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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 1800 112 1 113 INCISION blk f 4 98 By Cesarion Belle Swift M Bevins 1331 Charleston 5J l07g fast 15 104 3 2 2 2l 3 J Hanover 10 Lady Orlniar Capt John Oakley 1833 Charleston 5J f l09i slow 41 107 3 4 41B24 4 41 4 = 3 C Turner 10 Smirk Dust Louis des Cogneta 1B24 Charleston 51 1 108 last 60 113 4 4 3 4 4 Hoffman C Premier Dominica Gold Cap 1803 Charleston 34 1151 mud CO 105 4 5 3 3i 693 J Allen 11 Magazine Wander Tippy 1773 Charleston 5J f 1102 slow 25 113 1 9 91C58 9 8 7 Borel 11 Premier Tippy Dust 1C58 Charleston 34 1171 mud 12 110 8 7 7 S S JBorel 10 U Jack Tippy J H Houghton 163 Charleston 34 l19i hvy 21 110 9 9 8 4 ° i Borel 9 Brevite WGriswell BillyBarnes 1609 Charleston 34 115J fast 15 109 8 71 7 Borel 10 TMassle RReed Emp William 1554 Charleston 51 f 111 hvy 15 106 3 31C30 41 63 Goose 9 Al Muller All lied Union Jack 1C30 Charleston 34 115 J good 30 109 6 6 6s 6 JBorel 8 Merrick Ragman Star Blue 1499 Charleston 51 f 109 fast SO 109 10 9 9 Borel 10 KlngAvondale Sureget MonAraL 1326 Charleston 341192 hvy 20 106 6 6 6 Borel 6 RoyalCaptlve Camel Merry Lad 99988 Juarez 64 108 good 5 107 3 U IJ Borel 7 PGHogan MHanah LyKnlgbt 99907 Juarez 34 112 fast 6 105 6 7 7 Borel 7 EdKeck LlttleJane Anllnterest 93901 Juarez 58 100 good 6 115 2 7 7THARAOH ink Il Borel 9 Salvage AOldhani TommyTwlg TommyTwlgBy THARAOH br o 4 106 By Meddler Hatasoo W T Eyan 1954 Charleston 34 114 fast 8 105 1 5 51SS2 42 33 C Turner 10 Righteasy SirAlvcscot MWiggs MWiggsC 1SS2 Charleston 34 115 mud 20 110 5 3 C 6iC Peak G Granite Donau Righteasy 1794 Charleston 34 1132 fast 2U 107 4 5 7 7JJ Wilson 7 MWLitton Granite MarjrieA MarjrieA3J 1723 Charleston 34 1144 fast 2 103 4 1 11C91 3J 3 J W Doyle 8 Star Blue Ragman Top Note 1C91 Charleston 7S 128 J fast 30 110 1 4 3 9 9 W Doyle 9 DDiienner JMonck G of Ophlr 9S646 Pimlico 34 1141 good 136 103 1 1 11 1 E Dugan 5 SNight ChllQueen Moncreif 05S07 Plmllco 34 1131 fast 7 96 3 4 2 2 1 l lk k Olsen 9 Mexoana Sea Cliff Cooney K S4733 Jacksville 1 140 fast 20 99 3 1 1 193S42 1 41 7 i F Cole 8 Lahore DrDuenner Star Charter CharterI1 93S42 Jacksvllle 61 f 1071 fast 6 1U 1 1 1 I1 I1 S Davis 9 Scrimmage BenLomond Premier 93701 Jacksville 78 1291 hvy 10 110 2 2 1 1 6 6 Musgrve 7 CountyTar Patricks Althorpe 93379 JacksvlUe 61 lOGt fast 6 112 7 4 4 6 i 6 1 W Doyle 11 VOctavla GovGray DgerMark 93117 Jacksvllle 34 112 fast 6 107 1 1 21 4 l W Doylw 7 StarCharter GOT Gray Aldrt IRISH KID b g 4 98 981SU3 By Irish Lad Census D C Cambron 1SU3 Charleston 34 113 mud CO 105 2 2 4 7 9t5 E Martin 11 Magazine Wander Tippy 999S5 Columbia 1148 hvy 41 103 6 5 4 5 31 4s J Hanover 8 Our Nngget V Powers OtIIo 09371 Columbia 1150 hvy 3 110 3 6 6 3 3 1s C Grand 7 15 Branch Semiquaver Horace E 9S926 Columbia 1150 hvy 4 103 2 4 6 4 3 55 Hopkins 7 V Powers Otilo W Griswell 99858 Columbia 1146 slow 10 98 6 4 4 5 31 610 B Steele C Cn Bon Maromara Helene 99S17 Columbia 1 143 fast 710 105 3 7 6 4 3s 31 Skirvin 7 Golda DofBdgewr WGrlswl 99787 Columbia 1 140J fast 8 109 4 4 S 5 4 3 B Steelo 9 Muff Otilo Moltke 99758 Columbia 1 141 fast 10 106 1 2 4 45S 7 8 7Tl Lindsay 8 Hatteras Michael Angelo Hclcne 99694 Columbia 5S 1014 fast 20 105 5 4 4 41 41 Lindsey 6 Richard Reed Top Note Casque 99686 Columbia 51 f 107J good 20 105 2 4 7 61 6 Lindsey 7 Union Jack Abrasion EHarwood 99233 Latonia Im70y 143 good 29 100 5 4 5 5 5 4s E Martin 7 Hazel Burke Fairy Story Turret 99173 Latonla Im70y 144 fast 61 102 1 2 2 2 3 31 T Koerner 6 QMgrite CAshmdeTRPnce 99072 Latonia 1 1411 good 9 107 3 1 1 1 1 1 C Turner 10 Hanly Explicit Dottle B 99023 Latonia 34 1141 fast 24 103 3 2 U 11 C Turner 9 Golden Egg Emily Lee H Scott ScottBy JESSUP BURN b C 6 111 By Collector Jessup Caroburn R F Carman 1950 Charleston 5J f 1072 fast 2 110 2 1 4 5 5 C Peak 7 Moncreif Tom Massie Th Links 1633 Charleston 5J f 11 slow 7 116 6 4 4 4s 4 J T Koerner 7 Berkeley R Captive Magazine 1590 Charleston 5i f 1111 hvy 6 111 2 3 3 4i 3 = 1 T Koerner 8 Fatherola All Red Magazine 0566 Charleston 34 117 slow 7 107 3 3 3 4l 5J T Koerner 7 OchreCourt Magazine Berkeley 1423 Charleston 61 109 slowll20 113 3 1 1 1J I1 Hopkins S Sureget RichReed HerbTurner 1391 Charleston 34 116 slow 910 111 1 1 1 1 1 Hopkins 9 Rich Reed Oakley Sabo Blend 1341 Charleston 61 f 113hvy 21 114 3 3 2 31 2t Hopkins 7 Al Muller Rye Straw H Turner 1271 Charleston 34 1141 fast 96 115 11 10 10 7 61 Hopkins 12 Westbury Sal Volatile BBarnes 1222 Charleston 51 f 1OS good 86 109 1 3 2 2 1 Hopkins 13 KAvdale EWilliam Dominica 1160 Charleston 61 1101 good 3J 121 7 2 3 3 33 Hopkins 9 JackNunnally Al Muller Bodkin 1134 Charleston 61 f 1101 hvy 7 1071 8 6 4 51 Hopkins 8 EBird Ella Bryson JNunnally 99770 Columbia 34 114 fast 46 110 2 1 1 11 Il Hopkins 10 Bertis Teddy Bear Rne 99746 Columbia 61 l07i fast 2 103 4 1 1 Il lll Hopkins 8 Anavri Fort Worth Belle Clem fDlsqualiSed for foul foulJ J H BARE ch g 5 105 By Jean Bereaud Blaze 0 G M Johnson 1936 Charleston 5 f lOSg good 12 109 1 S S18C7 9 44 J Allen 1U Arbutus Dust Sam Rank 18C7 Charleston 78 l2Sg fast 10 114 10 10 10 1 12JJ Allen 12 Stare CaptSwansou BcachSand 1754 Charleston 34 1161 mud 15 122 2 7 7 75 J Allen 7 Klectioneer Ckr ISox Suffragist Suffragist6s 1694 Charleston CJ f 1222 fast 25 120 6 6 6s 5 J Allen S Howdy Howdy Star Bliu G Cap 1579 Charleston 1 145 good 6 110 4 3 5 7 7 J J Allen 10 Belfast Joo Rose Golcnnda 1513 Charleston 1 1S l49i fast 20 107 1 1 1 114CT 1 33 J Allen 1 Limpet DItultman Swoet Owen 34 l20i hvy 9 118 4 3 32 2 J Allen 7 UJGray N Star M Antony II II6h 14CT Cliarleston 1399 Charleston 34 123 hvy 165 113 6 6 6133C 6h 6 1 Loftus S S Blond Sal Volatile TuJGray 133C Charleston 34 l21g hvy 4 118 7 3 3JACK 52 3s Loftus 13 Oakley ChiltSquaw Double Five By David Tenny Lillie W K S Brush JACK 8 112 NUNNALLY ch f 6 Dominica ThrccLinks Ch Brown 3 3 li 2 C Peak 1972 Charleston 5J f 1081 slow 135 110 3 1347 Charleston 5i f 1074 fast 185 110 2 3 a 21 22 C Peak 9 Dominica StarBlue IIMyHowdy 1220 Charleston 34 115 good 5 109 3 3 4 3l 31 C Peak S Ella Bryson Camel Pajaroita 6 1 1 lii C Peak 9 Al Muller Jessup 1160 Charleston 51 f 1104 good 6 111 5 1134 3 3 21 35J C Peak 8 Eagle Bird EllaBt Charleston 51 f 1102 hvy 40 109 6 7 Cooney K Anavri Joe Galtens 99655 Jamestown 6 f l23g slop 10 109 6 4 3 3s 4Ti C Peak 93624 Jamestown 34 1151 slop 60 111 4 4 4g 4 4 4 j c Peak 5 R Queen Capsize William Stilly NIsW g = J ° Jamestown 34 1164 slow 15 11116 6 6 6 6 3 C Peak C Sherwood E 9 i 1 O Peak 12 Top Note Anavri Claqne 99053 Laurel 34 l15t hvy 20 109 3 i 41C Peak 4 MadriBalian Capsize Outlan 002 Arlington 41 f 561 fast 85 113 1 C Peake 5 LoyalMald PioPlco LaBAgnes CEREMOirniS 113CEREMOirniS T e 6 100 Bv Sempronius Cereta J E Richardson 1924 Charleston cl 1 3 31 3 Teahann 10 Pretend L les Cognets JWeils 7 8 8 Teahann S C Hill M W Littleton Donau u ait Teahann 12 CStraus Pennyroyal Sain Rank 6 4 1 Teahann 9 JocStein Arbutus La U Mexican 8 8 8 Forehand 8 Limpet Clem Beachey Corinth J9204 Latonia 34 116 11 10 nSklrvin 12 P Mohr Al Muller Jeanne d Arc 7 7 Fflln 7 Worth Follle Levy Jim Basey 34112 fast 100 9810 12 101 11 Gerondo 12 Aspirin Sylvestrls Casque 94722 JacksvUle 51 f 108 fast 50 105 11 12 12 12 Hufnagcl 12 DParadell RoyOnyx StkeOnt 93119 Jacksville 34 1131 fast 50 112 4 6 7 7 S Davis 7 FlySqnlrrel BDouble GalSlave GalSlaveBy WESTBUKY b 8 118 By Meddler TIranfa O Hak 171 Charleston 51 f 1 07 fast 10 loy n 10 10 It Gould 12 Moncreif Dominica Strike Out 1271 Charleston 34 114 fast 9 105 3 1 l IS Gould 12 S Volatile B Barnes Gold Cap 1175 Charleston 51 f l09i good 25 111 9 10 10 9 = Goose 10 Al Muller Rose Oncil Colctta 96076 Louisville 34 113 J fast rid 107 7 8 9 10 Gould 10 ElflnBeau Mclvor RoyCaptive 93191 Jacksville 51 f 1074 fast 40 104 3 5 5 5 1 Gould 6 Fly Squirrel Ladylrma LaSallo 92824 Latonia 34 114 fast 5 110 3 2 3 41 Ganz 0 Aspirin BMasterson Covcndon 91620 Latonia 78 1261 fast 25 105 1 J ll I1 Ganz 8 Descomnets Aspirin Ceremonius Ceremoniusoultl S2396 Louisville 51 f 106 J fast 495 IOC 2 oultl 10Spohn Abrasion The Fad 92C28 Lexington 12 ToidOr BBodemer SPrcston ciwcj fnst 45 45143SCharJen 143SCharJen ImTOjr 153 hvy 20 209S5GO 9S5GO Louisville 34 1121 fast 11 119S431 9S431 Louisville 1 i i7 Wrispen 0 TMGreen P Ahmed Helmet 97986 Windsor Im70y 1431 fast 8 at Ker 10 Romp Stare Barney Igoe 97811 Hamton 1 116 161 fast 40 71 9 Schut HI ger 9 Forehead Bounder Ragman ink ih Gross ss 6 BVdcrveer 94949 Jacksvllle U S2t WgTlng Patricks 2fc 2n Gross 7 Leamcnce BVandveer Rcdwlno Rcdwlnoiss 31 Z Gross iss 8 IdaD EyeWhltc BMasterson TINY TIM ch r 4 By Ort Wells The Scold R D Carter 12 I17 Ambrose 12 JHlIghton LOrimar Hallaok 99825 Columbia 34 1181 hvy 15 110 4 3 2 I1 I1 Ambrose 8 Dancey Maynora Roseburg II IISEMIQUAVEB SEMIQUAVEB ch c 4 101 By Ogden Xrillette L H Adair Adair1S16 1S16 Charlesfn 1 1S 136 fast 20 112 6 4 5 11 13 13 R Hoffmanl4 Otilo Nty Lad Dolly Bultman Bultman1S21 1S21 Cliarleston 51 f lOSi fast 16 1161 S 5 6 4J R HoffmanlO StrikeOut UncleJGray nsllack 1805 Charlesn 1 116 l51 mud 10 U7 457 8 4 4 J orsythe 10 Longliand Nty Lat WGriswHl WGriswHl17SO 17SO Charleston 31116 fast 60 1186 52 31 43 S Wilson 8 Th Links Einp WIHIam Pilantj 1759 Charles n Im70y U49J mud 15 103 9 2 3 3 5 10 jiSklrvIn 11 I kview Nty Lad Montgomcr 1720 Charleston SI f 108 J fast 11112 1311 9W Mclntyrelg Lord Wells Starboard Rue 1658 Charleston 34 1175 mud 15 113 6 55 4 4 i J Wilson 10 U Jack Tippy JHHongbton 1315 Charln Im70y 153 hvy 30 102 6 1 1 2 7 8 E Mart n 10 Roebuck DKnight nHutchisoa nHutchisoa12SS 12SS Charlcsn 1116153 slow 20 10G 3 2 2 7 9 9 E Martin 9 Roebuck Rash Puck 1263 Charlesn 1 116 149 fast 110 5 7 9 8 8 7 1 T Koerner 11 EdGraney Dy Bultman El Oro 1227 Charlesn 1 116 1491 good 10 106 21213 12 12 12 3Butwell 15 Haldeoun Nadzu Otilo 1183 Charlesn 1 116 l57 hvy 41 105134 3 2 2 SMrvin 6 Brevite G Treasure Ramazan 4 3 2 3 Fbrother Sureget Rose Onell Lord Wells 1157 Charleston 51 f 111 good 6 110 3 99985 Columbia 1 148 hvy 12 98 3 6 6 4 6 6 Bruce 8 Our NjiggetV Powers Otilo 99971 Columbia 1 150 hvy 1 103 1 1 1 1 1 3 J Schwebig 7 IrishKid Blk Branch Horace E ECAPSIZE CAPSIZE br c 4 106 By Cesarion Hull Down Mrs J W Flynn 1954 Charleston 34 114 fast 15 108 10 98 C 6 Fain 10 Righteasy Sir Alveseot Pharaoli 1937 Charleston 1 f 122 goods 10716 7 5 4 Cl 5J C Peak 7 ToniKIii FDustcr Ella Urysoii 1925 Charleston 51 f 1091 mud 4i 109 5 44 S 2 C Peak 5 Lewis Uiglitcasy Suftrasist 1914 Charleston 34 1143 fast 25 103 9 10 9 9 9 J Hanover 11 KOlympian EHarwd Wander 1832 Charleston 34 l14g fast 10 118 1 33 2i 34 Goldstein 6 Magazine Star Bine Mou Anil 1811 Charleston s4 34 1 1152 15 fast 5 103 1037 7 65 6 53 Butwell 7 Ragman Al Muller Rye Straw 1797 Charleston 34 l14g fast 30 116 8 5 i Forehand 12 EllzabethHarwood Thrifty Rash 1378 Charleston 1 147 hvy 9 107 4 1351 Charleston 34 1192 hvy 12 109 2 3 1 B Dugan 6 Donau M B Enbanks R Queen 1316 Charleston 34 119 J hvy 6 101 5 5 3 4 4 C Turner 5 Berkeley L Wiggins MWLltn 1203 Charleston 31 118 hvy 2 97 3 3 Skirvin 4 Amoret Rose Queen Husky Lad 1230 Charleston 7S 1 27 fast 30 112888 8 8 S iFbrother 10 Donau Star ORyan Bettie Sue 1208 Charleston 34 11CJ slow 30 1138 77 6 4 C Peak 9 Donau Jack Parker Eagle IJird 78129 hvy 5 105 3 5 3 2 2s 25 Schufger 5 Marjorie A BenLoyal Sherwood Sherwoodin wii in i oinii daiiicaiuwii uwu 34 1152 slop 125112 1 333 2k Butwell 5 R Queen S Mght J Nunnally ROBIN GREY h g 6 105 By Tithonus Selva J Jenkins 1821 Cliarleston 5i f 1034 fast 100 11410 10 9 9 9S9990 10 StrikeOut UncleJGray Hallack S9990 Latonia 34 114 fast 136 109 S 88 8 10 10SS646 9lST Koerner 13 Fdamental Splendida Marbles SS646 Louisville 5i f 108 slow 31 1053 5 643 4 31 I1 Kennedy 13 Donovan Ben Sand Tony W OAKLEY ch g 4 110 By Th The Comi Commoner Glenwaltz WC Westmoreland 1951 Charleston 5 f 107 fast 31 108 1 4 454 5 45 = 43 Fain Fain1S2S 10 LadyOriinar Capt John Incision 1S2S Charleston 34 115 fast 30 110 6 46 467 7H 68i Obert 13 Wander Love Watches Joe Rose 1773 Charleston 51 f 110S slow 5 113 4 8 8 5 5J 41 Obert 11 Premier Tippy Dust 16 18 Charleston 78 l30g fast 10 113 3 10 S 878 7 8 6J Obert 12 CSquaw BofPIeasure JDman 1610 Charleston 5i f l09i fast 3 113 6 3 3 21 2s Obert 12 StrikeOut TBear SMlnceraeat 1454 Charleston 34 1211 hvy 10 111 6 6 B 4 4 4Ti i FbroUw 8 J Denman S Blend Al Mutter 1391 Charleston 34116 slow 10 107 3 4 4 31 3 C Peak 9 JessupBurn RichReed SFlend 1356 Charleston 34 1218 hvy 5 114 1 2 2 U lll C Peak 13 ChSouaw JHBarr DoubleFive 1353 Charleston 7S l35g hvy 15 109 4 1 1 1 1 2 C Peak 8 Wander Longhand J C Core 1223 Charleston 51 f 109 good 15 102 14 14 14 12 121J Willlamsl4 Sabo Blend Lord Elam U Jack 11J6 Charleston 51 f l12g hvy 10 100 8 9 9 7 7 Hopkins 11 Effendl Lord Welles Sabo Blend 1133 Charleston 51 f 1118 hvy 21 102 8 88 6 61BJC Turner 9 Prosper Sabo Blend Paul Dacls 99949 Columbia 51 f 114 hvy 7 102 6 6 4 21 I1 Forsyth 7 SeaSwell L Watches CBeachey Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above he scratched scratchedLIGHTHOUSE LIGHTHOUSE br g 6 105 By Watercress Linda Vista G J Day 1924 Charleston 51 f l09 mud 20 112 4 77 61 5T1 McTagrt 10 Pretend LdesCognets Cercmons 17S6 Charleston 5 lft i fast 200 114 7 898 7i Minder 11 Gold Cap Top Note Dominica 1C06 Charleston 51 f lOSg fast 40 114 9 10 10 S 8 Minder 11 ChilQueen Dominica Jacobite 93371 Columbia 1 150 hvy 30 101 6 4 6 Fell Minder 7 IrishKid BBranch Semiquaver 95829 Columbia 1 147 hvy 20 113 5 5 4 4 41 6lMlnder 8 D Campbell WGriswell Tippy 09718 Columbia 34 lli fast 40 112 8 8 8 8 8 Minder Minder99G81 10 Belle Clem Moltke Oakley 99G81 Columbia 34 116J good 10 109 8 8 7 6 610 Minder 8 Mason Joe Rose Leon B 99567 Marlboro Ab78 135 hvy 12 110 33i Minder MinderPHIL 7 Susan Dr Barkley Donation PHIL MOHR h g 5 109 By Sain Si Si1S2S highland E J Doherty DohertyR 1S2S Cliarleston 34 115 fast 10 112 5 Bled R Hofl Hoffmanlo Wander Love Watches Joe Rose 17SG Charleston 5i f 1084 fast W 114 9 78 6J 58J E Martin 11 Gold Cap Top Note Dominica Dominica124S 124S Charleston 1 140 fast 100 105 4 2 3 4 6 6siT Koerner G Kormak S ORyan Dr Duenmr 1222 Charleston 5J f lQgi good 20 10611 11 10 ll1 1011 T Koerner 13 JBurn KgAvondale EWilliaia 99437 Latonia 34 1132 good fid 107 7 888 8 Denny 10 W Widow Merrick J Griffin II 99204 Latonla 34 116 hvy 215 104 7 3 3 3 Loftus 12 AlMuller Jean dArc JHBard 39046 Latonia 34 l13g fast 73 105 10 10 10 10 9 JJ Henry 10 Housemaid Donau Amoret S8986 Latonla 34 1132 slow 71 105 5 22 2 3 1 J Henry 7 Amoret Duquesne Star Blue 98914 Latonla 34 1161 slop rid 106 9 9 5 51 5 J A Burton 12 Duqnesne Magazine TomBiRbee TomBiRbee9S7S5 9S7S5 Lsville Im70y l47g hvy 396112 411 2 4 4 Kennedy 9 F Story T Hayward S Barber 98511 Louisville 1 l44g hvy 23 106 2 2 3 2 2 21 J Henry 10 Balronia MerryLad SamBarber 98497 Louisville 34113 good 22 103 G 555 5J Ganz 6 K Deck Jim Basey CountyTax CountyTax9S336 9S336 Lexington 34 1151 good 385 107 7 4 3 31 313 C Turner 10 Spalding CrowKobb Jean dArt 98271 Lexington 34 1151 slop 3 105 2 344 4 1 Taplin 7 UnionJack Duquesue J Weaver WeaverPOCOTALIGO POCOTALIGO br h 6 108 By Mexican Star Dreamer G E Gifford 1952 Charlesn 1 116 147 fast 40 100 5 513 13 13 13 C Miller 13 LyMcGec SwOwen DBultrnau 1897 Charlesn 1 116 l50g slow 60 107 6 7 7 7 7 7 C Miller r Font T G Butterfly New Star 1832 Charleston 34 1143 fast 100 120 5 6 6 6 618 C Miller G Magazine Star Blue Capsize Capsize1S13 1S13 Charleston 5i f 1091 fast 20 117 8 8 7 3 31 C Miller 12 Lucetta Corinth Skillute 1632 Charleston 5i f 111 slow 30 117 5 758 811 C Pealj S Parkview RReeJ M Antony IL 1466 Charleston 34 120 hvy 8 116 6 5 4 4 5u3Gould 7 UncleJGray JHBarr New Star 1399 Charleston 34 123 hvy 4 109 4 544 4J Fbrother S S Blend Sal Volatile UnJGray 1356 Charleston 3 1211 hvy 12 116 5 6 5 6s 681 E Dugan 13 Oakley ChiltonSquaw J H Barr 1315 Charln Im70y 153 hvy 60 107 5 4 5 7 6b 7iFbrother 10 Roebuck DKnight HHutchison 1259 Charleston 34 114 J fast 50 110 9 8 8 61 gojFbrother 14 King Olympian Hallack Maczle 1239 Charleston 78 128 fast 60 106101010 10 10 100lConnors 10 Effendi Claque Rash 95168 Jacksville 1 18 1561 slow 3 112 2 2 2 1 lt 31 Byrno 6 Golconda First Peep St Joseph 95102 Jksville 1116148 fast 12 109 7 6 1 1 I1 Il Goose 9 Muff Royal Report Oracle OracleTIPPY TIPPY b f 4 96 By Blues Lineage W B Carson 1971 Charleston 34 1153 slow 45 IOC 2 1 1 1 I5 Schwebig 7 Colctta Masks Faces L Wish 1893 Charleston 5J f 1091 slow 86 105 7 6 8 61 64i Schwebig 10 Smirk Dust Louis des Cognets 1S2S Charleston 34 115 fast 12 103 8 978 7 i Schwebig 13 Wander Love Watches Joe Ruse 1S03 Charleston 34 1151 mud 6 93 5 45 41 3s Schwebig 11 Magazine Wander Jacobite 1773 Charleston 5J f 1103 slow 145 106 9 62 2 1 21 Schwebig 11 Premier Dust Oakley 1729 Charleston 34 1144 fast 40 101 6 44 5s 5B4 Schwebig 8 Star Blue Ragman Pharaoh 1658 Charleston 34 117 mud 7 103 5 4 3 2l 2 Schwebtg 10 UJack JHHoughn Semlqver 1636 Charleston 51 f 1118 slow 135 106 8 6 6 7 7T Schwebig 9 Tolson dOr WnBelle SEdward 1499 Charleston 51 f 1091 fast 30 102 7 667 78i C Turner 10 KlngAvondale Suregct MonAral 99850 Columbia 68103 slow 3 105 6 6 8 SI 4 Schwebig 8 SeaSwell BlllyBarnes C Squaw 99829 Columbia 1147 hvy 35 100 2 1 1 1 1 31 Schwebig S DCampbell W Grlswefl Outpost 99757 Columbia 5S 100 fast 21 105 4 fi 6 41 3 1 Schwebig 9 Premier Carroll Ynca FORT WORTH ch e 4 103 By Plaudit Mamie Worth D Hammond 1893 Charleston 5J f 1091 slow 12 312 6 899 9 C Peak 10 Smirk Dust Louis des Cogneta 1786 Charleston 5if 1084 fast 25 10310 66 51 63 C Turner 11 Gold Cap Top Note Dominica 1775 Charleston 5J f 1102 slow 20 108 2 66 5J 5i C Turner 7 Toison dOr Jacobite Carroll 99S66 Columbia 68 1034 slow 7 104 7 899 8Forsyth 9 Sea Swell Anavri Ynca 99818 Columbia 61 f 1084 fast 3 1011 3 3 1 1 1 C Turner 9 Casque Bertis Ynca 99794 Columbia 34 1131 fast 75 100 3 2 3 31 4i C Turner 8 Workbor Dominica Oakley 99746 Columbia 51 f 1074 fast 5 95 3 3 2 31 3 Ambrose 8 Jessnp Burn Anavri Belle Cl Clem 99721 Columbia 58101 fast 5 95 3 3 3 4l 2 Ambrose 9 Sureget RabiaGranda Anavri 99667 Jamestown 34 1164 good 95 91 4 1 1 I4 I1 Ambrose 9 Otilo Semiquaver Roebuck 99633 Jamestown 7S 130 hvy 8 105 6 1 1 1 U 2 Forsyth 8 O U Buster Corinth H Scott