First Race [1st Coeur dAlene, Daily Racing Form, 1912-05-08

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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races FIRST RACE i 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Handicap 98251 64 2 114 114Index Index Course DistTimerckOdda Wt St StrFin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishVESTED VESTED Newmar21G2 RIGHTS b gr 2 in By Abe Frank Our Bessie T F Newman 21G2 C dAlene 12 47i fast 135 105 3 1 IS 2J Buxton 6 Negligee MKatcham GofAllah 2044 C dAlena 12 49g fast 4 108 2 1 I1 2l Buxton G Moller Attain Minnie F 1CSC Mlnni1CSC Juarez 12 478 fust 5 110 2 3 2t 2to A Murray 5 Inquicta Velie Forty 1 Blue Jay 1CS4 Juarez 12 47 fast 5 3 2 2J Rosen 7 Moller Palatable Bula Welsh 1492 Juarez 3J f 40 fast 15 3 3 3 A Murray 3 Hawthorn Holler 1441 Juarez 12 462 fast G 4 3 3 Murray 6 Moller Palatable Wolfress 1392 Juarez 12 47g fast 85 85JESSIE 1 l 1 Murray 8 I See It Old Gibraltar Wolfrcw WolfrcwBy JESSIE PORTER cb f 2 By Marta Santa Francisca W B Carson 1810 Charleston 4J f 54g fast 1S5 1S518SO 4 3J 1 Hopkins C BHolder Yorkvilie CcdarBrook 18SO Charleston 12 43g fast G 4 42 3i Hopkins 7 MEdith EthelburgIL Yemasse 17S5 Charleston 4J f 54 fast 15 C D 43 J Wilson G Forward SolarStar Cedar Brook 1717 Charleston 4J f 551 fast 12 G 5s 4 i C Turner 10 LibertyHall Yorkvllle SolarStat 1436 Charleston 3J f 444 hvy 65 Ci V T Koerner 7 Splrella Burgeois RalphLIoyd 1357 Charleston 3i f 45J hvy 75 4 3 21 B Dugan Garof AUab Splrella EIlaGrauo 1258 Charleston 38 353 fast 2 2S 21 C Turner 10 Southern Shore Spirella Clinton 1228 Charleston 51S 291 fast 3 D1 522 Hopkins 12 NashCasu Splrella Cedar Brook MOTHER KATCHAM b f 2 By Abe Frank Bangui ta J F Newman 21 2 C dAlene 12 47g fast 135 1351C64 3 4 32 K MclSwen G Negligee Vd Rights Gof Allah 1C64 Juarez 12 47 fast G 6 5J J A Murray 7 Moller Vested Rights Palatable 1343 Juarez 12 48 fast C5 2 11 1 Murray 11 Velie Forty I See It Beulah Me 1276 Juarez 12 4 fast S 4 4 341 Prior 9 Inquieta Blue Jay Icicle 1232 Juarez 3J f 41i fast 15 15BULA 3 41 3 = J Prior 10 LBirdie MMcKee MottosPrlde MottosPrldeBy BULA WELSH ch f 2 221S2 By Albula Welsh Girl W H Snearley 21S2 C dAlene 12 4 fast 32 1 15 1J Bezansou 7 TWffarth FCatliay Debutante 2142 C dAlene 3i f 41i fast 10 1020S1 1 li 2l Bezansou G RRablec TWolffarth Daylight 20S1 C dAlene 3i f 4ik slow 8 2 21 3s Bezanson S PatGannon TWolffarth Attain 1722 Juarez 12 492 fast 3J C 53 Kst p 10 JHurie T Wolffarth LitBIrdle 1696 Juarez 12 4S2 fast 8 2 2i 3 = 1 Kederis 11 Bully T Wolffarth Oldsmoblle 1CC1 Juarez 12 47 fast GO 2 4k 4 i Selden 7 Moller Vested Rights Palatabla PalatablaBy STOUT HEART ch c 2 212D5 By Stalwart Two Heart H McDaniel 12D5 Juarez 12 48 fast 30 2 21 It2 Keogh 5 PanZareta Oldsmoblle Palatable 1198 Juarez 3J t 40J fast 20 20tDead 8 712 Keogh U PZareta Palatable Oldsmoblle OldsmoblleBy tDead heat heatTRULY TRULY br f 2 By Leonid Dolly Hayman W McLemore 21C2 C dAlene 12 47g fast 15 5 5 5 Groth G Negligee VRights M Katcham 1084 Juarez 38 35g fast 32 GJ 5 Small 9 Palatable K Stalw 1075 Juarez 3J f 40M fast 3 3104S 3 2 23 Groth 5 Pan Kareta V Fort 104S Juarez 38 3C1 fast 5 6k 61 Groth 11 VForty PanZareta TWolffarth

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Local Identifier: drf1912050801_3_2
Library of Congress Record: