Pimlico Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, May 1., Daily Racing Form, 1912-05-01


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PImlico Entries aof Past Performances for Wednesday May I WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST Racine starts at 300 p m Chicago time 200 X Huns W U in niud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Track record 93722 112 G 124 In Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan19S 19S aUEEN BEE 107115 1050725 1050725l l VV7 Christmas Daisy 101116 105 720 720nib4 nib4 = Daingerfield 97 115 = 107X715 Scholar Deduction 97115 TZ Irene Gumnicll M102 116 100X710 XrGS Shilialah 107116 107X710 04 r aitula 100 703 703l74 l74 = Stelclift 114116 110X705 I509 Heinous M 98117 105 705 r7 Ballyinore M 107 700 07019 Mollie Pitcher M 100 693 1997 Captain Inglish M103 118 107 690 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsISyearolds ISyearolds Allowances Track record 95C40 34 2 110 110li li rn Spring Maid V C 040 Tice 109720 Btlray ch c by Hastings Bcl Bcldauie dauie 107 Gencsta b f by Broomstick LAlouette 104 ± Tarts b f by Broom ¬ stick Queen of ofHearts Hearts 104 10005 Rebound M 110 55 104 715 715on on Bthelburs H H4 53 117X710 4175 Smash M 104 710 710I I ChiHon Kiug ch c by Chilton Han Hanover over Queen 107 ± Gerrard b g by Su Supcrman pcrman Mayfair t ChiHon Song b c cby by Chilton CJian CJiantilla tilla tBarbariJy Stable entry 1H iv Whitney entry ST Hitchcock Jr entry Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds SoilingTrack 3yearolds and upward Soiling Track record 92C02 139 3 112 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 2059 Ivabel 99 140 4 10472Ti 2042 Senex 3 97 720 2041 Miss Wiggs 3 90 715 20192 Superstition 114 l394f 7 112X715 2058 Royal Meteor IOC 142 4 109x715 1982 Silver Knight 112 141 i 112710 20412 Bounder 109 140 4 100x710 2037 Lady McGee 105 142 95X710 2019 Colonel HoIIoway 98 140 3 99X705 2020 Fred Mulholland 112 1 ° 8 1090703 700990SS 97661 Lesh 102143 4 103 700 990SS Dandy DIxoii 0 103XC90 103XC90Fourth Fourth Race 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase5yenrolds Steeplechase 5yenrolds and ujward Hunters Allowances Track record 08869 356 10 144 1449C913 9C913 Herculoid 10 159 700 7009938G 9938G J W Fyre 6159 690 6909949G 9949G Jiu JItsu 7 147 X SS 3 99402 Supplement M fi 147 OSO 81201 Xebo M 5 142 680 680Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 95387 120 3 109 1099S336 9S336 Wa tervale 4 124 X 730 7309S712 9S712 106X7431S05 Aldebaran 106X743 1S05 Martin W Littleton 1071126 4 1060740 2006 Bob R 3112X740 2038s 3112X7402038s Spring Board S 98X735 0572 Jeannette B 3 96 733 98410 Actou 3 94 730 730Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 92602 139 3 112 990302 Penobscot 99 141 4f 3 107 725 2012 Kate K 3 95X720 95X7209S9C1 9S9C1 Garth 99 144 3 102X715 2037 Ilimation M 100143 3 95 715 7159960G 9960G Sunlike 99 146 3 100X710 2037 Brosseau 110 143 3 lOOXflO lOOXflO99S77 99S77 Brandy 103 143 4 107X710 2041 Stairs M 95 1 42 3 100 705 99651 Onrico 87 143 3 15705 157059S451 9S451 Darnia M 3 95 700 7009SS3S 9SS3S Jingo M 3 100 700 95729 Knight of Uncas M103 141 4 110 70J 2076 McLeod F 109 144 5 115X090

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912050101/drf1912050101_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1912050101_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800