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SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 1950 147 5 111 MICHAEL ANGELO ch h 6 107 1071S12 By Ornns May Angelo H G Bedwell Bedwell5i 1S12 Charlesn 1 11C 1474 fast 15 117 9 4 6 5i 51 J Hanover IS JyMcGee SwOwen DBultmn 3 SCO Charleston 1 1404 fast 50 109 2 5 5 59SS7S 5 5IB J Williams 5 Limpet Itey Effeudi 9SS7S Columbia 1 147 hvy 31 114 6 6 5 5VJKZS 4 = 5 lForehand C F Duster Ilelene V Grlswell VJKZS Columbia 1 11C 152 hvy 32 111 344 344ttM5 2 2 Forsyth 4 JIaromara ProOle Muff Muffink ttM5 Columbia 1 116 l4Cjj fast 3 IOC 3 3 2 2S97TS ink 2i Forehand C Ilelene Troy Weight JIaromara S97TS Columbia 1 141 fast 5 113 8 8 8 8SU733 5 2J Forsyth 8 Hatteras Helene Otllo SU733 Columbia 1 l41g fast 21 112 3 4 3 3S9C79 7 7 Forehand S Camel Clem Bcachey Roebuck RoebuckIS S9C79 Columbia 1 11 153 good 75 110 312 31299G26 IS 2 Forehand G D Kultman Montagnie Profile Profile4s 99G26 Jamesfn ImTOy 147 slop 7 115 3 2 3 3SO5SS 4s 4IS Butwell G Servlcence F Duster Outlan SO5SS Jamestn 1 1S 15S fast 10 107 2 3 3 31 3s Forsyth 7 Sager The G Butterfly Ontlan 99177 Jamesfn 1 110 l50jj slow 115 IOC 3 1 1 11 11 Bruce 5 IiofLangden Bnder CFGrainr 99428 Jamestown 1 143 hvy 4J 10S 3 3 3 3 3SJ Forehand 4 Ragman H Turner Beaucoup 33329 Jamesfn 1 14 2llg slop 85 107 3 2 1 1SWEET 12 1 Forehand C Helene Outlan Nadzu SWEET OWEN b c 4 108 By Bridgewater Rosebay P Phillips 1952 Charlesn 1 11C 14U fast 5 107 S 7 5 5lair 3 1 2 McTagrt 1 LyMcGee DUuitman Nty Lad lair Charleston 1 1S 1562 fast 8 114 U 4 4 41S4C I 2l C Peak 10 B Sand D Bultman Nty Lad 1S4C Chariest n 1 1S 156 fast 41 107 12 9 9 62 6s C Turner 14 Otilo Nty Lad Dolly Bultman 1708 Charlen ImTOy l48g fast 2 110 10 7 6 32 3si C Turner 12 BonEloise Kaufman LoatLady 3513 Charlesn 1 1S 1492 fast C 104 7 7 6 41 4S3 Goose 13 Limpet DolIyBultman JHBarr 3263 Charlesn 1 116 149 fast 30 103 10 6 5 61 43 Schwebtg 11 EdGraney Dy Bultman El Oro 1227 Charlesn 1 116 149J good CO 104 1 4 4 4S33 9 9 JPickens 15 Haldeman Nadzu Otilo S33 Jamestown 7S 130 hvy 8 IOC 3 7 8 7 7 iMcCahey 8 OUBuster Fort Worth Corinth 99612 Jamestown 1 l41g fast 1S5 101 12 11 11 91 7si Schufger 12 Cuttyhunk HarveyF WestPolnt 29123 Latonia 1 11G 1472 slow 18 lOi 3 G 5 5DOLLY 52 4 i C Turner 9 Console Falcada Q Marguerite MargueriteBy DOLLY BULTKAN b m 6 107 By All o way lit Lucie E McCloskey 3952 Charlesn 1 11C 1472 fast S 102 13 C 4 2 3s Ferguson 1 LadyMcGce Sw Owen Nty Lad 3315 Chariest n 1 1S lCCg fast 5 108 3 8 C C1S59 3s 31 J Hanover It BSaud Sw Owen Naughty Lad 1S59 Charlesn 1 11C 14SJ fast 31 103 433 4331S45 4 = 4 = 3 P Moore G TGButtly PDumas IPendcr I 1S45 Chariest n 1 1S 156 fast 1C5 105 7 10 C C3S04 2 3ll Forsythe 14 Otilo Nty Lad Black Branch 3S04 Charlesn 1 11C 151 ifiud C 100 1 3 2 21GT 1i 2i C Peak 11 Pliant New Star Star Rose 1GT 5 Charlesn 1 116 1542 slow 6 102 5 8 8 83C50 51 4lu Schwcbig NewStar Moutgomerv Nty Lad 3C50 Charlesn 1 116 150A fast 93 100 S C 2i 2s Skirvin 12 Cuttyhunk Frog Naughty Lad 1555 Charlesn 1 1S 201g hvy 2 1033 5 4 Sl 2J Skirvin 12 NewStar Montgomery Kaufman 1513 diaries n 1 18 1492 fast 2 10a 5 3 2 214SC 21 21 Hopkins 13 Limpet J H Barr Sweet Owen 14SC Charlen ImTOy 149 good 335 102 4 5 f fIICO 2 3i J Williams 7 Montclair NewStar BlkBrancb IICO Charleston 1 1512 hvy 10 10u 4 C 6 45 4 3 J Williams S Moutagnie Aviator Golconda 1333 Charleston 7S 1353 hvy 5 104 8 8 8 8NAUGHTY i 7i Loftus 8 Wander Oakley Longhand LonghandBy NAUGHTY XAD b c 4 108 108JSIY By Fatherless Ellerslie C Phillips JSIY Charlesn 1 11C 147J fast 7 DC 3 10 10 101I 4l 4 Steinhdt 13 1yMcGee SwOwen DBultmcn 1I 15 Chariest n 1 1S l56g fast 3 114 1 9 8 81S1G 51 401 T Koerner 10 Bch Sand SwOwen DHnlfmnii 1S1G Chnrlestn 1 1S 156 fast 41 112 3 7 4 43S12 3l 21 C Peak 14 Otilo DollyBultma 3S12 Charlesn 1 116 149J fast li 108 2 C 3 7u Si C Peak 11 El Oro Hatteras 1803 Cliarlesn 1 11C l51i mud 2 106 2 3 1 2 23 C Peak 10 Lghd WGriswell S 1759 Charlen Im70y 149J mud 10 108 2 7 6 21 2 C Peak 11 ParkviewMontgomeryHHutson 1704 Chariest n 1 1S 155 fast 15 SC G E G G1C76 7 7 7J Allen 8 JobnFurlong GMMlller Console 1C76 Cliarlesn 1 116 154J slow 7 103 3 4 G GICVO 21 32 Jensen J NStar Montgomery DBultman ICVO Charlesn 1 11C l50i fast 41 99 11 10 9 4 4J2 Ambrose 12 Cuttyhunk DolIyBultman Frog 1C19 Charleston 34 llSi hvy 50 30S 8 8 8GOLDEN 6s 42 Ambrose 8 ChSquaw Bertis Uncle J Gray GrayBy GOLDEN TREASURE blk r 4 105 By Golden Link Udab W H Horton V 105V S ° larlesn 1 11 l4Sj fast 10 107 S C G 5i 533 McTagrt S ISeach Sand Hatteras Arbutus 2 SLlares n 1 11C 151 l ud SO 304 5 C 4 3 3 ° J Hanover 7 ToeKose TGButfly DrBarkley 2 Charleston 7S 1282 last 40 112 5 G S Si 51 46 Steinhdt 12 Stare CaptSwanson BeachSand i Charleston 7S 130J slow e 110 7 C C 0 Gl Fain 7 Jack Denman Rash Lord Elam 5 5 Goose 8 Jacobite Bertis Pretend o 7 7 Fbrother 11 Em Lee J Denmnn West Bell ll 107 I 1 1 B1 6li Fbrotber 9 Roebuck Rash Puck 3 3 Goose 12 Lord Elara Montclair Otilo Otilo4h 4h 35 Fbrother 6 Brevlte Semiquaver Ramazan 1145 Charleston 34 117 slow fi 312 gij Fbrother 6 Cheer Up Pennyroyal Kaufman Jig 999S4 Columbia 5J f 1 hvy 12 I ii Fbrother f Uoricon Chipnewayan Force 9y9S Columbia 51 f 115 hvy 30 4 41 Fbrother 6 Casque Horicou Billy Barnes BarnesBy WARNER ia12 Charlesn GRISWELL br e 8 104 By Ornus Sarah B C Evans EvansS 1915 Charlestn 1 1 116 147J fast 40 104 10 12 11 9 S = S1 Moody 13 LyMcGee StvOwen DBultmen 3S lMg fast CO 0 2 3 3 DBultman 5 C2 G3Moody 10 Bch Sand SwOwen 3S4G Charlestn 1 1S 1S39 Charlen 15G fast CO 17 9 C 10 9 9 Moody 14 Otilo Nty Lad Dolly Bultman lm0y 1474 fast SO 104 2 7 7 7 GI 5 2 Moody 8 Ramazan Longhand TheRPce TheRPce3s 3b03 Charles n 1 151 k mud 25 102 C 7 4 3 3s 3 Moody 10 Lonshand NtyLad Semiquaver 37S7 Charleston 34 l14g fast 100 10010 10lOt 10 10 8 7i Moody 12 Elizheth Ilarwood Thrifty Rash 3721 Charleston 1 143 fast 25 lOt 1 S 9 9 10 10 Moody 11 Rertis Merman Ursa Major 1KO Charlesn 1 116 1501 fast 10 107 10 9 10 10 8 815 3 G23 Charleston 34 1191 hvy 23 107 7 f 8 Schweblg 12 Cuttyhnnlc DolIyBultman Frog KS 2 3CT5 Cliarlesn 1 1S 201 hvy 30 lOT 10 10 7 10 9 Moody Brcvite Billy Barnes Incision Moody 12 N Star DBultman Montgomery 3VJO Charleston 1 142 J fast SO 97 G 4 4 5 5 C 34S6 Charlen Im70y l49g good 6 102 C 4 4 2 CJ SandCJ 5 JMoody Moody 8 7 V Montclair Powers NewStar ChilSqnaw DBultman B Sand GLUCOSE b h 6 107 1052 Charlesn 1 31C 3472 fast M 100 1 2 3 3 y atercresa Sweet J L Holland 3ST3 Charlen Im70y l4SZ fast 100 103 2 5 10 10 11 inU Ioore oore 13 lyMcGee SwOwen DBulttnac 1773 Charleston CJ f 1102 slow 5v 112 11 11 11 11 ins w M ° ofe 11 12 Hatteras TRPrince JHHtoii JHHtoiii 3C1S Charleston 7S 3303 fast 8 110 2 12 12 12 i J DustJ = 194 ° re 12 Premier Tippv Dust 1440 Charleston 1 148 hvy 30 106 7 G 6 6 7M w vi vire CSquaw BofPleasure JDraan 100 113 6 8 S 8 3275 Charleston 7S 133 hvy JDenman 3317 Charleston 34 119 hvy CO 312 11 12 11 11 ll w S ° rt LaU Mexican Aviator fast 25 108 9 99 8 8 J G P c9 c9rt TNIghtinare Sprlngms Jacksville 34 1128 Melisande Gov Tnr r 2 Gray Hanbridge 127 fast 31 115 6 G 5 3 = Tn HanbridgeJ 7S Doubfe 94110 Jacksvlllo li ftnS ftnSi J Abrasion J Walton Ben 1 140 fast 35 109 4 3 2 1 2t T ps5 Jacksville 5 scomnets TnNunDa Compton 104 2 1 1 1 i 1 1 is T Loftus S3SC3 Jacksvilla 1 l3Si fast 6 7 MaryDavls THayward FHarry I TACKLE b e 7 104 By Arkle Anacleta Mrs E Lutz 1915 Charlestn 1 1S 15C fast 100 110 9 7 10 10 1019iJ WilliamslO Bch Sand SwOwen DBultman 3636 Charleston 54 I 1112 slow 50 109 3 ti tiJ J Hanover 9 Toisoii dOr WnBelle SEdwuru 1610 Charleston 1 f 109J fast 30 109 3 4 4I5C3 6i 9lliJ Hanover 12 Strike Out Oukley Teddy Bear I5C3 Charleston 5 f 112 slow 30 306 8 9 7 5T J Hanover 12 CStraus Pennyroyal Sam Raul 1411 Charleston 7S 1351 hvy 40 106 8 7 7 41 4T1 J Hanover 8 MlssJonah Bodkin Vestn Belle 1387 Charleston 51 f 111 slow 15 106 8 8 81S56 8 81S1J Hanover 8 Ace of Clubs ROueil Demoness 1S56 Charleston 34 l21g hvy 30 108 8 11 9 8 J Robertson 13 Oakley Cull ton Squaw JHlSarr 1338 Charleston 61 11292 hvy 12 106 3 5 5BLACK 3 3J J Hanover 11 Aviator Ace or Clubs J C Core CoreBy BLACK BRANCH blk s 6 109 By Aldine Evangeline Cisneros R Potee 1915 Charlestn 1 1S 156 fast 20 110 8 5 5 8 712JLounsby 10 Bch Sand SwOwen DIiiiltmnu 1846 Charlestn 1 1S 1CG fast 20 107 2 8 8 51 4s J Hanover 14 Otilo NtyLad DollyBiiltuiiin 1650 Charlesn 1 116 150 fast 107 7 7 e J DollyBiiltuiiinJ 9 T Koerner 7 FlyFeet Montgomery JFurlou 1624 Charlestn 1 1S 201J hvy 25 93 3 3 4 53 G13SC Turner 12 Cuttyhunk DolIyBultman Frog 1513 Charlesn 1 1S l49g fast 12 102 9 S 7 714SG 51 510 Diggins 13 Limpet DolIyBultman JIIByrr 14SG Charlen Im70y 1492 good 15 102 2 6 4 4s 4 3 Eiggins 7 Montclair NewStar DBultman 3427 Charlen Im70y 1508 slow 30 110 5 6 6 9 9 Digglna 11 Belfast Joe Rose Golconda 1304 Charlen Im70y 1531 hvy 16 99 8 6 7 7 7 Forsythe 8 Golconda Jawbone Profile 1229 Charleston 51 f lOSg fast 15 114 10 12 10 g JFbrother 14 Mon Ami Thrifty Uncle J Gray 1337 Charlesn 1 116 153J hvy 20 106 6 4 2 3 312 Forsythe 6 Haldeman Nadzu D Bultmuu J99S1 Columbia 51 1 112J hvy 116111 1 1 I2 1s Fbrother 7 Carlisle M Tackle Tiger Jim 99971 Columbia 1 150 hvy 8 10S 6 7 7 4 2s Fbrother 7 IrlshKid Semiquaver Horace E 99921 Columbia 51 1122 hvy 6 109 1 3 3Z 3s Fbrother 8 Lydia Lee Ben Sand Carlisle M MBy FROG b B 105 By Monsieur de LOrme Volma F W Doss 149 Charleston 1 145 fast 15 145 3 1 1 2U 32 Mr Foss 1 New Star Joe Rose Indian Maid 1915 Charlestn 1 18 l5Cg fast 5 106 4 2 2 4 5 3 C Turner 10 Bch Sand SwOwen DBultiiiun 1846 Charlestn 1 1S 150 fast S 109 8 5 7 71S06 8 7J Hopkins 14 Otilo Nty Lad Dollv Bultman 1S06 Charlesn 1 116 1514 mud 20 13 1 lo 5i O U Allen 10 Longhand Nty Lad VGrisvelI 1791 Charleston 1 143 fast 0 106 5 8 4 6 73 Borel J Muff El Oro Wander 1721 Charleston 1 143 fast 41 106 8 10 10 9 9 T Koerner 11 Bertis Merman Ursa Major 1650 Charlesn 1 110 150J fast 10 108 544 31J Major31J 31 McTagrt 12 Cuttyhunk DBultuinn Nty Lad 1511 Charlen Im70y 147 fast 40 ill 10 10 J 9 9 Borel 12 Limpet J Denman EddieGraney 1579 Charleston 1 145R cood 40 106 9 8 S S150S 8 5 1 Borel 10 Belfast Joe Rose Golconda 150S Charleston 34 11CJ fast GO 10810 10 1 orei 13 S0lkln CJoId Cap Dominica 1125 Juarez 1 140 fast 8 106 9 9 9 8 8 iBorel 9 The Monk Gellco Soua 1071 Juarez 1 139 fast 8 106 2 2 3 3HOWARD 6 610lBorel 6 Rd Round MGirl J Walton WaltonBy HOWARD SHEAN b h 8 113 113S9S01 By Hermence Itinerant H Daly S9S01 Columbia 7S 127J fast 15 100 1 G 6 ° 3 i Ambrose 8 Joe Kose Belle Clem Sigo 99792 Columbia 1 1S 1522 fast 100 106 4 o 42 410JAmbrose S Hatteras Nadzu Haldeiuau Haldeiuaun 99755 Columbia 1 116 148 fast 50 107 8 9 9 LHAlRbrose 9 Bnncrasn Montagnie E Granej 99718 Columbia 31 1142 fast CO 10S 10 9 n 9 9 iAmbrose 10 Belle Clem Moltke Oakley 99263 Jamestn 1 11G 1484 fast CO 107 4 6 G G9SS37 6 GJAmbrose St Joseph Seconke Force 9SS37 Pimlico 1 316 201 J fast 30 118 4 7 7 79S710 7 710 J Mclntyre 7 Chickasaw Dullcare CFGrner 9S710 Pimlico 1 316 202g fast 40 100 1 3 4 Ambrose C Montgmry Cheek Lof Langden 37972 Windsor 1 14 2072 fast 30 103 2 3 3 U + Ber I Startler My Gal Third Rail 97222 Windsor 1 14 2032 fast 40 103 6 5 6 6EDNA 62 6s tichu Schutger 8 Supervisor Oracle Naughty Lad LadBy EDNA COLLINS b f 4 103 By The Commoner Ma Belle Tennessee Stable 1953 Charlesn 1 116 1472 fast 30 102 It 9 9 9 9 C Turner i LyMcGee SwOwen DBultinuu 1915 Charlestn 1 1S 1562 fast 100 104 7 G 7 7184C 9 S 3iSpellman 10 Bch Sand SwOwen DIwltunui 184C Charlestn 1 18 156 fast 50 102 13 14 14 14 14 ° Spellman 14 Otilo Nty Lad Dolly Bultman 1708 Charlen Im70y 1483 last zu 105 2 9 S u S11 Connolly 12 Bon Eloise Kaufman Sw Owen 1602 Charleston 78 1324 mud 40 105 S 8 S C1 49S Spellman 8 Jacobite Bertis Pretend 1592 Charlesn 1 116 1542 hvy GO 9J 4 7 8 814E6 6s CS4 Ambrose 8 Rl Report Montgomery Ilelene 14E6 Charlen Im70y l49g good 25 102 6 2 5 6 63 Spellman f 7 Montclair NewStar DBultman 1469 Charleston 34 l21ft hvy 9 102 5 10 S1 9ls J AVilliamsll HHutchison WBelle WCIurry 1361 Charleston 1 l51g hvy 5 100 5 Fell Skirvin WCIurrySkirvin 9 Belfast Sir Edward Lyne 1338 Charleston 6 f 1292 hvy 910 105 8 10 9 8 Hopkins 11 Aviator Ace of Clubs Tackle 1301 Charleston 34 120 hvy 9 117 2 7 5 4 1 Spellman 8 Joe Rose Sewell Lydia Lee 1209 Charlesn 1 116 1522 slow 25 95 5 4 4 4WEST 4 5s Skirvin 8 Nadzu Montclair Otilo OtiloBy WEST POINT cb o 4 108 By Jack Point Freyja W T Anderson 1956 Charlesn 1 116 l47g fast 60 89 5 G 6 6 613VLounsby 7 John Furlong Nadzu Limpet 1940 Charlesn 1 11G 149 good CO 103 3 3 4 8 8 1 Bruce S Font M Cambon New Stac 1896 Charleston 7S l30g slow 15 113 1 5 4 51 Csl Nolan S Dr Barkley Barn Dance Pretend 1819 Charleston 1 1422 fast 100 106 1 G 8 81S03 8 8 Bruce 9 BClem J H Honghton LEIUUI 1S03 Charleston 34 l15ji mud lit 10S 10 11 11 H18iBruce 11 Magazine Wander Tippy 1733 Charleston 24 1152 fast 4 105 1 5 4J Tippy4J 3 3 Biuce 9 Casque Emerald Isle Joe ROBC 1693 Charleston 34 1158 fast 12 110 S 8 8 G 3 Bruce 12 Carroll Lady Orimar Arbutus 1658 Charleston 31 1174 mud DO 113 7 9 9 105liBruce 10 U Jack Tippy J H Houghton 1508 Charleston 34 3 1GJ fast 60 103 11 11 11J9S77 11 13I5Bruce 13 Bodkin Gold Cap Dominica J9S77 Columbia 34 118 hvy 15 30S 6 7 7J9S42 7 T2 Bruce 7 Tom Massie Rash Bertis J9S42 Columbia 61 f 111 hvy 0 113 4 2 2FOOTLIGHTS 3 S1 Bruce 6 EgleBird L Watches HIghflown HIghflownBy FOOTLIGHTS ch c 4 108 By Hastings Flittermouse G J Kraus 1833 Charlen Im70y 1452 fast 150 10SH2 12 12 12170S 12 32 Jensen 12 Hatteras TRPrince TIIHtou 170S Charlen Im70y IMSg fast SO ill 1212 11 113C63 Ji TIIHtouJi i P11 1S S011 EIolc Kaufman Sw Owen 3C63 Charleston 1 14GA mud 150 111 S S S S OwenS S53 Fain 8 Itey Emily Lee Flvin Feet 99789 Columbia 34 114J fast 20 lit 12 12 f 9 9Trand J2 Agnier RGnuida M Antony II 99743 Columbia 3 1S 1558 fast 7 103 7 G 4 I III l Hanover 7 Flarney Kilderkin Spring Frog 99161 Laurel Im70y l44g fast 20 103 8 S 8 Lr FrogLr SiJ1Sordon Kenyon lima The Whip 99037 Laurel 1 l41g good 20 104 6 10 9 99S756 91 91 Gordon 11 Muff The Whin Rash 9S756 Laurel 1 116 1501 hvy 6 103 6 7 8 89S567 Is RashIs Mrrv014 S d Jo ° KcnTon Dr Barbley 9S567 Laurel 61 f 127 slow 21 104 4 7 6 6i Byrne 8 c D Five B Lomond Plnnutesa