Sixth Race [6th Charleston, Daily Racing Form, 1912-02-25

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* r , i, , t ;. . . e . SIXTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1110 1:48V » . M. ROSE 0NE1L, b. f, 4 98 By Captain Sigsbee— Bink J. W. Hedrick. 1427 Charlen lm70y 1:502 slow 20 99 10 10 10 9 S- 6» Bruce 11 Belfast. .|.»e Rose. Golconda. 12S7 Charleston 51 f 1:1 1» slow 18-6 108 2 7 6 31 22 C Peak » Ace of Clubs. Den ess. B. Igoe 1340 Charleston 6* f 1:281 hvv 41 10411 4 7 7 741J Williams 8 P. Pender. C. Squaw, Barney lgoe 1175 Charleston 51 f 1 :092 good 20 100 7 4 7 61 2« J WilliamslO Al Muller. Coletta, Pennyroyal. 1157 Charleston 51 f 1:11 good 50 101 6 5 4 4" 34 J Williams ! Sureget. Seini-qnaver. Rose oneil 99418 latonia 3-4 1:151 slow 39 105 9 6 9 8 751 B Steele 12 Nan Ferguson. Maynora. Coletta 99072 Latonia 1 1:411 good 101 102 7 5 4 8 6» 6 J Skirvin 10 Irish Kid, Hanly, Explbit. 98561 Lsville lm70y 1:44 fast 191 102 8 6 6 6 6 6» C Turner 8 Stare. Fairv Storv. Mockler. 98457 Louisville 11:391 fast fid 102 7 7 7 7 41 10°B Steele FairyStory. Swish. 98360 Lexington 3-4 1:181 fast 138 103 7 7 7 6» 4«J Walcott 9 Wkbox. Toison dOr, K.ofYolo. 98324 Lexington 3-4 1:15ghvy 89 105 6 6 5 4 4» R Waleott 7 K.Oiym,Vi. Ethelda, HighRange MONTCLAIR, b. g, 7 108 By St. Simonian II.— Van-a-Clar N. B. Davis. 1275 Chariest n 1 1-8 1:581 fast 10 110 3 2 2 3 3= 36 Pickens s Nadzn. Ilainev. D. of Bridgewr R35 Charleston 7-8 1:28 fast 8 l«8 3 1 1 1 21 2-1 Pickens 13 LordBlsm. Gold. Treasure, Otilo. I2M Charlesn 1 1-18 VJOt slow 30 M7 111 1 li 2 Pickens 8 Nadzu. Otilo. Naughty Lad. 1128 Charleston 3 -R l:04g hvy 50 104 4 9 9 8 6"iPiekens . Pajaroita. Inion.laek. SandyHill 9232 latonia 1 1-16 1:47 good IS 107 2 2 1 4 42 4" E Mjirtin 12 Woolwinder. L.Creed. J. H. Reed 99207 Latonia lm70y 1:46! hvy 10 P 7 3 9 5 5 51 «*• Gould 10 Max Asur, M err v Lad, Supple, x-I..l Latc.nia 1 1:401 fast 15 108 4 8 7 7 5 » 6»j .1 Henry 12 Cliflonian, Cam.d. Stick Pin. 99075 Latonia 1 1-8 1:54 good 16 103 3 2 2 4 51 44J Loftus 7 S. Street. Startler. Q. Marguerite 39026 Latonia lm70y 1 : I5| fast 52 106 3 5 5 4 22 21 E Martin . Fairy Stury. Wander. Hanl 9813 Latonia 11-16 1:54 slop 28 104 6 4 4 2 21 22 E Martin 6 J.Walton. T.Havward. P.Pender. 18928 Louisville 1 1-8 1:331 good 46 106 4 3 4 6 52 641T Koerner 7, Longhand, Oiseontent. LIMPET, br. c. 4 106 By Migraine— Set Fast J. P. Cordray. 1354 Charleston 1 1:501 hvy S IOI S 6 C, 5 62 6" E Martin » T. Weighl Iainel. T.G.Buttertiv. 13*4 Charlen Im70y l:53f hvy 7 104 I Fell. Pickens 8 Golconda. Jswhone, Profile. 1263 Charlesn ll 18 1:48 fast 8 110 3 2 3 2 4i 5* Pickens 11 Kd.Graney. Dy Bultman, El Oro 1238 Charleston 7-8 1:281 fast 38 111 •: 7 8 8 o4 6» Critrunlns 10 Effendi. Claque, Rash. !9»j;s .lamestown 1 1:13 good 12 lot; 6 6 7 6 5s 3s » Beak 7 Rounder. Helene, S| ringina«s. .-,47 Jamestn 1 1-4 2:09 good 15 97 6 1 8 7 72 7»J Ambrose . Blackford, Montgomery. Bounder. 99614 Jamestown 1 1:411 fast 9-5 103 4 5 6 2 l"t id c Turner 8 ClemBeaehev. Corinth. TheWhlp. • •.,« Jam-sfn lm70v l:44g fast 12 93 1 6 6 4 V 2 Ambrose 9 Cu Bon, O Em. S.PImpernel. 99541 Jamestn 11-16 1:51 good 8 103 3 6 5 4 41 3»i Bruce 8 Ou Bon. Golconda, Lit tie Earl. 99e03 Jamestown 1 :42i good 30 98 3 7 6 4 3* Sl Bruce 12 0 Bm. Horace E.. Harvey F. CHILTON SQUAW, eh. f. 4 100 By Chilton— Minnehaha III. S. Louis. 1416 Chariest n 1 I 8 2:401 hvy 6 H 2 1 1 1 1 J 41-lSkirvin 6 Nadzu. T.G.Butterfly, D. Knight. 1174 Charleston S| f 1:13 hvy It-* MO 2 i i i» l" Connors S Uncle Jim. Gray. Btelcllff. Ynca. 1356 Charleston 3-4 1:211 hvy «; •" - l ■! P 8*1 J Williamsl:; Oakley. J. II. Barr, Doable Five ISM Charleston 61 f 1:28 hvy 11-6 106 S 111* 2* Skirvin 8 P. Pender, Bar. Igoo. Kaufman. 1318 Charin lniTOy 1 :»3g hvy 18-5 M 111 1 1J Jl Rruce ! Barn Dance. Belfast. Rlundarn. 1272 Charleston 3-4 1:15 fast 12 !»5 8 7 6 E e*i Ferguson 13 Thrifty. L.Orimnr, Incle .1. Gray 122" Charleston 6 f 1:061 fust 6 109 4 2 1 S f » Sktrvln 14 Mon Ami. Thrifty. Dade J. Griy SandS84 Columbia 5J f 1:110 hvy 10 MM 3 1 4 5 6TJ Forsvth fl C.Treasure, llorieon. Chippewn. 99947 Columbia ;".-S 1 :0Sg hvy 5 103 2 3 3 3» 3* C Turner 7 Ynca. ChiltonSquaw, Flv.Squirrel MM Columbia 6Jfl:llghvy 8 Ml 4 3 2 4J 5» Schwebig 7 R.Granda. S.Blend. ChlppewayaD M. CAMBON. eh. g. 5 108 By Bridgewater— High Degree W. A. Massey. 143b Charlen lmoy l:.",4i» hvv IS lli 111 1 2 1" T Koerner • B.Sand. The 1. Butterfly. Klarnev. 139 Charleston 7 8 1 :3lj! hvv S MS 1 .1 :: 4 6 «»* T Koerner 11 Km. U e. .!. Dcninsiii. West. Bell- 12M Charleston 7-s 1:28| fast 1-6 1122 3 3 B I2 s"aB Dugan 10 Effendi. Cmmm. Rank. I2M Charleston 7-8 1:11 slow 2 nr, ! 2 4 4 4* 4* E Duian S Bash, Agnar. Great Heavens. US Charleston 5 f 1:0ft good M 112 1 .". 4 4" 6* E Dugan 10 Al Mnller. Bone Om-il. Coletta. 9S»4o Lsville 1 1-1« 1:49 slow 17-5 107 :. E a 5 7 r, ] Hoffman 9 Discontent. Tay Pay, Supple. -i 4 Lsville 1 1-M l:4tfflurt i:i 107 4 i l I -t- «*§ R Hoffman 9 Zienap. Alice Baird. Ed. Graney. 97S87 Fort Erie 11 16 l:56g hvy .". 107 l .", ; I •;= :,-• T K.- emer 7 Startler. Joe Bote, Beeoake. ! 7S6« Fort Erie lmTOy 1:481 hvy 4 MB J »; i « ","•• Quinn 8 Volthorpe, J« Rose, Bonnder. 96178 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:46 fast C I ■«» l ! I 4 :,- 4"|G Arehibd 19 Blackford, Merman. Third Bail. PETEE PENDER, b. g, 6 112 By Meltonian— Nun D. Hammond. 1427 Charlen lmtty VM% slow 15 MM 9 S I 1 7- ■".3 Roberts n 11 Belfast, Joe Base, flnirntia 1340 Chariest i. n G f 1:28 hvy 20 : 1G 4 5 4 33 1"* Loft us S Chil. Squaw. Bar.Igoe, Kaufman 99371 Latonia 11-8 1:50 hvy 11 112 7 9 6 S 5 U"Keunedy 10 J. Furlong. Mr Fellow. S.Barber 99322 Latonia lmTOy l:51g hvy 28 112 10 10 10 7 6and 3-J J Moore 11 Discontent. E 1 Keck, Longhand. 99229 Latonia 11-16 1:48 good fid 107 7 8 7 7 6l 35 Quinlan 11 Compton. J. Furlong. L. Orimar. 99204 Laonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 76 107 8 7 7 6 G16iQulnlan 12 P. Mohr, Al Mulltr. Jeanne dArc 99118 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 39 110 10 10 10 9 9 91* Quinlan 11 Otilo Camel. Kffendi. 98987 Latonia lm70y 1 :47 » slow 22 106 3 4 4 ?. 31 32i .7 Henry 5 S.Knight. S.Barber. NaughtvLad. 9S913 Latonia 11-16 1:54 slop 20 107 2 6 6 4 4J 4* Quiulau 6 J. Walton. Montclair, T.Hayward AGNAR, b. c, 4 106 By Solitaire II.— Handsome Florry W. Martin. 1378 Charleston 1 l:47g hvy 30 M 2 4 4 B E 5" Connors ." Berkeley. Camel. Belle Mawr. E54 Charleston 1 1:50 hvy 6 Mill I 9 713 Fbrotlier 9 T. Weight. Camel. T.G. Butterfly. 1330 Charlean 1 1-16 1:561 hvv 11-5 Ml 3 4 4 4 4- 5*» Bntwell 7 Kffendi, Montgomery. T. Weight. 1227 ha rlesn 1 1-16 1:49 good 3 99 9 S 6 6 G1 6lx«Sklrvin 15 Haldeman. Nadzu. Otilo. 1264 Charleston 7-8 1:31 slow 4 114 1 1 1 1 1*1 21 Butwell ! Rash, Greatlleavcus. M.Cambou. MOMJaasestn 1 1-S 1:55 good 30 96 7 6 6 6 6l 65J W Dunn 7 Superstition. Beaucoup. Bob R. 99i39 .lamestn 1 1-16 1 :51s! hvy 11-5 103 2 4 4 4 34 3 J Bruce 4 T.G.Bfly. Outlan. Cuttyhunk. M9M JnOsssfn 1 1-8 1:55* fast 12 103 7 6 6 6 C10 5" McCahey 7 Sager, The G.Butterflv. M.Angelo 9KCS Jamesfn 1 1-8 1 :56g good 6-5 103 1 1 1 1 1* 1st McCahey 5 Servicence, Nadzu. Fair Miss. M447 Jamestown 1 1:43? hvy 20 101 1 1 1 1 Is 2°k McCahey J T.G.Butfly. Servicence, Maroma JACK DENMAN, ch. c. 4 110 By Ornament — Excellent Tennessee Stable. 1413 Charles n 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 13-5 :•:. I I 2 a ; i»«lE Martin 8 Meridian. Kormak, I.ocbiel. 1400 Charleston 7-8 1:241 hvy "• "7 •"• :: ■■ 1 -° 2*1 Snellman 8 Montcalm. Moekler, Ella Bryson. 1375 Charleston 7-8 1:231 hvy 1-2 l"7 Si fi 3 2 2s 1» Hopkins 8 La TJ Mexican, Aviator. B. Eloise 1329 Charleston 7-8 1:341 hvy :: Ml 2 11 1 l" 2* Speibnan 11 RmllyLee, Wn Belle. Miss Jsnaa. 1249 Charlestn 1 1-8 1:54 fast 12 loo 5 11 1 4H 411 Hopkins s Anv Port. Sager. I lelene. 1233 Charleston 1 1:481 fast 12 Ml 2 11 1 !■ 2| Snellman 7 Msromars. Troy Weight, Helene. 112* Charles n 1 1-16 1:55 hvy 12 95 B 3 «: 6 6 6"9klrvin 8 Locate!. Sticker. Idleweias. M7M Louisville 1 1 4 2:".". fast 21 117 .". 6 5 B E ."."• .1 Wils..n 7 Meridian. Gov. Gray. Colston, Ml JaekvilK 1 1-8 1:5ft] last 12 K 4 4 4 4 4 41 Hopkins 4 D.Macdonald, BCharter, Bffendl. HORACE E.. ch. g. 8 108 By Bannockburn — Miti Lynah P. J. BeiUy. 1375 Charleston 7-8 1 JM hvy 5 M8 7 7 7 5 71 B*» C Peak 8 J. Penman. Lai." Mexican. Aviator 139* Charleston ll:51ghvy 40 107 S 8 7 7 7 710 Spellman 8 Montagnie. Aviator, Gotconda. I2M Charles* n 1 1-16 1:52 slow 15 112 4 3 3 7 8 831 E Dugan s Nadzu. Montclair. Otilo. ..i.uI Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 8 101 2 5 4 2 2 48J Bruce 7 IrishKid. B.Branch. Semi-quaver M923 Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 15 106 4 4 2 3 3l 513lFbrother 7 Haldeman. Profile. Flarney. ■9914 Columbia 1 1:4S hvy 12 111 3 5 4 3 31 414 C Grand 8 Profile. Semiquaver, Animus. 99857 Columbia 1 1-1G 1 :54f slow 4 103 1 2 2 2 3 6,4C Turner 8 O. Nugget. RosebmglL. Sp.Frog. 9MM Columbia 3-4 1:181 hvy 12 125 7 7 7 5- 4«i 7 Joe Rose, Flarney. Sir Edward. M9J7 Columbia 11:43 fast 12 118 7 3 2 3 5« SiMcTagrt 7 Golconda, D.ofBdgewater. I. Kid »794 Columbia 3-4 1:131 fast 10 109 6 4 5 51 S5 McTagrt 8 Workbox, Dominica. Oakley. SWEET OWEN. b. c, 4 101 By Bridgewater— Rosebay P. Phillips. 1263 Charlesn 1 1-M 1:9 fast 3- l.f 10 6 S 6 G1 4*f Schwebig 11 Kd.Cranev. I v Bultman. El Oro 1227 Charlesn 1 1-16 1:49 good 60 lot 14 4 s I* 9*HPickens 15 Haldeman, Nsdsn. Otilo. .y,;:;:: Jamestown 7-8 1:30 hvy 8 1"6 3 7 8 7 7 7HMcCahey S O.U. Buster, Fort Worth. Corinth. Mil2 Jamestown 11:411 fast 18-5 Ml 12 11 11 10 9J 7J* Schufger 12 Cuttyhunk. HarveyF.. WestPoint 99423 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 slow 16 102 3 6 5 6 5l 4«J C Turner 9 Console, Falcada, Q. Marguerite. 99167 Latonia 1 5-8 2:47 fast 17 99 5 2 2 1 21 2 C Turner 7 Azo. Wing Ting, Old Honesty. 98915 I/atonia 1 1:46 slop 88 111 5 7 7 7 7 7"lFain 7 Tay Pay. Fairy St 017. Merry Lad ■j 706 6 latonia 1 1-8 1:54 good 31 93 1 5 4 3 3 ft* C Turner 7 Joe Morris. Longhand. Romp. 969SS latonia 1 1-8 1:54 fast 27 104 7 3 3 3 3» 3» Iloonoy 8 Q.Marguerite, Leopold, P.Pender LADY ORIMAR, ch. m. 6 101 By Orimar— Miss Ross Mrs. M. C. Eaton 1340 Charleston t f 1:281 hvy B4M 6 3 2 41?. 6» r Peak 8 P.Pender. C. Squaw. Barney Igoe 1272 Charleston 3-4 1:15 fast 20 lot S 4 3 3= 2J Pickens 13 Thrifty. Cn.. T.Gray. Chil. Squaw. 1227 tharlcsn 1 1-16 1:49! good 30 99 8 G 7 7 10 103lForsvthe 15 Haldeman. Nadzu. Otilo. 1206 Charleston 7 8 1:32 slow 3 101 2 G 4 G 41 2« Schwebig 8 Belle Clem, Coletta. LAppelle. 119.; Charleston 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 110 2 2 4 ll1 13-s Sweeney 14 Merry Lad. HelenSeott, Longhand 1175 Cbarlcston 5 f l:09jj good T- 109 6 6 6 71 69 Sweeney 10 Al Muller. Rose Oneil. Coletta. M9K Columbia 11:48 hvy 15 106 4 1 2 8 8 8 0 Forsyth 8 Our Nugget. V. Powers, Otilo. 99973 Cnlumbia 7-8 1:331 hvy 8 105 2 2 2 3 6 6 « Forsyth 8 V. Powers, Came], Kmp. William. 99229 latonia 1 1-16 1:4S good 26 107 5 6 5 6 4H 4" Goose 11 Compton. JohnFurlong, P.Pender. BONNIE ELOISE. b. f, 4 105 By Clifford— Euphrata P. Hyams. 1275 Charleston 7-8 1431 hvy 12 io4 4 4 B 4 6* 4* T Koerner 8 J.Deanuui. LaU Mexican, Aviator 1317 Charleston 3 4 l:Bf hvy 25 I03 8 4 5 C 5s T Koerner 12 O. Court. T.NIgbtmare, Snringms 1234 Charleston 3-4 1:16 fast 4 1M 4 6 5 41 2J T Koeiner 14 B. CI iff. WdDove, B.0* Pleasure. 98622 Louisville 2-4 1:13 fast 72 104 7 5 5 5" 57J T Koerner 9 Veneta Strome. Bogon, Mclvor. BttM Lexington 3-4 1:15 slop 36 107 4 5 5 5 4* T Koerner 5 Bogon, Itoyal Captive, Helene. URSA MAJOR, ch. g. 5 108 By Star Shoot — Auvergne R. M. Taylor. 1394 Charlen lm70j 1:531 hvy 30 it4 4 3 5 r, 6- 61* Dlggins s Golconda. Jswbone, irofile. 1230 Char leston 7 1 :27J fast 20O M6 9 9 9 9 9 916JPickens 11 Donau. Star OByas. Settle Sne. 9MJH Pimlico 1 1-16 1:50 hvy 6 lis 7 7 7 b 52 3CJ Schufger 7 Fair.Miss. HarveyF., DandyDixon SRSJEI Pimlico 1 1-16 1:49] hvy 30 108 2 5 6 5 5 518 listep .". Bestlgoucbe, Beaucoup, Dullcare. 9-962 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:03g hvy 10 102 2 3 3 2 23 21 Schutger 3 Beaucoup. Belfast. 9SM8 Pimlico 11:44 fast 18-5 142 3 5 4 4 4« 3:3 Mr T Wht 5 Apache. Rose F.. Sherwood. 9MC3 Piiilico 1 1-S 1:54 good 25 116 5 5 4 0 5Jl f.8J Alex 8 Bounder. Chickasaw. Supervisor. 9S644 iiinlico 1 1-8 1:57 good 9-5 15s 4 4 2 2 2J l*| Mr Wright 4 Apache. Rose 1.. Advnturer. ANIMUS, br. g, 8 108 By Lord Esterling— Animoso C. S. Wilson. iir Charlesn 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 25 106 4 5 5 6 5B E** Pickens 1 Haldeman. Nadzu. Black Brancn. M9M Colombia 1 1:53 hvy 8 104 5 6 8 8 6* «Jj J Cook S W.Griswell, Rosebg II.. Flarney 99923 Columbia 1 1:50 hvv 10 106 5 7 7 7 7 6« Forehand 7 Haldeman, Profile. Flarney. 99914 Columbia 1 1:48 hvy 8 110 1 2 2 4 4° 312 McTagrt S Profile. Semi quaver. Horace E. 91867 Columbia 1 1-16 1:51 slow 4 Ml 2 6 7 6 63 4"1J Cook 8 0. Nugget. RoseburglL. Sp.Frog. 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1:54 fast 7 108 2 4 5 6 43 4" Cook 5 Nadzu. Haldeman. W. QrtsweU. 9MM Columbia 1 1-16 1:51 fast 10 103 3 4 4 4 44 21! Cook 5 E. Graney. W.Griswell. Flarney. 99125 Laurel lm70y 1:45 good 10 111 6 9 9 8 8» 8,61E Dugan 12 El Ban. Roebuck. The Whip. •J90oi Laurel 1 1-8 1:54 good 12 108 4 5 6 6 61 6« Ohert 8 L.ofLangdcn. Brevlte, Servicence SINGLE FILE. b. c. 4 106 By Sir Dixon— Single Shot E. C. Nunn. ISM Charleston 3-4 1:14 slow 91 i 6 1 9 9 9 fc*«E Martin 9 Jessup Barn. Rich. Beed, Oakley Charleston 1 l:52f hvy 7 112 6 6 6 6 5- 4*1 Bruce 7 Patberola, Arbutus. Ace of Clubs 1 ! 96755 latonia 1 1-16 1:47 last I 116 5 9 9 9 S 1**|J Deavpt 11 Bay thorn. Husky Lad. Haldeman M3M Lsviile 1 1-16 1:471 fast 14-5 106 10 9 6 6 61 64 T Rice 11 Scrimmage, F.Johnson, R. Bruce 92789 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 18 103 5 5 5 5 451 J Deavpt 5 lleathbroom. K. Bryson, Roana 92728 Iatonia 5* f 1:08 good 89 Mi 9 B 6 3ft 2ft D Austin ! Du Bois. Husky Lad. Aviator. M993 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 61 10G 9 10 10 8 fc4Keogh 10 Rogon, La bold. Jim L. 9MM Latonia 6 f 1:081 fast 3 112 13 8 8 "I I T Koerner 14 Du Bois. Ram.1z.1n. Plain Ann. HEART PANG. b. g. 5 108 By Orlando or J. Point— Fair Penitent R. S. Brush. 1209 Charlesn 1 1-16 1:521 slow M8 llo 8 E 7 B 7 7- C Peak 8 Nadzu. Montclair, Otilo. 1137 Charlesn 1 1 M 1:53ft hvy 50 109 5 2 3 5 G V* C Peak 11 Haldeman, Nadzu. Black Branch. 98-20 King F.d. 1 1:45 fast 10 111 R15 C Peak | 8 Warden. Tiger Jim. Oberon. 97491 King Ed. 1 1:43ft fast 25 106 I4C Peak 10 M.Vigilant. Oberon, H.CscaddiD 97ts:: King Ed. 1 1:43 fast 20 111 79J C Peak 10 Dcraggan. D. Bultman. W.Gwell M42J Kins Ed. 11:51 fast 20 107 4" C Peak ft New Star, Sandivcr, Flims. Also eligible to start should any of above be scratched: BARNEY IGOE, ch. c. 4 101 By Chuctanunda— Irish Girl II. G. A. Multer. 1387 Charleston 5* f 1:111 slow 3-2 M6 5 B E 4 W Ambrose 3 Ace of dabs, R.Oneil. Demoness ISM Charleston 6ft f 1:28 hvy 20 M6 5 2 3 24 Vi Ambrose 8 P.Pender. Chil. Squaw, Kaufman M982 Columbia Eft f 1:12 hvy 4 106 1 4 2 3 3»J Bruce 7 M.Antonyll.. L.Knmre. D.Wavd N971 Columbia 1 1:50 hvy 15 97 7 3 3 Fell. Ambrose 7 IrishKid. B.Branch. Semi-quaver M948 Columbia 1 1:53 hvy 20 95 6 8 7 7 8 810 Ambrose S W.Griswell. Rosebg II.. Flarney 18954 Columbia 5* f 1:131 hvv 15 99 2 6 6 6 6° Ambrose 7 Osssbw. Pen Sand, Casque. M887 Columbia 1-4 1:29 hvy 15 103 6 6 6 71 6 Ambrose 8 Outre Shot. Ossabar. Sewell. 9M89 Columbia 3-4 1 :14 fast 60 19111 9 9 7 72 Ambrose 12 Agnier, R.Granda. M.Antonyll.

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