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t I I - - ■ , * +1 + * f == KING GEORGE AT THE RACES IN INDIA. •.U home and abroad -India i- a journey from Britain, even it it i- within the Kiupiri King George leaves no doubt as to his partiality for the -port of the tut!, and wire lie here next May he would honor Woodbine with his patronage, as n doabt will his uncle and representative, lie 1 u k . of Connanght," says the Toronto Globe. In thai case they would read in India the sasse story from Canada thai we arc reading from the east: Calcutta, January ::. -The king and queen attended the races this afternoon. Their majesties presence contributed to bring together the largest crowd erer seen on the race coarse, and the huge stands wen packed to their utmost capacity. Their majesties were greeted with an ovation when they arrived In a carriage drawn by six horses and . go i ted bj a bodyguard. Four carriages followed with the members of the suite. Lord and Lad] Hardlnge and the st. wards of the Calcutta Turf Club received their majesties, who took their -eat-in the royal stand amidst a further outburst of cheering. The race for the Kings Can provided ■ grand contest, which resulted In ■ victory by a length and a half for J. C i ialst. inns Brogue. Mr. Goeuldas Last Call was second, and Mr. Kelsos Hilarity third. half a length behind. Eighteen ran. The king and queen were given another ovation on their departure. "After the races on the following- afternoon the km;; warmly congratulated the -towards on the excellence of the racing and the club arrangements, and declared his intention of annually giving a cup with 100 guineas for the race bearing his name. so the i urt will have ■ perpetual memorial of the lii-t vlsil of the king e m peror to his Indian do minions."