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+ — ■ * | ASPIRANTS TOR POSITION OF PRESIDING JUDGE IN KENTUCKY +~ Lexiagton, Ky.. February M. — Woe win be tin-presiding lodge mi the Kentucky tracks ibis yaarl Ilii- question is being frequently asked and discussed among horsemi n am devotees of th* turf. The writer put it tn a member of the Kentucky State Racing Commission the other day and. though he is one el the board of live men who will designate the presiding official, under a new rub-, he said be in-lieved ii would BOl be easy Im- him In answer. Insofar a- i- known here, there are at the present time only two avowed candidates for ibis responsible pn nit ion. They an- apt. Thmnas .1. lay and John T. Ireland, both men nf distinction on the turf, the former a- a breeder and the latter a- an owner and trainer. Captain Cluj i-. together with his brothel George, owner of tin- Balgowan stud, which is local i mar tbi- city ami which lia- seal oat a number ni good thoroughbreds. Ilc has had considerabk • perience in the Judges stand, hawing oasciated as the presiding Judge during the Kentucky Asnoclathw n iinus fi.r the past three years, and previously mi numerous occasions be occupied the stand as an associate judge. Mr. Ireland, sunn what younger than Captain Clay. i- a native of Bourbon County and has t ccn identified with the turf practically from his boyhood, lii-aml i- brother ITrank, now a successful business man in Texas, having store than a quarter ot a century oga raced a stable nf good horses in the at, oar nf Ireland Brothers. The nausea f Charles F. Price of Louisville, wnn fur sev.ra! vear- has served a- presiding judge at Louisville, Latooia, Fort Erie, Windsor and Juarex: Major Foxball A. Daingerflela, wlm is a member •■ tin- Kentucky State Racing Commission and wlm has served at the local track a- the steward representing that body; Thomas c. McDowell, owner nf the .t-i land Stud ami tin stable nf good racers headed bj The Manager, and who served as presiding steward during the las! Jacksonville meeting, and Ired A. Foray tbe. owner nf tin- Foontalnbluc Stud and mem-ber of tin- former highly successful racing hrni ol China ft Korsythe. and wlm is one nf the real progressives m lia- rank- of Kentucky horsemen, have be n men; imu-d in connection with the appointment. 4. If any of theat 8f olh rt ON to he candidates they will in all probability make announcement within the coining fortnight, since il is taken to be the Intention of the Kentucky state Raclag Coouaisaioa to act upon the inalter at it- next meeting, which. though not yet called by I liairman F. F. Clay, wlm i- -till at liis winter bouse in Florida, is expected to Is- about March Hi. The commission at that r meeting will also li the spring dates for racing. This week there came the report from the south, where General Manager Ha chaw farter of Latoaia ami General Manager Winn of Churchill Downs are spending the winter, the fni iner al his ease in Florida and the latter on tin- hustle at Juarez, that it had been decided to withdraw the reipiesr for a division cf the Louisville spring dates between Churchill Downs ami Douglas Dark, and that the older track would 1k- the scene of the sport in the Falls City as in fmimr years, Douglas Dark taking the fall dates. If this report is correct, il is quite probable thai there will lie little if any deviation from the general arrangement of the dates la-t spring, Ihe eider thea being !.* xington. Louisville and Latoaia. The Kentucky Association directors. are under al 1 to have decided to ask for thirteen days, beginning April 27. and il is said that Chun hill Downs will want eighteen days and Iji-Innia twenty-five days, if the commissioners should deem it in tin- best interests nf the apart to give I.ainuia Decoration Day. Lexiagtoa will have tn begin earlier or else the local track and Louisville will have to lake fewer days. The commissioners resident Inn-, however, ait- keeping their own counsels oil the -llbjei t. Foals at Jaim s U. Keenes Castlcton Stud this week wen- a brown lilly by lltimus — Chancery ami a brow a tilly by Voter — Stepping Stone. A I Keenlaml Farm Flcur do Marie has a chestnut coll by St. Sinienian II. Charles Brown has taken up Barney Rcarelber.i four-year old Captain Carmody. which has been run Bing out at Tom Piatts farm. Mr. Drown, it is understood, i- to have a string of twelve or fifteen borsea belonging to Mr. Bchrefher, who is expected here from Missouri in a day or two.