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FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 02722 100 2 110 2ON AMI h K 5 HI HI1S7S By Boanerges Bettin Barry fP M Walker 1S7S Jamestown 51 f 1OS2 fast 115 lOo 2 4 4 Connor 8 Thrifty Chil Queen Joe Gaitens 132 Charleston 34 1142 fast CO 112 2 1 45 4i Connor J Magazine Star Blue Capsize Capsize7h 1797 Charleston 34 314g fast 12 107 9 v 7h s l Connor 12 EHzabethllarwood Thrift Rasu 3 19 Charleston 34 11S3 hvy 31 107 6 3 3ir5l 51 GJConnors 8 Ch Squaw Bertis Uncie J Gray ir5l Cliarleston 51 f 1111 hvy 4 105 2 3 61 6 Connors 9 Al Muller All Red Union Jack 14 9 Charleston 5J f 109 fast 20 106 2 2 i 33 Connors 10 Kg Avondale Suregot Dominica 1423 Charleston 51 f 109Z slow 30 108 5 3 51 720 Rowley 8 JesBurn Sureget Richard Reed 1305 Charleston 51 f 1118 hvy 15 100 3 3 7 8 Connors S RyeStraw RCaptive SirEdward 1250 61w Charleston 34 1141 fast 8 104 8 6 7 10o Connors 10 EHarwood Magazine Pajaroita 1w Charleston 51 f lOSi fast 115 100 1 1 1 1s R Connors 14 Thrifty Uncle J Gray JHBarr 5 Charleston 51 f 1128 hvy 65 103 2 1 11 441 C Turner 11 Effendl Lord Welles Sabo Bleiitl S910 Jamestown 34 1361 slow 135 1041 2 1 1DESCENDANT 2 3 Byrne C Sherwood EWilliam Pennyroyal PennyroyalBv DESCENDANT ch g 5 103 Bv Tanzmeistei Tho Niece H G Bedwellt J mcstown n f i09S fast 3 W 2 1 Il Forsythe 0 Red Bob Harcourt Grenida 3zl 13zl 10 Charleston 51 f 103 fast 100 109 6 5 5 5 JForsythe G Premier Dominica Gold Cap Li 5Li Charleston 61 f Il0g slow 30 109 5 4 GForsythe 7 Toison dOr Jacobite Carroll Carroll5J l Charleston SI r iho mud 30 35 1 1 5J 75iForsythe 9 Magazine Gagnnt CapitanBravo JSi Smr eston 51 f lll slow 25 111 3 1 41 7XButwell 8 AlIRed UncIeJGray ChilQueen lareston rif l 8slowffi 109 3 21 5siFor othe 9 Toison dOr WnBelle SEdwarfl HI 4 Charleston 51 f 1121 hvy 30 109 2 2 6 G1 Loftus 6 Magazine R Straw R Captive 1196 Charleston 51 f 1121 hvy CO 104 10 6 9 11 Forehand 11 Effendi Lord Welles Sabo Blend BlendBy HIDDEN m3S78 HAND b e 7 m By Prince Plenty Tex Anna L K Powell 3S78 Jamestown 51 f 1OSJ fast 13 llo Joe Gaiteus 6 5 5s G G Burns 8 Thrifty Chil Queen 1767 Juarez 5i f 3 07j fast G 304 Marsand 8 S 7 77XR Hoffman S G Rose Fundamental 1714 Juarez S4 135 fast 6 30S G Marsand 4k 7riSmall S Bob Lynch Ben Wilson 1G55 Juarez 34 115 fast 10 307 5 o o1S 2i 2J Taplin 8 GiiRose Fanl Hall FGHogan 1S Juarez 34 1I4 fact 65 10S 3 2 25 1 Gross 5 Med Hannah Pit apat Chess 1519 Juarez Si f 1OS2 fast S us 3 3 31 3si 7 Roberta BLyncb Taplin LadyStalwart 1373 Juarez 34 l33i fast 135 112 6 6 6 Odelia 5J Taplin 8 Stafford Lady Stalwart 1332 Juarez 34 113 fast 6 112 4 1 1HARCOURT 2 2 Gross 10 SStocklng GHartrldge Regards RegardsBy HARCOURT h g 7 108 By Ben Brush D Brollier Costume A 3 S76 Jamestown 51 f 1091 fast 95 110 G r 1 i is Butwell O Red Bob Descendant Grenida 229 Latonia 1 116 148 pood 17 107 11 11 11 s 99204 Latonia 34 116 hvy 46 110 9 C C9S9S3 9S9S3 Latonia 34 114H slow 16 110 3 2 2SG703 SG703 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 8 1101 144 144G12C G12C Louisville 1 l40g fast 51 112 9 G G j917 Louisville 1 141 fast 60 110 10 8 7 8 sioiemriedjx 12 HowHowdy Wander ThePlppln 5195 Jacksvllle E f 110 hvy 15 110 11 12 12J155 101 c l chwvrphy Ji J Walton GolPcarl ShortOrder J155 Jacksvllle 34 1351 hvy 12 107 4 5 6 G c iv br Jo Jpatson JBRobson SfkeOut 3025 Jacksville 61 f 122 slow 10 107 3 3 3S4872 3 2h r iv t y nyae KOnyx MAntonyll S4872 Jacksville 34 l14g fast 0 llrt 8 6 69US1 51 5 = 1 J Donvnf I rme1 AustlnStnrtevant Casque Mnnnelmcr 9US1 Jacksville 3i 1132 fast 6 10S 5 4 4 u G Burns BurnP U Belle Maivr KoyalOnyx Mapleton Son VonLaer ROYAL ONYX br g 8 108 1081SC2 By Ornament Oneck Queen E Utterback 1SC2 Jamestown 34 117 good S 108 1 1 2 ° t 3 Schutger 9 Rue EthrlLoBrume AnLDaley AnLDaley2H 99J61 Marlboro 41 f 103 hvy 115113 2H JJJohuson 8 SBlend BlueCrest BMastcrson BMastcrson2s 99449 Marlboro 41 f 1011 slow 4 113 11399S35 2s JJJohnson 8 Smirk Starboard Koroni Koroni3s 99S35 Marlboro Ab5S 105 hvy 3 113 3s L Walsh 6 Jessup Burn Wn Belie Toniata 99299 Marlboro 41 f 59 hvy 136 113 1139S939 3 L Walsh C May Bride Smirk Carroll 9S939 Laurel 34 114 good 25 111 1 1S61I 8 51 S JO Grand 12 ElizthHarwood Smirk Ragman S61I Laurel SI f 1071 fast 15 112 15 13 roll C Peak 1C LWatckes MonAml Ft Worth 98554 Laurel u4 1211 hvy 85 112 4 4FANCHETTE 5 5 41 5 E Dugan 10 Sir Edward LucllleR MAmelU FANCHETTE b f 3 9 By Alvescot Latifa J H Milburn 99986 Columbia 34 1194 hvy 2 SO 1 3 2l 23 Forsyth 9 J H Barr Casque ITau Louise SOM1 Columbia 51 f 1134 hvy 4 9S 2 29SS75 4 3 35 = Forsyth 6 Jawbone Silas Grump Be 9SS75 Columbia 51 f 113 hvy G 114 1 3 ink 2 Forsyth S Queen Bee Col Brown J Howell 93802 Columbia 5S 100 fast 12 99 1 19D7S6 2 3 3l 3 Skirvin 9 Lewis Queen Bee Orperth 9D7S6 Columbia 34 1144 fast 4 309 2 7 8 101 C Grand 10 Lewis J Howell Lucky Wish 99731 Columbia 51 f 108 fast 6 103 2 2 2 42 481 Schwebig 7 Jawbone S Grump Queen Bee 99717 Columbia 34 1143 fast 31 98 2 1 2 1 2 Schwebig 0 Republican DukeUaffy KMargot 99693 Columbia 58 1034 fast 36 112 1 199G77 1 1 I1 1 Hopkins 8 L Wish Deduction C OBrien 99G77 Columbia 5S 1021 good 5 1H 2 2 3 3J 38 C Grand 7 Republican T Links Mamita 99563 Marlboro Ab58 107 hvy 46 107 1079949S 21 C Grand 7 Slass Grump Barette Shillalah 9949S Mlboro Ab51 f 110 hvy 4 117 31 C Grand 6 Republican Henock SilasGrump 99282 Mlboro Abol f 109 fast 6 109 11 C Grand 8 Marshland SllasGrnmp D Hill 99247 Marlboro Ab58 1023 fast 115 1121 1 C Grand 7 Barette Mollie Kearney Eos EosB 99076 Laurel 51 f l10g hvy 50 1061 8 B 8 91 9 Whatley 10 James Dockery Efficiency Nello 98675 Dufferln 31 1194 fast 3 106 1069S621 1 Whatley 7 StAgathe Goldfern John Heck 9S621 Dufterin Abo8 103 slow 41 104 104NARNOC 31 Whatley 6 Barette Ch Brown LLelghton NARNOC J V JR br h 5 108 By Tithonus Lizbeth Miller M J Conran 1802 Jamestown 34 117 good 40 lOfi 4 49S710 8 9 9 S16 Adams 9Ruo Ethel Lc Brume RoyalOnyx 9S710 Pimlico 1 316 202 fast 100 105 6 69S154 3 5 51 6 lWalker 0 Montgomery Cheek LofLangden 9S154 Montreal 34 115 fast 150 104 9 11 11 10 10 E Walker 12 BenLoyal DrBarkley Muskmn 97833 Hamilton 34 1134 good 100 108 10 7 10 10 10 E Walker It Sidney K Moncreif Th iMnpin 6904 Fort Erie 7S l26g fast 30 115 2 7 711 Gullett Gullett9i 9 Shelby Anna Iu Daley Ed Keck 96799 Fort Erie 78 1264 fast 100 115 3 39C307 9i 9jiGullett 10 CasqueS Nightfall K Avondale Casque 9C307 Hamilton 34 1154 fast 10 111 3 31 1 Gullett S Commola Allanccn Con Carne 96351 Hamilton 51 f 106 fast 50 112 11 8 S1S Gullett 12 Rye Straw Lady Sybil MJonsh 95495 Jamestown 78 129 fast 15 114 3 3WINNING 2 2 Gullett 8 Handrunnlng RKnight Kampt WINNING SMILE b g 4 108 1083S7S By Hapsburg Glad Smile J H McCarren 3S7S Jamestown 51 f 108 J fast GO 10S S S1S24 5 8Skirvin S Thrifty Chil Queen Joe naitons 1S24 Charleston 5i f 103 fast W 113 2 6 63iSkirvin U Premier Dominica Gold Cap 1157 Cliarleston 51 f 111 good 50 102 5 31 9 Skirvin 9 Sureget Semiquaver Rose OneIt 1345 Charleston 34 117 slow 30 100 3 6 6IlSkirvin G CheerUp Pennyroyal GTreasure 99969 Columbia 58 1051 hvy 10 104 3 1 51 Skirvin 9 Dust Mason Bonnie Bee 9962 Columbia 5S l07g hvy 115 104 5 31 3 1 Skirvin 8 SMincemeat Carlisle M Susan 99945 Columbia 5S 1088 hvy 20 102 3 11 3 1 Skirvin C LAppelle Bonnie Bee Benota Benota4l 87727 Jkville 14 st 22 good CO 115 5 4l 5S4 Hannan 1C Capsize Altadena Kent Rose