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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Terrazas Park- -Juarez, If it.. February 15. -jKjhff Ki l - :"1 - Velie Forty. Moss Rose. -J— Bill Fatou. High Street. J. F. Crowley. 3— Mary Emily, l.atwa. 4 — Chapultepec, lTido of Lismore. Goldfinn. o — Chilla. Zool, BOM. 0— Black Mate. Bit of Fortune, Sugar Lump. P. Clark. Palmetto Park-Charleston. S. .. February 15 1— an Dcreu. Kick Akin. Clorlta Burns. -— Queen Bee. Rose of Jeddah, Orif. 3 — Rose Queen, Douatl, Feather Duster. 4 — Nadzu, Uelene. Jawbone. 6— ■Spriiiginnss. Emperor William. Sir Edward. b — lioy Weight, Camel. Agnar. T. K. Lynch.