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B00KMAKING FOR CANADIAN TRACKS. Walter O. Farmer, secretary of the Windsor Fair Grounds and Driving Pork Aasoeiatioa, write- Daily Racing Form from aple-. Fla.. where In- is spending the winter in rootpoay with John ilachuii i-tm and other friends, contradicting a report tenl m from Charleston recently tn tin- effect that tin- pari muiiiei- would supplant boakataklag at tin- Fort i:.i ami Windsor tracks tbi- year. Mr. Parmer write* that the managements nf tin- Hamilton. Fort Rrie and Windsor imeiings bave agreed to continue witti bookmaklng. In tin- ease of tin- Windsor association, this coarse wa- decided upon because nf a large mil lay already made for a m-vv grandstand and other Improvements. The Windsor people feel that when tiny laveet in tin port-mutual maehhtea, tinv wain the heal pattern obtainable and they do at tn -mi! feel warranted in incurring tin expease that the change- oi belting -steins would Involve.