untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-02-25


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AMOHALKO. 2-1, WON | ♦ was our Daily One-Horse Wire Saturday. J ♦ Record since we started this service if 4 which rusts .00 PER WIRE. .00 PER + WEEK 6 wires i. is ♦ BREVITE 9-2 LOST FREE 6-5 WON GRIF 7-1 WON A SCRATCH. J. B. ROBINSON 3-1 WON JAWBONE 1-1 3RD FANEUIL HALL 3-1 WON A SCRATCH. GARDEN OF ALLAH 7-5 WON ROYAL TEA 2-1 WON NADZU 7-10 WON AMOHALKO 2-1 WON tan yea seal 1 1 1 1 — at the price 1 Ressesaber, w are not going to try and break the layers or get rich ■ iiiiei;: Just give yon one safe, ssne and conservative 1« t ■ day. Wire or mail your subscription in at unce. something doing on these wire- eezl week. Sstardaya Free Form Special was scratched. Our sd«« rtltted liee Parlay lost. Will tr to give ros : tier one next week thai will win. Mondays Free Form Special: Green-Saturday-Mewl-Lust-Low ei -Meet. NOTICE. Our advertised Good Thing goes Friday. March I, sad Its guaranteed to win and win only. Of we will i-- • ■ i i Free a . " »ubscriptiou to either oar Daili Oue-Horse Wire or Occasional Wire if horse sbouM lose. Onr sexl Occasional, which was mailed to all kubsrribers Peb. 2 ». will start in a few days. Last Iwo nn this service, which we mailed out were Little Birdie. 10-1. won. and Fireman. 20-1. second. Cue-- yon .mi heal thai at for 6 wires. Price after March I, for 3 wires, guaranteed 12 at iei wire Free. 1 THE TtRF REPORTER 1 O BstaMished 1994. ► O 1S8 N. Fifth Avenue. S. W. Cor. Lake Street, O O Chicago. Illinois. 9 O WE NEVER MISREPRESENT. i* 4 We advertise our loseis as well as winners, it ♦ ♦ _ mgjjTjjjjij fj!g8f s Wat nn Special M II, in— lav. Feb. 22, lied with lliis i.-, i • I nil e,iie-.|., . l have REAL luformatiou. -SPECIALS ■irarj sack it the] fall to win. s:..«h» roc six lays service. ROSCOE C. Room 120 Oxford Building, V 4 Inl kV F 118 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. f rl 1 | I /BI1 * *~ Chicago. :: :: :: Illinois. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, :: :: Chicago, Illinois. CHARLESTON ! JUAREZ! My past activities on the tu:f as a jockey enabled nie to be one acquainted with people who are well up in racing;, I am receiving food Information from these people, and am in n positioe to lasparl the -atne to a few reliable people in variou- cities. I am in no way connected with any TIPPING l.i siniss. My INFORMATION EXCLUSIVE and far to., .n.ci to be sold to the general public. I wish to do business with men of INTEGRITY Who are willing to pay well for informal ion that is worth paying for. M. laformatloa will mea-ure up ami prove ii- worth and I am wiiiin- to allow it to be put to a test before receiving any remuneration, if Interested and iestrons of having farther partlculai », address C. RUSSELL 126 LYELL AVt„ ROCHESTER, N. Y. Anywhere Handbooks or Poolrooms pay 15 to 1 or better, honorable bettors can get in on a live , If you will be and divide winnings, telegraph me roar name and address al once. RICH. WALLIS. Portland Hotel. :: St. Louis. Mo. R. Wolsts System for Turf Speculation Copyrighted i Will Make You a Winner CAN BE PLAYED AT TRACES. POOLROOMS OR WITH THE HANDBOOKS. PRICE .00. RUDOLPH WOLST. 3133 Payne Avenue. Cleveland. Ohio. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW MONDAYS SPECIAL: No. 148. Tenterdays XX Special, Camel. 6-1. third. Yesterdays Form dneclal ran third. rlrisli Gentleman, 6-1, Won-: it This exeellcnt ractt was anions the horses la MV FIRST LIST of Sneciahi sin.-, being ill it J J mtiiled to all ilicnts Thursday evening. The comment ■ppended was: "N ready foe a meloti .in 0 JjJ ling." My oiiehor-e wire for Inarca yesterday, WHICH WON, also was given in this list. Ml. o O THATS KOI tllKSS WOSK. Yesterdays tliarle-ron wire was withdrawn on acconhl of track |J l ► conditions. J | BIG NEWS SERVICE, f 0 Iolljvrs New- Bureau, specializing in sport, and having it- OWN wire- and experts, offers a 1 ]ianieiiiariy good service for salesan, cigar stores, barhei -hop- and billiard parlors. Boxing KX o 4 RolNlis and ha ef hall RY INNINGS, wiih AI.I. necessary description, given with accuracy and ► O dlspatrh City seisin la* is sanmtied by phone. Price, KB per week, only ■ limited nnmber sc- * i t eoiiKHlated. *1 SPECIAL: — My Big Bargain Offer of S10 for twenty days—one horse daily— from either Charles O 4I ton or lanres, ••! , for both tracks-, closes Wednesday. This bsrlndes ALL specials; also Horses O " Ik Worth Watching and Workouts. Bush your .-uhscription — Now. » if T TODAYS SPECIAL: — Delicious. Daring. Cymbal. Decoy. Dumb. 4 A + • MONDAYS WIRE: — Daughter. Dab. Damp. Darkness. Caustic. 0 ; ?»»♦ ••• »♦»? i BERT E, COLLYER ;; !. Eormeily with the Chicago American. O O SUITE 309. OXFORD BUILDING. :: :: 118 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. CHICAGO, it ♦ l titittttttttltttttttt + ltt + AQtittilittlttt + tttlti + - 1 ! THE LAST HORSE I ADVISED. Name Suppressed, RAN SECOND! SAME WAS ADVISED ACROSS THE BOARD THURSDAY. AS A BIG PRICE WAS EXPECTED, and. REMEMBER. THIS HORSE was 60-1 PREVIOUS TIME OUT and ran unplaced. If you are looking for information like tl i-. let me iiear trees you at oaee. I only-want people thai are honest, and will make goad by telegraph the nexl day by thn dock. This is neeessary in order to keep up say end with uiy emmet ions. I deliver the goods and in return 1 expect the same honest treatment thai I give you. I HAVE ANOTHER THAT STARTS This Wednesday! Agree to bet live Hollars for me, the proceeds of which you must send see the Bexl day as above stated. Let sac hear from you today or tomorrow, no later, and I will put you in touch with laformatloa which I know you will appreciate, and which cannot ho duplicated. Yours for luck. THOMAS BURKE POSTAL TELEGRAPH BUILDING. 253 BROADWAY : NEW YORK CITY P. S. — Those who remit my share from Thursday. the last horse I sent o.tt land hied with this paper. Will receive this horse on Wednesday, wilhout a~k bag for it again. We expect a gosd price. No further attention will be called to tins matter, therefore let me hear from you at once. Saturday MARCH 2, is the day when I will 1«- in a poattiea to give you the rarest piece of information obtainable. This horse will conic from my inside connections and will he about 3 or 4 to 1— bet will prove a positive winner. Being connected with a certain psrssa af hnSnence m American racing, I am in a position to Call the turn. Not 20 or 30 to 1 shots that kind I do not handle -hat hois,- which WIN al odds from 8-5 to 5-1. I want to get in teach with business men who are satisfied with winning her sis at these prices; l want people ef -landing who can lw JS or $."i » on straight flat beta and who sag take advantage of exclusive information wituoiit telling all their friends. All horses will reach you by mail at leant twelve boars before the race. Big proftta can be made by those who are willing to divide their winning- with me -i half and half— only business letter heads • rogl vt- 1. Addle— by mail. JACK DALY 107 Chambers St.. New York City, N. Y. ssi — asmaai — a— ■ mammmmmmmt — ■■bsmb m ■— m ■§■ ■•— CLASS s,able mm-= HIGH lion That Wins. When you want that kind wire or write. Tuesday, Feb. 27, at Charleston Wednesday, Feb. 28, at Charleston INFORMATION OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU. TERMS SIC BOTH DAYS. Wire Subscription at Once at Our Expense. Information Will Be Wired Monday night if Subscription Is Here. Fletcher Brothers Century Building, Fourth Floor. FIFTH AVENUE and 34TH STREET. NEW YORK CITY. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Vesterdays Vana Special anisbed second. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. C05 n Book No. 250. » Yesterdays Two-Horse Daily gave a third and ■ loser. Yesterdays Code N Special lost. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. BETTORS! The Successful Man is he who is aide to judge and and take advantage of a good opnortnnity when it presents Itself. Here Is one. Nobody interested in racing shonld fail to investigate it. It will m i i -i yon anything in advance. This announcement caters p.iriieulai ly to those who have boaght Information before and been dissatisfied with results. What I have to offer to you is something entirely uifleren from anything you have ever had before. PAY AFTER YOU WIN I do not ask you for a penny in advance. All I want you to do is to send me One Dollar to assure me that you will accept the telegrams that I will send you and you can deduct same from my first wire. The proposition is this: Send me the winnings of a Five Dollar bet. average odds, the next day. Send the winning money by wire at my expense. I Have Been Informed by My Connections That 5 GOOD TiilS will be cut looso for the MONEY at Charleston. I am in a position to give the reader- of I his paper nn! all my subscribers REAL INSIDE INFORMATION on HORSES thai have been secretly prepared for BIG CLEAN UPS. The awakening of SLEEPERS will cause excitement among the BOOKMAKERS and only the KOERNER CLIENTS will have tin-wold. Mv connect tons have al*.. Informed me that among these 5 GOOD THINGS they expect some like Amoret, 30-1, Won The above horse was given sal by me to all my client- and filed with this newspaper. This looks like the chance of a lifetime for yon to, string your money with the smartest bunch of operators on the turf. Ymi unite understand that ii is Impossible for me to come out point blank and t. II even detail connected with my inside affairs, otherwise 1 would .•uiy be pleased to do so. If you are wise you will take advantage of this offer. These THESE FIVE GOOD THINGS ARE SCHEDULED TO START AS FOLLOWS: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 SATURDAY, MARCH 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 7 SATURDAY, MARCH 9 My Iflforsaattoa reaaea from men who are familiar Willi every move of the game — men who make :. study of the minutest details. When you receive :h cyme of h horse from me you may resl assured that •mere is some definite cause for reasonable expect i t -. So carefully has everything been concealed that a !...ng Price is assured. On form these horses do not seem to have even a look-in. sod everytbi i coamected with these ; I Tiling- ha- beau kept as secret as possible. There is no telling how long the odds will he. I WANT TO CONVINCE Y0L Thats why I make this prjposttloa to you. I figure that the advertising benefit after these horses come • mi and make good will be worth thousands of dollars to me. it will eonvii oe ami all that I can actually furnlah them with winning information. I want to get acquainted with g 1 players and i take this leans of convincing them in the quickest and most effective manner, by actually giving yon unknown sleepers and pulling off ccups at long odd-. SPECIAL NOTICE. Write your nam.- ami address plainly, also -e,i i .00 one dollar to assure am that yon will acctrd all telegrams. i r.-eie tin right to throw out SHJ subscription that I may see tit to when I suspect the subscriber of spreading my information broadcast. ms Ex-jockey chas. SUITE 4. NEW NO, 154 W. RANDOLPH ST.. Phone Automatic 34592. :: :: Chicago. Illino.-,. ■in Imtiiiinrmn rmmsaiiasniiieuuin aammuKawmas iO-p.p- t-R-T-ll-N-l-T-Y "Embrace Thk Opportunity" it * an. I be "A Winner." Send for my "New Improved" One Bel a Hay System and best the "Hand-hooks." .lu-i i minute with the "Eit.ies" _, thats all i to ]nek your "One Best Bet" lone I horse uulyi each day. A Letter ju-i reed says II Dear Mr. Sutton — "I was always a Loser ;:nti! H I got your system and I have oeen A Steady I Wmnei cveiy week since I got it." I receive B biur- of this kind nearly every day and "You" I cannot afford to neglect this "Opportunity" to 3 make money. Lei me make j m "Successiul." B My Complete "New Improved" on. is, i n u.iv ■ Handliook System sen pi ptly upon rccl uf I M. 0. . WM. H. SUTTON. Chemist. I 2651 Orchard Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. miss— —a mmummnanuusanmamni auugmj ■ ■ muss ■ Gus Hartridge, 8-1, Won was my li-i selection, February ..:. Will admit my aire* were crossed for ■ fen days, but the kinks nave been eliminated and we will all be happy. See my advertisement in !a-t Saturdays and Sundays Baring Perni for U i ma, BERT CRAMPTON. P. 0. Box 7C1, :: :: Anaconda. Mont.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912022501/drf1912022501_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1912022501_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800