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I i ; I FAIR ASSOCIATIONS TO FATHER BILLS. New York. Jaauaiy .:■ it i- reported on good authority that bill- amending the so-called directors liability law and the statute prohibiting bookmakiug without writing wll •.• introduced in the Legislature at Albany within the next week at tin- Instance of the fair association! and not l, the race treks operating under the Jurisdiction if tin- Jockey club. August Belmont, chairman of tin- Joekej Club, -aid tin- oth.r day that the rue- track- would lake no part in furthering new legislation and that they would not -, mi representatives to Albany daring the present si s-io .. Lawmakers who believe that racing should receive concessions an- i|tiotcd a- saying thai tin- Court of Appeals rating in the Lamhris case, making individual beta legal, i- suhVlent ground for amendments to tie- laws that have prevented the sport on the New York race coin—-.