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W T ANDERSON SCORES A DOUBLE Orperih Quoted at 20 to 1 in Betting and Mar jorie A Carry His Colors to Victory VictoryCharleston Charleston S C April IS Changed track condi ¬ tions due to hard rain which fell last night je Milted in many withdrawals from all the races ex ¬ cepting th fifth in which a poor band engaged The going was not so bad at that and improved as llii afternoon progressed Four favorites scored but tUert was a general tendency to play around them with till exception of Gagnant in the fifth race W T Anderson enjoyed his banner day of the meet Jii in having two winners come from his stable Jl might have made it a triple but for the slipping of the saddle on Kiuda at a period when she was looming P ns tllt Hkely winner In Orperth he furnished the longest priced winner of the after isoitn Orperth won in sensational fashion after a snirited drive that lasted the length of the stretch sitlcllff another 20 to 1 shot took second place with Pardner the oddson favorite third Mr An Vr ons other winner was saddled in the handicap vvbeii Marjorle A made a sparkling showing in rnu rlii six furlongs In 113 over the slow track She led all the way with Lochiel her nearest pursuer throughout The connections of Feather Duster iiiinnid a coup In this race but miscalculated badv for he was a trailer all the way wayTockev Tockev Sehwcbig finally managed to pilot a winner viien lie brought home Tippy in the opener The nubile had little confidence in the rider though as i betting proposition Tippy seemed to stand out as iiiA iitit of tire afternoon afternoonPresiding Presiding Steward W P Burchs string of racers will be shipped on Saturday next to Baltimore where they will be campaigned during the Pimico Pimicostarter starter A 15 I ade today received notification of his appointment as starter for the Pimlico meeting n liis been requested by the management to rush iie of his assistants to the Pimlico track to begin Vie schooling of twoyearolds at the barrier Mr iidc was also today notified of his engagement as dirler for the Woodbine meeting meetingFred Fred Gerhardy who has been serving here as clerk of the wales and assistant racing secretary will wne in n olicial capacity at Woodbine this nrln as usual having received notification to such street this morning morningTnmes Tnmes S Everman will ship all the horses under his care including those of F J Pons to Louis viiiP on Monday next They arc intended for racing At riiiirchlll Downs Downsp p T Casevs good threeyearold Cracker Box which is now looked upon as a factor for honors in 111 Kentucky Derby will 1 shipped to Churchill Downs oil Monday His owner thinks highly of his oliiiceR In Hw Z Kentucky race and in the matter of condition he is likely to have something on his opponents