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PIMLICO FORM CHART PIMLICO MD TTJESDAYAPRIL 30 1912 Third day Maryland Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 1C days 35 books on weather cloudy Presiding Judge William P Riggs Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary William P Riggs Racing starts at 300 p in Chicago time 200 p in Indicates apprentice allowance 6f IT A FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 95040 54 2 110 Purse 400 2yearolds JmilJ tt Allowances Owned In Maryland Virginia West Virginia and Pennsylvania Net Netvalue value to winner 320 second 50 third 30 Ind Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H HOT WATER w 105 21 31 3 la Schutger William Garth 2 2J 11035 14 14w NELLY AGNES w 104 4 4 25 2 ° t 2 McCahey Oak Ridge StableG5 S5 85 3514 3514W LAWSUIT W 104 3 2 11 11 3 Hopkins E B Cassatt C 15 15 5 2 2037 STAR GAZE w 107 6 6 5l 4J 4 C Turner J E Davis C 6 5 8535 8535w BRYNWOOD w 104 5 5 4ak 51 51 Diggins T Clyde 10 20 S 3 65 65w SKIBBEREEN w 104 13 C 6 6 W Dunn H R Dulany 20 30 30 10 4 Time 23 48 55 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Hot Water 570 straight 205 place 295 show Nelly Agnes 295 place 2C5 sliow Lawsuit 485 show showWinner Winner Clu f by The Commoner Clorita trained by William Garth GarthWent Went to post at 259 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Mine HOT WATER off forwardly ran Iu close pursuit of the pacemakers from the start saved ground u the stretch turn and finishing fast and resolutely got up to win in the final stride NELLY AGNES ran on the outside of the pacemaker all the way finished fast and covered more ground than the winner LAWSUIT a quick beginner skowed a fine turn of speed in pacemaking but tired In the final drive STAR speedScratched GAZE ran gamely but was outpaced BRYNWOOD showed speed Scratched 205G Stockton 104 104Overweights Overweights Hot Water 1 pound f f rr pT SECOND RACE 34 Mile 95722 112 0 124 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward tJ I 9j Special Weights Net value to winner 320 second 50 third 30 liid Horses AWtPPS StrFIn Jockeys Owners O U C P 3a 1J V 1 Scbutser Quincy Stable 2 3J 3 C5 3 2b Z 2 = 2 McTagrt J Burttschcll 554854 81 61 51 3 5 C Turner William Garth 20 30 30 10 5 SSSOSALTAMAHA WB 4 110 4 4 4 1 32 3 5 4i Hopkins R T Wilson 120 = FE11TIISHIRE W 4 113 2 5 5S 4 4t 5l Fbrother W N Adrians 10 15 15 6 3 3915CO 915CO TEXTILE WB 4 113 7 10 71 S1 C 6 = Butwell T Monahan 21 3S 1C595 1 11I9C3 1I9C3 HEATHERBROOM WB 4 108 C 9 91 9 = 85 71 J Wilson E B Cassatt 30 CO 60 25 12 001ROSSEAUX WSB 5 112 3 S 6k 5t 71 8e McCahey B Murray 46521 92312 TIM PIPPIN w C 112 5 2 Ink 75 9 9 Steinhdt M J Cromwell 15 20 20 8 4 4990G3 990G3 = CASTAXIA WB 4 113 97 10 10 10 10 G Burns Spring Hill StableSO 50 50 20 8 8Time Time 23 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Warbler 710 straight 380 place 290 show Suffragist 5C5 place 365 show Rcybourn 2355 show showWinner Winner B g by Garry Herrmann Penury trained by E Phelan Went to post at 32S At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing WARIiLEIl forced a fast pace for the first half and shook off TIM PIPPIN on the stretch turn and drew away into a good lead but had to be shaken up to outstay SUFFRAGISTS rush SUFFRAGIST ran veil and was cut off when he attempted to squeeze through on the inside at the furlong post REY BOURN began slowly and worked his way up on the outside covered much ground and finished with a rush TEXTILE began slowly and was going well at the finish ALTAMAIIA and PERTHSHIRE ran well TIM PIPPIN showed speed but tired and quit as if short shortScratched Scratched 203C3MIss Nett 108 r7 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 95722 112 6 124 500 added 3yearolds and upward 2O76 1 g Selling Net value to winner 445 second 75 third 50 llorjos AWtPPSt Vt Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 200S FATHEROLA w 3 102 6 2 22025SMIRK 2i 2s 2 1 E Martin R Davies ao i 12 11 11I 2025SMIRK WB 4 110 8 1 119S3ARGONAUT I 1J I1 21 Lounsby H Neustadter 10 15 15 6 3 35J 19S3ARGONAUT WB C 110 5 4 5J 41 3l 31 C Turner W Cahill 30 50 50 20 10 2026 DOCTOR BARKLEY w C 120 4 11 111962BELLE 10 9 S5 4i McTagrt J S Ownbey 10 15 15 6 3 39s 1962BELLE CLEM W 5 115 3 S S2042CAMEL 9s S1 1 5J Schutger William Garth 56532 710 710Sh 2042CAMEL WB 6 120 9 9 91S93 Sh 71 5ni 6 = Skinin J H McCarren 8 10 8 3 32 1S93 CORINTH WB 4 110 10 6 695040TOM 71 52 Cl 7 ° J Wilson E F Cooney 20 30 30 12 6 95040TOM HOLLAND WB C 112 13 3 ° t 31 4s Fbrother W Jennings Jr 8 12 10 4 2 1994 McLEOD F W 5 115 2 210 10 11 11 9 9 ° Adams M J Conran 100 10010010040 100 100 40 20 2099in 99121 CRESTON ° w 7 112 11 7 72021RUBIA 6 61 10 101 10 10 = G Burns E North 50 CO 60 25 12 f20 f20m f20GItANDA 2021RUBIA m GRANDA W WOIIS C 115 7 5 HH Mggej MggejP P Phillips 6983 85 2 mutuels paid Fatherola 305 straight 335 place 275 sliow Smirk 1155 place 950 show showwinner winner Br g ° by Fatherless Niola trained by C T Patterson PattersonWent Went to post at 358 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily FATHEROLA suddenly improved followed the leader closely until making the tu where he moved up rapidly and drew away Into an easy lead SMIRK auuniru UIITUI L held the others safe for a half mile then tired but finished gamely ARGONAUT made up ground and linng on rpsolntolv in the final drive RUBIA GRANDA ran out when making the turn into the horn e MHHrh DR BARKLEY closed a great gap BELLE CLEM was off poorly ami finished fast TOM HOL ¬ LAND showd speed but quit The winner entered for 500 was bid up to 8ft and bought in inScratched Scratched 2023 Anna L Dalev110 9G4043KIng Commoner 110 99o02 George Atwcll 112 ATT FOURTH RACE 2 Miles Steeplechase 98809 356 10 144 Purse 000 4yearolds 4yearoldsJ J i I and upward Allowances Net value to winner 450 second 100 third oO oOs s AWtPPSt 4 7 10 13 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S wUlV UlV UlVT 1 11 W71GO 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 W Allen R Parr 1 60 MM out w SSJlALGIE T w 8 159 5 4 4 4i J 211 2 2s T DonohueMr McMurtrie 2J 3 13o4o 13 13SM10 SM10 RINGMASTER w 4 141 5 6 6 Ti 4 3 ° 3s W Smith William Garth 10 15 15 4 32 32v v 11 154 1 6 1 1 3 3 4s 4 ° H McAfee H Rites 10 20 20 5 2 2M M w 5 157 3 7 32 3 = ss 5 5 sv W KcatingMrs A M Singer 10 15 15 5 2 2ITITP W71 7 1 51 rnt6 C 6 6 H Stone J E Davis 10 12 8 21 1 ITITP 1 SITMT THE SPEAKER w 5 141 4 2 Refused E Krause M Henderson 15 30 30 10 4 4v Wolkin 440 straight 2GOrpClacefS295 show Algie 290 place v snow5 Jit oCont Rlencora trained by Willinm Garth Garthnrivlii nrivlii rYir WF KI v Vnni pcst4 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third irrw awiv Into i lone iVifi iVifincincr ncincr less fashion wont to the front in the second turn of the field and At STFR foiociVpn but 001 nlrt ran wel1 an1 was Laseil P in tllc last f rlong RING K v1orf TI1F SPF fcAIvER UCFR w iofu rcfllsel i at the iT1 rT fifth rTthp thp first two THISTLEDALE nnd ENNISKILLEN tired as ttini i of the eld feneo FIRESTONE floundered over the fences In the last Scratched 99402 Supplement 130 EARLY LIGHT 2WO 10 12 C 25 2040AURIFIC 193CJFRRD LEVY w12 2 2 31 4 4 G Burns 20 40 40 15 8 10 8 3 3eS W 104 12 9 5 51 51 McCahey OlflSDOGWCOD McCaheycu eS 10 10 4 WB 107 10 7 cu 6 cu Skirvin W103 7 C 9i Skirvin9i 7 75 C Turner 15 20 20 8 10 9l 4 C 4 2 W187 911 81 Butwell 3 4 432 GET UP WB 101 8 8 12 U1 9 ° W Logan E B Cassatt 50 60 SO 20 10 101S34 1S34 BETH STANLEY w 101 3 10 Snk 8 10 Hopkins S Ross 10 12 12 5 2 1037 LADY ANNA 104 11 5 7 10 11 E Martin G W Stimpson 20 50 50 20 10 10SPRING SPRING UP TV 105 612 11412 12 Fbrother J Whalen 20 50 30 12 6 Tinc 24 48i Track fast 2 inutuels paid Little Hugh 1140 straight 380 place 365 show Early Light 935 place 080 sliow Auritic 18 0 show Winner Ch g by Glorifier Glad Tidings trained by William Garth Went to post at 453 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily se seJ J ing LITTLE HUGH was away well and sprinting into an easy lead In the flrst furlon furlonbut but had to bo shaken np near the end to outstay EARLY LIGHT The latter always Mifched gamely and slowly wearing the leader down AURIFIC ran well and easily disposed of FRED LEVY unluckyOverweights MARY SCRIBE began slowlv and was shuffled back hopelessly MICCOSUKEE was unlucky Overweights Early Light 1 pound Aurlfic 1 Mlccosnkce o OfkTO SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 92602 139 3 112 500 added 3yearolds and upward J i J Allowances Xnt valuta to winner 400 second 75 third 50 eys Owners O H C p s 2 2 95 25 out 1 32 C 5 2 5 out 1992HOPF1IAN v vS9033 outco 3 35 3J 35 out S9033 ABSCONDER uv A i i9S991ANNIE co 100 100 no s 9S991ANNIE SELLERS W 4 112 3 3 B G Burns W Jackson 30 GO 60 15 5 Went to post at 510 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Von driving second and third the same DR DUENNER was dropped behind HOFFMAN and waited with until well around the far turn before making a move then dashed to the front on the stretch turn and took a good lead but tired and Just managed to last long enough to win OLAMBALA closer up than usual in the early running was gaining steadily at tke end and would have won in another stride and was trying to savage the winner In lli closing strides HOFFMAN tired and quit after going a fast six furlongs in the lead ABSCONDER ran fairly well wellOverweights Overweights Absconder 1 pound Annie Sellers 5 O C f SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile 95722 112 C 124 400 added 4yearolds and upward lJQ J Selling Net value to winner 320 second 50 third 30 Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 2036 BEAU CHILTON WB 5 115 6 1 I1 I1 I3 1 C Turner W Martin 1 75753514 3877 GEORGES DAVIS WB S 112 23 25 2 = 25 2t Adams MJ Conran C S 5 2 I 2023 ANNA L DALEY w 6 110 5 2 3nt 3l 3l 3l McTagrt J T Nolan 68621 OSS KYLE WollO 85 41 81 Sh Sl A Walker W Walker 30 CO 60 20 10 98919 SAM JACKSON W4110 3 9 9HO 10 9 J Ural JLMcGinnis 30 30 0 S 4 42024HANDRUNNING 2024HANDRUNNING w 4 113 10 4 Sl 5 7MO Butwell C H Davids 3 4 35 1 12 12Time Time 23 48 115 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bean Chilton 410 straight 310 place 210 show George S Davis 1195 place 335 show Anna L Daley 225 show Winner B h by Chilton Belle Acton trained by W Martin A Went to post at 542 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BEAU CHILTON much the best dashed to the front at the start and taking a decisive lead in the first half was pulling up at the end GEORGE S DAVIS was always in closest pursuit but was tiring at the end and doing his best to outstay ANNA L DALEY The latter ran a good race and was gaining at the end LADY ORIMAR finished close up HANDRUNNING ran a bad race and can do much better GOOD ACRE showed speed and improvement Scratched 1190 Flying Squirrel 115