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BALTIMORE COMMISSION TO MEET Baltimore Md April 10 The Baltimore County Racing Commission consisting of Messrs Redmond C Stewart Spalding L Jenkins and Frederick Von Kapff which now has jurisdiction over local racing affairs will meet to organize this week at which time the commission will approve the application of the Maryland Jockey Club to hold its regular spring meeting at Pimlico from April 27 to May 15 inclusive As a matter of courtesv to the com ¬ mission the Jockey Club will not ratify the dates until after the commission has met and approved the application applicationGovernor Governor Goldsboroughs appointment of the three gentlemen mentioned above to control the sport in Baltimore County has met with the universal ap ¬ proval of horsemen and public alike Messrs Stew ¬ art Jenkins and Von Kaplt are three of the best known gentlemen riders in the south They are iiicinl ors of the Eldridge and also the Green Spring Valley Hunt Clubs and have frequently ridden In steeplechase races at Pimlico That the sport will be well taken care of by them in this locality is the consensus of opinion among sportsmen sportsmenGovernor Governor Goldsborongh will likewise veto the Bellis bill which passed both branches of the Legis ¬ lature The Bellis bill has been the cause of wide ¬ spread interest throughout the state because if it became a law racing would be allowed in Anne Arundel County in which is located the Laurel race track during eight months of the year that is from April to December There is a state law which allows racing in Anne Arundel County during the month of Octolier and in case Governor GoliisborongJ refuses to sign the Bellis bill Laurel will have to bo content with a fall meeting only