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BOOKMAKER S SUIT IN CANADA. Toronto, om.. February 19.— The earn of Jack Scully, a Toronto bookmaker, who i- ae king an m Junction against the Canadian Bactng Aaaociatlons to prevent n- representatives from barring him from bookmaklng on track* within tlic Jarladictioa of that organization, has been ordered to trial before Mi. .Iii-ii.. Mlddleton. When Mr. Scully recently presented bis application before Mr. Justice Ulddleton, attorneys for J. n. Madlgaa, George F. Hendri, •I. F. Monk and W. P. Fraser. who are named in tin- -nit. moved that tin- application be disallowed on the ground thai BO cause ,,f uoiioii Was shown. Hie judge directed that a brief tie tiled Covering this contention.