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CHARLESTON FIELDS SMALL •*• HEAVY CONDITION OF PALMETTO PARK . COURSE LEADS TO MANY WITHDRAWALS. Greatly Improved Amoret Scores Nose Victory Over Hunan — Favorites and Second Choices Account for Card — Lav/ton Wiggins Goes Wrong. i charleatou, S. C. February 1: .— Small fields ruled todaj as ■ recall of beavj track conditions, lm-proved weather accounted for :i l » I tr atteadanee at I.-ilu. iin Park, si i rulatiou was brisk, though the odds about tin favorites were rather short. Favor- : |,.! I illlce 1 th« PWMt, With -eoolll choices ini.i.u tin- remainder. most spectacular feature f the day attended the running i tlie fourth race, lu which Auioret and Donati finished none* apart, it was the fourth straight victory tor Amoret, but bis roccoaa today was lucky, luaamnch as Douaa was best ami. hut for -toeing Into a soft place a stride or two from the finish. u ul ! have wen. T k talent experienced a setback in the opener when Uncle Jimaaie Gray failed them and brought ni» behind Chilton Squaw. •Hi.- latter was backed samaras and lei for the en-tire trip. Jack Denman, held at odds on, gave ins backers n scare by li i- failure c srear down La I Mexican, .nc of tl itreme outsiders, until a sixteenth from the finish. Republican sprcadeagled his opposition and H- the easiest winner of the afteraoon. lie might bare had formidable contention bat t« r Ike ; | that Cheer lp stumbled frequently. The latter ■at up tor second Bsanej . II. ;. Bedwells representatlvea, Berkeley and Force, took the two taal races. Berkeleys victory was expected, as he was quoted at a short price in the betting, bat Force showed an Improved performance and furnished an upset by winning handily. With Dixie Knight, an overwhelming favorite, far III tie I SI i Jocko Ambrose, who rode Relic ktawr. claim-d a foal against camel, which finished second in the fifth ra .-. becaase of Bklrrius Interference with Belle *r Mavt ■ dating tlic Issl ilxteenth. The stewards dis -nV-illowed the claim, holding that Ambrose was mostly m n faalt. P CM Uaaader contemplates leaving for an extended " trip through Florida and Caha. Bo will depart during the latter part of this week and duriug bis absence Walnwrlghl horses will 1" looked after 1 v ids brother, Al Lander. Lawton Wiggins went wrong in his last race and wax a decidedly lame horse today. .1. W. Burtt-HefaeU liaii tl li good racer la great fettle and be was absolutely ripe tot a killing. Lawton Wiggins mi r!es are such that the Bring Irons will have to be applied, which means that he will lie la retireim -ut for sue while. rbe laaieness is la the ankle of . ii, of the bind l.s. It develops that the reported sab of Amoret on Saturdav last was fictitious. I he horse ran la the colors of in- old owner, ». I». Bay, this afternoon when he won the fourth race, bat a new trainer was carded. Amoret and Emllj Lee hare been transferred to J. Braaaoa, who will train them la ! II lure. There are now- quite a number of banes on the u- list because, at fractious behavior at the post, including Highflown, Bamaaan, Loathly Lady, High Private. V. Powers, Christmas Paiay, Ca Boa, Stealaway and Our Nugget. Some ol Hi- beat of the trials at Palasetto Park t; Is mi ruing were: Habblei i Ive eighths In ill. Camellia Half wile in 1:00. tlaqiM Half mile in 1 : h . ..[1111!. Half mile in 1:00. tuttybunk Five-eighths in 1:15. Ir. Duel ii, r Five eighths in 1:1 4. .,,1,1 Cap Half mile in 1 : K». Idlcw.l-- Half mile in 33%. I.., nl Flam Five eighths in 1:1 1-.. i. Canil T bree - |ti art a •» in 1:30. Magasil «■ II ait mile in 361 .. Monrrcll Three eighths in »2. Spin Three -ighthx In 41. s; , ■_,■! i bi ee eighths in 43. I isitla Km n a -Half mib in 7.7. Wander Half mile la 57. 9 , rkiag I. .■•, PI -. eighths la 13.