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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 88914 11 WOOD DOVE ch f 3 95 By Ctmard rail H Fenny 1888 Jamestown 34 114 fast 2i 97 7 5 51SG3 4 2 23 Olsen 7 Kate K Black River Cloak 1SG3 Jamestown 51 f 1091 good 4 96 11 11 10 101 giiAmbrose 11 Ridgeland Hempstead TheRump 1527 Charleston 51 f 110 J good 125 110 8 7 714SO 6 4 21 Olsen 0 FlwrGirl CTrance Motherkins 14SO Charleston 1 145J slow la 90 5 3 3 2 2 J2 Ambrose 6 CapBravo J Denman JFurlonjr 1270 Charleston 78 129 fast 2 98 9 9 9 7 5 3s Schweblg 14 Emeraldlsle CntryBoy Arbutus 1234 Charleston 34 116 fast 6 100 1 11 8 5i 31 Ambrose 14 BCUfi BonEloise Bof Pleasure 1185 Charleston 34 1211 hvy 2 100 5 2 2S937S 2 2 2 Skirvin 7 Grlf Colonel Brown Fantasqne S937S Jamestown 1146 slop 21 92 4 4 6 2 2 2 W Dunn 10 Sunllke RedJacket Brandy 99328 Jamestown 78 1301 slop 6 102 4 5 5 5 3 2il Schufger 10 Daingerfleld Gift Dorothy T 99278 Jamestown 34 1141 fast 8 102 6 7 7 5 61 Wingrid 7 EtonBlue Lady McGee ThPRump 99122 Laurel 1 142 good 8 100 2 3 2 1 2 2 Byrne 10 MlssJoe Jawbone SenatorSparks SenatorSparksBy SHERD7F GRTTENINGER blk c 3 80 By Deutsckland Laura F P M Civill 1942 Jamestown 34 1151 fast 12 97 3 4 3 2 k 6 iAmbrose 10 Blk River Vesper P Asinoruiu 188S Jftmesfown 4 lijlf fast 8 IW 5 51 7 uf gef 7 Kate K BAIT 3iufs br f 3 By Migraine Fisher Girl Mrs N B Plunkett iufs Jamestown S4 115 faBt 15 15c 3 4 4h 4 ° Estep 10 Blk River Vesper P Asinorum 20i c Jamestown 34 l15g fast 20 3 4 6 66i Forsythe 7 Grenida Mason Joe Gaitens i ° Si Jamestown 34114 fast 25 2 4 5 5 Skirvin G JeanucttcB SPrincess KimlSir 115 6 Irwin G TwentyOne Delightful Battson 11 111 21 Irwin 5 Mazard Inwood CongressJames y 11y rine Ed 41 f G7g fast 6 100 2 Irwin S Mazard StAgathe LadyHughes l JnS Ed 41 f 67 fast 5 9S 9SS25 42 Irwin 7 TwentyOne NtyRosc COBrien COBriend S25 Pelorimier 41 f 691 good 2 105 B Bolted d Culley 5 Boray Frances Dean Battson el ° rlmier 41 f 1013 slow 1 100 3 Culley 5 OrlLady NghtyRoseM Virginia 9 115TICK 936 Delorimier 41 f E92 fast 66 115 5 C Knight 5 OrlanLady FranDean Battson TICK TACK ch g 3 91 By Tim Payne La Sinaloa A G Blakeley V 91V Jamestown 34 l15g fast 8 93 7 777 752Forsythe 7 T Rump Hempstead Deduction lr Sna leston 7S l yg last 12 68 S 6 5 S SsjAmbrose S PardnerDippur Bay of Pleasure lAm 5J649 Sarleston 5 f l09i fast 135 111 5 4 4 2 2i Butwell 12 DrRLSwger JMilton Orpcrth 5J4t J649 Charleston V t 1242 fast 20 99 5 7 5 Cu 21 Rowley 7 Dipper Jim Ray Avernns J4t Charleston 34 llHi hvy 7 94 1 477 7siRowIey 7 Capit Bravo Irishtown Stelcliff iJt 9harlestou x 14J fast 40 96 4 1 2 re 5 Skirvin 7 C Holloway C Touch L McGee 2W120 Vn Jamestown CS 1012 fast 7 102 2 2 2 4 4 2 Diggins 10 Gif t Slim Princess Cloak W120 8JJWiC I Iiuiel iuiel 5 f l09g fast 30 S6 8 7 7 4 = 3 Diggins 12 Wildweed Camellia Mad River JJWiC Laurel 5A f l10g hvy rO i2 5 G 5 S2 Slu Bruce 20 James Dockery Efficiency Nello t o Laurel SS 102S good 135 114 4 2 2 3 3 J Goldstein 9 Excaliuur Gift First Aid AidBy BOSSEAUXi 4BOSSEAUXi b g 5 112 By Ben Strome Rose Leaf B Murray JJ2 112JJ2 Jamestown 7S 12SJ fast 30 108 4 5 6 C 618JMcCahey 9 Magazine Electioneer JMaddcn Jamestown 34 llog good 25 109 2 4 4 63 6 McCahey 8 Magazine Sherwood Rye Straw 929K Jacksvill 7S 1261 fast 15 105 4 3 3 3 S2 4 C Boss 7 Hoffman BocaGrande LiveWire 92C15 Pimlico 34 1124 fast 25 25THE 556 6 ° lMcCahey G Rcstigoucue ChQucen GFisher GFisherBy 49i4 THE FOLLIES br c 4 By Hawkswick Ridicule 9i4 2 Saratoga 51 l06g fast 12 9 9 6X 7 M McGee 13 Rockville Stinger Eagle Bird 11404 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast S C S SJ 7 ° E Dugan 15 Rockville Fairy Story Gauntlet GauntletBy CATBOKE 5Una b m 5 By John F Miss Vera Mrs C A Reynolds Una Jamestown 34 l14f slop 100 Pulled up J Bobbins G Magazine Sherwood Berkeley 99S62 Columbia 5S l07j hvy 12 109 8 8776 Fbrother 8 SMlncemt CarllsleM WSmile 99fSS Columbia 34 l20g hvy 15 110 8 999 99JDreyer 9 Appassionata DrBodlne L Lee W S27 Columbia 34 1191 hvy 10 125 8 8 8 8 7 J Johnson 9 Hlbernica DBurch WoodJander 29S01 Sbean9S712 Columbia 7S 1271 fast 60 101 Left at the post J Hanover 8 JoeRose BelleClem Hwd Sbean 9S712 Columbia El f lOSg fast 50 110 8 999 9 Johnson 9 J H Barr Sabo Blend Agnier EviaSul63 91175 Jacksvllle 5 f 108 good 100 102 Left at the post A White 1C NaughLad JPendergrast Evia Sul63 Jacksville 61 f 1091 slow 30 109 4 8 8 8 C A Burton 12 LllyPaxton Donaldo SMatthews SMatthewsDAY DAY Bichaxds1SM BELL ch c 4 105 By Faraday Aunt Belle 0 L Bichaxds 1SM Jamesn Ab 1 = 344 fast 20 132 C G 0 C 55 W Smith G Firestone Trudo Vakeel 89560 TimKa Marlboro AbaS 106 hvy S 110 6s Steinhdt 8 Tiger Jim Goodacre Tiny Tim Ka ilarlboro Ab5S 109 hvy 8 110 6 C Grand 7 Susan Geo G Hall Hibernlca 59497 Marlboro 1 116 203 hvy 12 10S 727lSteinhdt 7 Ornamosa WGriswell BBranch 99406 touH9330 Marlboro 61 f 112 hvy 21 115 3 = 1 C Grand 8 B Frances J Bonrdette Cllf tou H9330 Mlboro Ab41 f 1031 hvy 10 112 42 Stelnhdt 8 Kerran Gold Check C Bartlett 99294 SandiverS9246 Mlboro Ab51 f 109 hvy 20 116 6 Steinhdt 7 Oakley Doris Ward Sandiver S9246 Marlboro 58 69 fast 15 103 G L Walsh 9 Cloud Oakley Lighthouse 99159 Laurel 34 115 fast 12 112 1 877 6JC Grand 10 Ortson Brandy Lady Rosalie 10 10 101 102 Fbrother 12 BLomond Handrnng Argonaut 99000 SerricenceJ903 Laurel 1 18 1541 good 60 104 8 3 3 5 71 8 3C Grand 8 LofLangdcn Brevite Serricence J903 MWLifton9S39 Laurel l l39g fast 100 106 6 6 6 6 5 42Lloyd 8 MarjorieA Aldrian MWLifton 9S39 Laurel 1 142 fast 10 109 2 2 6 6 6 62 Forehand 8 1 Bart Stairs Wood Dove RAPACIOUS b f 3 90 By Yaukee Rapine P S P Randolph 1942 Jamestown 34 1151 fast G S2 8 8 9 72 5 ° 4Forsythe 10 Blk River Vesper P Asinornm 1732 Charleston 31110 last 100 102 8 s 8 8 S VV Dunn S Queen Bee Efficiency Gold Minn JDuianTC86 1648 Charleston 7S 1302 fast 100 97 10 7 5 9 10 II22 W Dunn 12 CSquaw BofPieasure JDuian TC86 Charleston 34 119A hvy 9 107 5 4 5 S2 7 = U Wilson 12 Hempstead Col BrownDetour 51623 Jamestown 58 102J slop 100 102 6 777 5 W Dunn 8 Working Lad Kittery SGrnmp GILBERT b s 4 103 By Sir Bixon Alpena T Sharkey 173 Charleston 7S 129J fast 7 1J2 3 1 1 4 7 W iFaIn 13 ColBrown JEllis Lucky George 1610 Charleston 01 f lOSJ fast 10 113 12 12 Strike Out Oakley Teddy Baar