fast- 104 6 10 MlMotette 8tal Lad Battl.axH " .; !-a;lls *iJ:2,E21"" J2 I Mosw" « AntnmnBoae. T.Toohy OddBo » Helena 11:42 fast— 109 8 Rosen 8 K.oflTaahoe Wicket Patriot!* 2 Helena 7-8 1:29 fast 104 - 1» stench 8 MOT.Dhn7QnoenLead I roanthte •Helena 11:421 slow- 102 8 Woods 11 J.oLantern I teC- re L W * . l" -,-t ■Anaconda 7-8 1:381 hvy 2 111123 3 E 5» Kederis S B.StewV. T. II ■ r, nl II ■ , Vv 015 Anaconda 7-8 1"Mt that 5 i « 5 5 5 5 41 54 J Barker 7 Delena. Patriotic BtekraT LOMOND, br. h, 6 110 By Kn. of the Thistle— Mariedna J. B. Goodman 1. Juarea 1 1:12 taat o 108 s 8 7 «• 8,*Wlngrid 10 Orba Smile si- Ii.ioi- 1 ,?,,,, irez I 1-8 1:531 last * ID 3 1] ! V 5 »jj Benry 11 Discontnt. B of Ftune B o"a.l.l 1114 Juarea 11:40 fast 10 IM 5 5 I B 5j 5» Parker 10 Don Diego Onatissa Mainac W0 Juarea 3-4 ll4f fast 0 115 6 5 8 S* 6«| Rosen 10 Oaer. Bob Lynch DnDlesfo ••s.loarez :» f 1:08 fast 6 113 11 H n H 10 ?|Rosen 12 BraxtonV J H PSheeban BhuVll. »« Juarea 51 f 1:071 fast 10 110 7 7 7 7 6»JEuxton 7 JeVnndArc JMlvaae Ilex •--,. dAbne 3-4 1:154 fast 5 107 11 9 7 T» 7 Gilbert 11 I-asaengerT J rJHeadTrson Roberta 98S32 C. dAlene 3-4 1:141 good 41 104 5 4 4 51 5" Selden 8 CteopaLChiua tollnet JC. dAlene 3-4 l:16i mud ll-5 101 2 6 6 3» 21 Selden 8 J.Efenoer8on T McGel Marhnr. M462 C. dAlene 11:414 fast 10 109 2 3 4 3 34 3 Buxton 5 Rov Junl, r F orence A Co M417 C. dAlene 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 112 5 4 4 4 44 Buxton 5 Chills T Beda XinS-f net 18371 C. dAlene 11:414 fast 13-6 110 3 11 1 2 24 Bhutan 6 Fter. A.TBot Jnaiar The t „,k L • 54 C. dAlene 1 1:41 fast 7 110 1 3 4 5 61 6i Kooney 9 Fr.fiel, . a kr ,.. • K li, »,IN. 1 :.M.r.. C ■ IAlene 3-4 1:141 fast I Ml 2 5 3 1» Buxton B El Is llaAv" , cieohat oxer 97735 Butte F C 1:104 fast 7 109 1 3 4 P lb AWaNh 8 Blg8tlck F I .Vwofi p ; iioB«n 17691 Butts 7-8 i:2S8 slow 13-6 112 13 4 3 V 8*1 Buxton B Berkeley. Big Stlrt BeUe Clen Km Butt- 3-4 l:151mud2 110 « 4 4 21 2b Buxtoo 6 Sh.x.t.Spray. Dscla DrtealS* MINNOLETTE. ch. m, 6 105 Bv Mindora— Rnvolette E. C. Burttschell larea 1 1:8M fa: I hM 7 6 7 8 7*1 «"U Callahan 8 Mala. Girl. Lwrohmont 7,..,, .s "iJSSL JH ! 7 r B* «* * CallahanlO Goldet TBuby 6fba toHe!" Ches* • -11" : 11:12 fast 20 IM s j 7 b 41! 3 1 Groth 10 . 7 ? 1056 Juarea 3-4 1 :M| fast 10 108 7 8 8 t» k* mn 1 80 , , Braxton »• in "ir " / 3908 Juarea 11:401 fast 15 107 2 4 5 4 54 B» Hill S Len- I eel, s ethicfc V Lm„ 99891 Juarea 11:431 good 7 104 S 1 1 1 ll 21 Groth 10 Mis r Won Bet Tu.-a , C oVn luarea 11:414 slow 8 Mf 8 4 4 5 5 r.-jGroth 0 KMongtbackAnanfearS* and979» Juarea 1 1:40| fast 6 W 77 tt 8 B«|Moleawh 10 Jndae Walt..... KiWi,i el M775 Juarea 3-4 1:141 good 4 105 6 6 6 6 5141HI11 7 J. dAre Lady Tendl Marsand ro .T-s Juarez 1 1:431 fast 15 M6 11117 8..*Hill 8 Roinnle R nnl ke.VI •WW Juarea 7-8 1:204 tut 12 112 14 5 5 7 7 T Smith . ! An K,, 1,5 K !J49.i Dallas 3-4 1:15 fast- 119 7 n I Stalwart i! T 1 L„ M462 Dallas 1 1-18 l:4Sf good - 105 3 T Smith 8 OrasalhnrraVerLnMo M847 Dallas 11:43 fast- 109 1 Tmith 10 Stal.Iid. Battleaxe G H WMt? Si1rtS.alla» 11:44 good- 109 3 Wllhelm 4 Engraver. Wolferton Stall ad 98850 Okla.City 61 f Isjaj fast 10 103 2«MUeh.n f Transparent ThoWotf Crssover FERN L.. b. in. 7 105 By Dewey or Otis— Kings Lady N. H. McKay. I luarez 1 I B l 53J fasl 6 l ■:: 5 2 2 4 6* o-jilill II Dmcontat. B.of 1" tune, B.Ofl M 1116 Juarez S I 1:13* fa -• Sj 103 i :; ;. :; 7*1 Gross 12 Great Friar. W.H.ForU. Balella. 1 1094 Juarez 7 R 1 :26] last K 108 r. 4 4 4 S 8**Selden 8 I..M.I.. u, n . Tanker. Untie. 1074 Juarca M 1 M fast I KB » 2 2 - I* J1 Hill R J.Laxaon. [..M.Eckct t. 8j Barber. 1058 Juarez I 1:42,1 last 31 iti :; 1 1 1 jh 2* Hill 7. Mlaa Korn. Oacnro. Wbldden. Ill.; Juarea 1 l:40g fast 6 110 5111 M rjlm.s 7 Setback. Sou. Maniac. 1011 Juarea 1 1:51 fast t IW 1 t 1 1 2* 0- Selden u Ooppeta, Baas Barber, Ben Uneaa Juarez 61 f LcOCJ tood :j KM 6 5 5 6 65 SeWen 8 Atuerieus. An. Interest, Balella. MM Juarca 3-4 1:131 fast 21 107 6 2 4 5« 5-: J Henry !» Little Jane. Gelico, J. Henderson. . MJfl Juarez 3-1 1:161 slow 5 105 2 3 5 3 4SJ Gross 6 Y.Sol. . Fundamental. L.M.Eekert I .IM J Juarez 3 4 1:13 fast 7 MS 2 2 3 6 4 i Selden 7 HenrvWalbank. LadyMaey, Oxer • 9.C79 Juarez 3-4 1 :141 pood 2 108 3 11 1"* 2* Rosen 12 Meddling; Hannah. Signer. Wain r 9974*. Juarez 1 l:40gfast 7 110 3 2 2 2 5J 5,2JRosen B Ann- McGee, Miss Korn. B.Mate. ■Mil Juarez 3-4 1:141 fast 20 113 1 4 5 9 10" Kosen IS Wins Widow. ButterBall, Salall I HC7I C. dAlene 5J f 1:071 good 20 108 8 8 9 9 9" Selden 10 Pawhuska. Knfield. Lady Macv. 96415 C. dAlena CJfl:07gfast 15 104 2 4 4 7 77J Buxton ! Pawliuska. Knfield. Imprint. M3S4 C. dAlene 1 1:41 fast 10 103 6 1 2 3 4» 7*1 Kederis 9 Knfield. J. Paine, F.Mulbolland. L KIM C. d Alene 3-4 1:141 fast S 109 2 13 5 641 Kederis 7 Enfield. Br.Doughy. My.OConl p M1M C. dAl.-ne 5 8 1:018 fast 11-5 109 4 3 6 6* 3*1 Kederls S LadyMaey. Useeit. F.G.Hoaan. TAHOE. b. g, 4 107 Bv Mazagan— Babv Lamb J. 0. and G. H. Keenc. WIS J u .- :: I 1:14 faat M N8 9 9 9 7: 7"lGroth t Star V. 1:11s. 11. Hand. Angehn. 93006 C 1 A me 1 I I 1:551 good 16 102 ti 7 4 7 7 7*HBuxton 7 Kov Junior. Bake, Acumen. Ml IC dAlene 1 1:44! good 5 142 6 8 10 7 7s 6 *JGrosa 11 The Monk. Cbantidor. Stoneman 98807 C. dAlene 1 1:43 slow 2i Ml C 7 5 5 3t 2i Gross 7 Harbor*;. South. Gold. Reeue W. ME06 C. tAlene l 1:421 last 21 101 5 ti 5 6 5 r.-j Or ■■-- 7 Haricot, Chanticlor, Elgin. I C. dAlene 7 s 1 :7g fast 25 103 3 5 5 6 61 6= H Badtke 8 Heretic, Crex, Klein. 96280 C. dAlene 11:42 fast 5 107 4 4 4 4 4- 3s J II Radtke S D.lena. Beat.Soule. Twickenham 1 97677 Butte lm20v l:42t slow 16-5 95 7 C 6 3 2 1 3 Kederis 0 Florence A.. Hawley. Force. 1744* Butt* 1 1:441 slow 21 93 6 4 4 4 4- 4-J Kederis 7 D.Ledgett. Heretic. Totu.McGee. ■ MAURETANIA, b. m. 6 110 By Cunard — Tower of Candles Garrity and Dunlapt. 1078 Juan z : 1 1 ■ I4g fast 10 hT 7 9 9 P 91- Taplin 10 Gold. Ruby. Minnoiette. O.Smil*. 1 Juarea 1 1:41 fast 12 1« S 5 6 G 6 6 5 1H Radtke 7 Maizie Girl. Zulu. Oscuro. 99*87 Juarea 1 1:43 good 7 112 9 9 11 11 M 10**H Radtke 11 Boano. Porta rlingt on. J. Page. MSM Juarea 1 1:411 fast 8 112 2 3 3 3 3:J 3! T Rice f Gelico, Cameo. Titlis. MM? .In:;: 3-4 1 :12g last 20 107 1 6 8 7 7 = -*H Radtke 9 Little Jane. Gelico. J.Henderson. C. dAlene 1 1:421 fast 30 MB 14 6 6 8 81* Buxton S Helena, Tiflia, Bonnie Bard. M1M C. dAlene 3-4 1:16 slow 15 109 1 2 5 5 511 Klrschm Hidden Hand. JeanetteM. Fancy. M1M C. dAlena 7-8 1:278 fast 12 111 S 10 10 10 10 IO10 Kederis 10 Muff. JimCafferata, Beat.Soule. 17290 V mver 1 1-16 l:47g fast — 115 4* W Gargan 7 J.tafferata. MissPicnlc. Nmerito •7132 Vancvr lm70y l:45g fast — 109 67 Riddle 8 Frieze. Figent. Royal River. 971"7 Vancouver 1 1:45 fast — 114 1 E McEwan 8 Jim Cafferata. Figent. Matador.. . 97ol2 Vancouver 1 1:42J fast — 109 1* Riddle 7 Twlckliam. NebraskaLass. Soon. . MM7 Vancouver 1 1:418 fast — 109 2» Keogh 9 Neb.Lass, Military Man, Sneezer r £6630 Vancouver 5-S l:t"il| fast — 114 5B| Keogh 12 Cheers, Don Franco. HndSatchel 1 MS7S Vancouver 3-4 1:19 hvy — 114 31 Keogh 13 Bucolic, Net.Traver, Chas.Ureen. MARJORIE FLEMING, b. f. 3 90 Bv Ossary— Claudene C. Davisl. !••; 1 7-8 1:27 faat K .4 9 S 8 7 7 E ■" Selden 10 Mapleton, B.Wilson. M. Roberts. 1025 Juarez rsi.OlJfast 10 ;tl 5 7 5 5* 4*1 Hill IS The Fad, A.Paige, Earls Com t. pea .". f 1:08 fast 5 93 6 10 11 9 S*|J Callabanl3 Haaalo. Oonoomoo. King White. Juarea I l:lfi| faat 7 i 7 9 9 8 7 Cs Qtfaaa 9 BoogerBattle. J. Heck. Homesick. • :•:•:•,! .,,.: s 1 M slow 20 w 1 699 98 Groth IS Secrete, Serenade. Knropatkia. ■ - -J tarez 5-8 1:024 fast 30 lie 9 6 7 11 lHlFrasch 11 TheVlsItor. B.Anderson. F.Kripp I 99184 i". dAlene 5J fl:09 fast 20 101 1 8 9 10 10123Forsvtb 11 Royal Tea. Thistle Rose, Hudo. M14S C. dAlene 5-8 1:02| fast S 109 3 2 2 lh 1* Frasch 10 Odella. Reporter. Voladay Jr. MMS C. dAlene 5-8 1 :021 fast 25 112 2 11 t* 3* C Rosa 11 Uudo. P. Henderson. Mandadero. ■ 9S7:r. C dAlene 5-S 1:021 mud 40 10S 4 5 5 6s 6" Imes 8 Camurada. Glmll. Eastman. M4M C. dAlene 1-2 49i fast 30 105 1 1 1!1 2" Grotb 11 Flor.Kripp. Homesick. LoMlo. HEART S RELIEF, ch. m. 7 110 By Pessara— Boo Hoo W. R. Street. H.i Juarea 1 lMlgfast 10 vr 2 7 7 7 V 8 *lMole*wb 10 Onataaaa, Wicket Hannia. l S Juarez •■ IHW fast M 103 12 12 12 32 12"lHari 12 Braxton, -I. H. Sbeebaa, Balella r.s; r Ok. City Ab f-8 1:271 faat 21 Mi . Small S TomFranka, Ill Meter. SteredeSam 1 98335 Hutchn ii-ifii:"d fast 1-2 105 2 Donovan 4 SwedeSam, F.Funston. Kt. Blaze a 97909 Huakocee 0*. f 1:23 livv 6-5 105 22 Doaovan 4 B.oftheBay. Buchanan. Boano. 97769 Kkogee 3-4mS0yl:lSl faat 3-2 110 23 Small 4 ;. Shand. HaryRodd. Col. Ruby r . ::■ Ml. ;;.e :; 4ni:-oyl:19 fast 3-5 105 l2 Davennt r B. Bramble. Tapioea. BrnThlstle e LEHIGH, b. g. 3 92 By Islington — Komurasaki Phillips and Thompson:. ■ 98393 Juarea 3-4 1:141 food 107 7 7 6 8 6lciE Cotton 10 Mndadero, Skulnte. DontSayNo n M915 Juarea 3-4 1 :i5g faat 3 mt s 8 7 8 S-E Cotton :• BoojjerBattle, J. Heck. Homesick. • ■M k Juarea 3-4 1:141 fast 6 100 7 7 7 6 5:3 J Callahan S Slceplaud. Evelina. F. Fashion. :: 7T7 Juarea 7-S 1:29 good 6 1M S 8 7 7 8 S=° E Cotton s X. UcDee, This. Rose. S. Connor. 991i i. dAlene 5J f 1 :09 fast 15 103 S 9 7 71 74 Cross H Rural Tea. Thistle Rose, Dudo. 99110 C. dAlen* 5J f 1:09 slow 10 97 8 8 5 5" 561 Forsyth S Ymir. Sleepland. Thistle Rose. 99089 C. dAlene 5-S 1 :02jj fast 4 104 5 4 4 4s 3=J J CallahanlO Wiid Fern. Evelina. Penang. 98802 C. dAlene 5J f 1 :09* slow 8 107 5 6 6 6 * 2« E Cottou 11 Vanir, Ruby IL. Dudo. M459 C dAlene 5 -8 1 :02g f ast 6 111 11 7 B 51 67i Frascn 12 Drouii. Cinili. Error. M342 C dAlene 5-8 1:03 good 15 102 8 8 8 6« 3* E Cotton 8 Freewill. Ciiull, Auto Girl. 98:T7 f iTAlefM 5| f l:07g fast 30 93 8 8 8 71 6,4iE Cotton S Free. Ymir. Fleeting Fashion. KIDDY LEE. b. h, 5 115 Ry Ornament— Lydia Darrah J. S. Ware. 11 1 Juarea 1 1:411 fast 30 103 a 9 8 10 10 101" Hill 10 Oaatassa, Wicket. Hanaia. Juarez 1 1:4M| last s i ty 445 5 5t 7* Imea 7 Bon Dacaa, Bye White, oscuro. , I !• Juarez 1 1:42 fast 6 113 8 4 3 4 2" *• A Walsh 11 L. Marebmout. B.Oldfield. Chess. MSM Juarea 11:41 fast 5 110 12 12 12 12 12 12**lMoleawb 12 L. Creed. Kp Moving. B.Oldfield 997C1 Juarea 1 1:42 fast 6 IIO 4 2 1 1 1J 34J liuxton S Sugar Lump. C. Green. Alma Boy MM Juarea 7-8 l:30g fast 6 lio 7 8 8 7 5l 4113Moleswh 8 Allanfeavn. Zulu, Rosoworth. MM! Ok «itv lniJOv 1.47J good 8 104 6" Ploss 12 Xecha. Fair Fagot. Weymouth. NS63 Ok. 1 ity Al. 7-8 1:281 slow 30 117 917iPl 8s Kt Hearts Relief. Heine, Engraver HICCOUGH, b. f. 4 105 By Heno— Cupa D. B. Freeman. 99489 Dallas 1 1 16 1:49! fast — HI 6 8 Lttnoaene, Shawnee, Dix. Dixon. Dallas 51 f 1:071 faat — 107 10 12 On. Jinmiio .ray. Free. Sterlin. 1. 96 S9 1 I; la City 3-4 1:16s fast 40 .is t;:" Off R Fundamental, I.ukeramus. Zool. •• • Penat la 1 1 16 1 :55jf good 4 100 5 5 5 5 Pul.up.lryor 5 Profile, W.GriaweB, L.Oavanaah. Mz7l Pensacola 1 1 Alt good 3 W 4 3 4 4 1" lnf Pryor I Merry Belle. Chess. Uncle Jim. K137 Tampa 1 1-8 2:04| good 3 99 2 3 4 2 l12"k Pryor 6 Vauen. L. Cavanagh. Lew Hill. 96108 Tampa 1 1-16 1 :57j good 8-0 91 5 6 6 1 l1 1U Pryor 7 Lew Hill. L.Cavanagh. Octopus. ;. MMS Tampa 3-4 1:191 good 7 97 6 6 4 2i 2- Prvor « Harting. Laily Maxim. Mer.Belle c 94:7:: Tampa 1 3-S 2:03* good 5 94 3 4 5 1 22 2s B Steele 7 Explicit. Carew. Merise. RAMPANT, b. f. 4 105 By Dick Welles— Miss Melton B. Mock. 1138 Juarez 1 1 8 1 £3f fast 30 Ml 15 7 7 71 71K Mtbewall Diacontnt, B.of Ftnne. B.Ofield 1110 Juarea 1 1-8 l:fiSI fast IS Ml I 5 6 7 7 7-ii; IT thews 7 V.Uadaey, B.ofF*tnne, Whidden M66 Juarea 11:401 fast 20 99 1 5 4 4 32 363 E Mthews 7 M. Girl, L.Marclunont. Weymouth 1043 Juarea 1 1:411 fast 8 lor, 1 8 7 6 and* SSS Johnson IS Wicket. Pipe Vision. Wermoutn 1 1 1031 Juarez 7-S l:26g fast 30 lo3 4 7 7 7 7 618iS Johnson 7 Zulu. Black Mate, Onatasa. 10 12 Juarez 3-4 1 :141 good 30 107 12 12 11 7nl 714lJ"hnson 12 Acquia, StarVenus. B. of Fortune e MS52 Okla.Citv lm70yl:4Cl fast 8 100 22 Bailey 7 Pipe Vision, Sw. Sam, NightMist i 98*24 Okla.Citv lm70vl:46g fast 4 98 3* L Bailey 7 X. Mist. Charley Ward. Actuary. 98781 Okla.Citv 3 4 1:16! fast 8 114 2s Bailey 9 Transparent. LocstBud. W.Belle e 1 1:48 fast 20 103 43i Bailey 6 XightMist. JackWitt, PipeVision u tokla.City 97659 Dufferln 61 f 1:25 fast 12 100 5i G W Car 11 7 Complete. Sey. Beutler. Films. 97797 nufferin 1 1-16 1:52 fast 25 9S 512 G W Carll 8 Flarney. Phoronls, Oberon. 97:.69 Dufferln 1 1-16 1:521 fast 12 99 5»1 G W Carll f, Xew Star. Mazonia. Vnnen. King Ed. 11:431 fast I 97 10 G W Car1110 M.Vigilant. Oberon. H.Cscaddln n IRISH BEAUTY, b. m, 5 110 Bv Kismet, by Melton— Jennie Nevir.efH. N.Shipley . 1162 Juarea 1-4 1:15 fast 10 MSM 14 11 12 1318 Guy 14 G.Hartridge, DocAllen, King Elk K 1115 Ju 3-4 1:134 faat 100 MS 11 10 7 4h S Guy 12 Great Friar. W. 11 Ford. Balella. . 1078 Juarea 3-4 1:14J fast 30 105 M lo 10 10 lu2" Mulligan 10 Gold. Ruby. Minnoiette. O.Smile. , MM Juanz 5* f 1:061 fast 20 lo4 13 13 13 13 1331 Ormes 13 Berenade. Karlene. Braxton. F. L. PROCTOR, ch. c, 3 -92 By Yellow Tail or General Roberts— Playful G. M. l- Van Gorden. •; ■ h.u / E I l:0lg fast 50 ill 9 11 10 10 10=- E HbrandlS Raqnette, Odelia, Skillate, MSM Juarea S-8 1 021 fast 40 vo 6 b M 10 9tT|E Hbrandl2 LoaeStar, Brk P.onta. Mandadero 0 94047 Oakland 3] f 43! slop 40 Oi 7 S S S2:JKirschin S Vanir. Ma Mie. Rev. s 37 Mt 7 917 Klrachm 11 Ymir. ..-.,,.111.I 1 M Oakland Ol »*»J hvy 20 ~V i". 2 — IJ .-- iVll 3CU 111 *i 1 lllll, Sleepland, OUTJMUIIU, and Itosumption 1 Oil 111 II IOU