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THIRD RACE 58 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 98329 100 t 104 LITTLE JANE b m 0 104 By Canopus Princess W 0 Clancy 2115 C dAleno 5S 101 fast 4 IOC 5 3 = 1 Corey 7 Gil Rose SStocking LadyTendl 2013 C dAlene 5S 101 g fast 32 103 2 2 = 2n Corey 11 Pickaninny High Street Ilex Ilex3S 133 Juarez d f 106 fast 4 IOS 5 3S 21 Taplin 8 Fanl Hall Gelico Light Knight 1152 Juarez 34 l14g fast 3 112 3 310SS 3s Knight3s 3 = 3 Moleswh 10 Ferrona Chilla Zool ZoolSk 10SS Juarez 55 f 108 fast 5 IOS 7 Sk 8 lMurray 12 Braxton J H Sheehan Balelia 1079 Juarez 1 1411 fast 10 109 1 10 10 Small 10 Sona Misprlsion Ben Uncas 1062 Juarez 1 139 fast 5 IOS 5 3 5 Moleswh 8 Figent Wicket B of Fortune 1051 Juarez 34 l12g fast 10 105 3 3GILBERT 2nk Fortune2nk 4 3 Selden 8 Balronla M Hyde Lt Knight KnightBy GILBERT ROSE blk e 6 111 By Ravelston Lavena C C II Folk 2125 C dAlene 58 101 fast 4 113 3 1 2 Gross 7 Lit Jane SStocking LadyTendl 2064 C dAlene Ci f 110 slop 12 111 4 It LadyTendlIt I1 Gross S Oscuro Billy Myer Reene W 2047 C dAlene 5S 1012 fast 3 111 7 4s W4s 2 = 5 Gross 12 Chanticlor Tilliughast Americns 1767 Juarez 51 f 1072 fast 95 105 3 2 ini Hill 8 Fdamental Marsand Mctroptan 1099 Juarez 61 f 1072 fast 8 111 5 31 3 Kederis 7 E White JGriflln II AInterest 1655 Juarez 34 115 fast 3 107 1 ink AInterestink 13 Gross 8 HHaud Fanl Hall FGHogan 1599 Juarez 34 116 mud 65 IOS 2 215CO 1 iu Gross 8 GUartrldge LtKnight Stafford 15CO Juarez 34 113 fast 65 113 3 lh Staffordlh 21 Gross 7 Angelus Yo Solo Lady Tend 1464 Juarez 34 1131 fast 21 112 2 2ANNE 3 ink Gross 8 Nartl Lady Stalwart Bob Lynch ANNE McGEE b m 6 104 By LynchBy Karta Sxnta California E Gaylord 1382 Juarez 34 1154 fast 3 103 3 1203 Juarez 7S 1262 fast 4 9S 1 568 = SSa s 1125 Juarez 1 1MO fast 4 101 3 1095 Juarez 1 1382 fast 4 9S 3 1010 Juarez 31 1133 fast 85 100 4 4999GS 999GS Juarez 1 1 39 fast 3 100 1 III 99902 Juarez 1 116 147 good 31 102 1 19S8S1 9S8S1 Juarez 1 1413 good C5 102 1 09748 Juarez 1 l40g fast 6 101 1 Par er g Mffior 7S l29i fast 10 102 3 21 Carter 8 Frog Romnle BlI0 CHANTICLOR br m 5 1C4 2047 C dAlene GS 101 g fast 20 IOC C 4 31 1 = S R I 1767 Juarez 51 f 107K fast 12 101 6 7 GJ 5 Kedi 1737 Juarez 34 114 J fast 10 103 5 1 2 = 1 3U R l 1679 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 8 W5 8 8 8 71 Hill 1570 Juarez 34 l14g fast S 105 2 2 3k 4 3 Seld 1524 Juarez 55 f l07g fast 10 106 4 3 3 3 = i Cart 1311 Juarez 34 1131 fast 10 105 3 3FRANK 2 2J 4 = 1 Hill FRANK RTTHSTALLER blk ff 4 99 9919SO 19SO Jamestown 55 f 109 fast 3 10 last Jamestown 5 f lOSg fast 5 101 5 1900 Jamestown 5J f 108 fast 21 103 2 1457 Charleston 51 f 1122 hvy 25 1021 3 1374 Charleston Ci f 113 hvy 6 107 4 49SOC5 9SOC5 Anaconda 5S 1084 mud 12 103 2 97713 Butte F C 110J fast 4 104 2 95100 Salt Lake 51 f 107 fast 30 109 8S9S5 1098S9S5 Gravesend 58 1012 fast 8 107 1 i 11 11 Y Cotton 5 Serlln ShootlngSpray PMnllciia SPSSS 1SPSSS Gravesend 58 102 fast 4 112 3 1 1 4 5 A Thomas 11 Aldrian O U Buster LochleL 89753 Belmont 12 st 484 fast 3 112 2 2SILVER 1 2 3 = V Powers 10 MissNett BAfouse Maromara 2 2i 2nk War JI j Reij 13 pickaninny RyeStraw SILVER STOCKING ch m 8 104 2123 C dAleno 58 101 fast 85 m By Cesarion Katie W Copper City Stable 2047 C dAleno 58 1013 fast 2 2 2U 3 Selden 7 LittleJane Gilbert Rose LTendt 109 4 3 2i 555 Corey lli Chanticlor GMRose Tilllnchast 1332 Juarez 31 113 fast 85 uo 5 1 1 = lSeldern HHaml CnyllArteWp RjCrU 1293 Juarez 58 101 J fast 4 no 6 3 3 1 Estep 9 VeuoVon El Pnto O H I ijttMU 99127 C dAlene 34 1141 fast 12 ll l Stenor 0t 2 4 5 Kirschm O l9S931 TwIefccgbRin 9S931 C dAlene 34 115 Jtool Sainest 556S45 good 1C5 104 5 B 6 Selden l JohnHSlieehnn 56S45 C dAlene 34 1151 slow 7 107 1 1 Corey 10 TlfcGee Thos Calhouo Beds LADY HACY f 4 97 By Macy Dolly Hayman E J Barnes 2106 C dAlcne 5S 101 J fast 15 1098 8 S24C Ross 0 Free Three Links Golclflnn 1211 Juarez Juarez1IC4 7S l2Cg fast 8 21 4S Buxton 9 Balronia Zulu Pit apat 1IC4 Juarez 6 6 i Taplin 7 Goldflnn Oxer Thistle Belle 1033 Juarez 34 112 fast 6 7 7lu2Selden 7 Flying Footsteps Ymir Oakland Oaklandpost 1064 Juarez 6i f 1064 fast 6 91 Left at the post Hill DrDghty Goldiinn JGrifnll JGrifnll2ot 1013 Juarez 34 1132 fast 85 103 3 2 2ot 31 Groth 5 Meddling Hannah J dArc Zool Zoollt 99966 Juarez 1 133 fast 2J 300 4 3 1 lt 3 Groth 5 Doncastur Fly Feet S Lump 90343 Juarez 34 1141 fast 710 102 7 6 Ink LumpInk 11 Groth S FlyingFcet Balclla Goldeullnby 99892 Juarez JuarezIflSCS 34 1133 good 2 100 4 4 24 21 Groth 5 Kootcnay Yo Solo Lyte Knight IflSCS Juarez Juarez9i 78 128 fast 3 107 4 1 1 11 2 = 1 Groth C Pit apat Yo Solo H rutlc 9i S36 Juarez 34 115 slow 21 100 5 6 6ch 421 4 = 3 Groth 7 ThistleBelle Crossover Oxer OxerBy ch R 8 10G By St Carlo Lcorm F D Howard 43 33i J Henry S Gemmell Chilla Marie Hyde 1202 Juarcs 34 114 J fast C 112 7 is ink j Henry 11 Odelia Hidden Hand Emma G 1172 Juarez 34 112 j fast 20 105 4 21 2J J Callahan 7 15 White LightKnht WHKord 1154 Juarez 51 f lOSj fast 20 307 7 710SS 3 ° 3J J Callahanll JHShcehan ToyBoy Moralight 10SS Juarez 54 r ios fast 10 110 S 21 4 = 1 Borei 11 Braxton J H Sheehan Balella Balella5nt 1061 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 10 108 6 6ROBERTA 5nt 42 j Callahan 8 Gemmell Waner Hannis HannisBy ROBERTA 10921S3 ch m 5 109 By Ort Wells Sweet Billie S J Kelley 21S3 C dAIene 5i f 1OS fast 4 110 3 22 2l 2l Tipliu 8 Amcricns Pickaninny Soon 2100 C dAlene 58 1018 good 1 111 3 5 4 43 32 Gross G Sidon Miss Sly Giis Hartridqe 2002 C dAleno 51 f 1093 slop 3 103 4 2 21 I3 1 Taplin 8 Binocular Marg Randolph Sona 1752 Juarez 1 l3Uj fast 10 98 3 2 4 C S 9 Hill 11 Layminster Pit apat L Creed 1737 Juarez 31 114J fast 6 102 2 4 44 3i 21 Buxton C Ben Wilson Chnuticlor Gelico 1700 Juarcs 34 1142 fast 4 110 2 2 4 21 1 = 1 Rosen 9 Keep Moving Defy OrbaSmils 1679 Juarez 51 f 1074 fast C 10S 5 3 3BINOCULAR 4 5s Selden 9 Hannis LStalwart Faueuil Hall BINOCULAR b g 5 106 106lJ4C By Filigrane Osea P Collis CollisIll lJ4C C dAlcne 51 f 107J fast 15 Ill 2 1 12iC2 11 Ink ink Kederis 7 High Street Zool Bellsnickcr 2iC2 C dAleno 51 f l09k slop 41 111 3 1 1DftHK 13 24 2 Kcderis 8 Roberta MargRandolnh Sona DftHK C dAIene 1 143J sood Id 109 2 1 6 69S905C 2 21 612JJ Callahan 11 NCapItal Patriotic MontakDon 9S905C dAlene 1 1434 good 7 Ill 745 745OSS4C 5 4 5s J Callahan 11 Johnstown New Capital Velsinl OSS4C C dAIene 1144 slow 20 99 7 1 1 1ANNIE 1 11 21 J Callahan 10 Massa Elgin Montank Don ANNIE WELLS h m 6 104 By The Commoner Annie Laaratta Macushla Sta StaIll 212 O dAIene S 101 fast 10 Ill 4 2 5 C C J Hill 7 LitJane Gil Hose Sil Stocking 1XIS2 C dAIene 5S 102 slow 2 102 2 11 I1 1 Hill S BcnStone llcy el Tovar GGale 2047 C dAleno 5S l01g fast 12 101 3 39S719 2 2 5h Ci Hill 12 Chanticlor Gil Rose Tillinghasf 9S719 C dAIene 5 f 110 mud 8 111 5 59S416 33 54 7 Gross 10 Balella Gilbert Rose Passenger 9S416 C dAIene 5S 1014 fast 109 1 33 3s 34 Kirschm 7 Oxer Earlene Marie Hyde 38327 C dAIene 5J f 109 fast 41 109 2 29827C 11 14 13 Hopkins 8 Rusty Coat Sainest Sainotta SainottaIll 9827C C dAlenc 5S 101 fast 10 Ill 6 69S210 22 2k 3ij Hopkins 9 Veno Von Sainest Ilio Pecos 9S210 C dAIene 34 115 good 15 109 1 1OBBA 13 3J 34 Hopkins 10 Bellsnlcker Sainest Tilghast OBBA SMILE b m 5 104 By Smile Orbed Maiden J C Davis 2143 C dAIene 51 f 109 fast 1110 109 1 11G3 lrj 1s Buxton 5 Toller The Shrimp Lord Clinton 1G3 C dAIene 5J f 110S slop 12 109 3 52 512 Buxton 9 Pickaninny Neb Lass Ed Mott 17C4 Juarez 9 9 Small 9 Kid North Marsaud Ramsy 1740 Juarez 5J f 107J fast S 11 11 84 S82 Molcswh 14 Camarada EPadwick T Visitor 1700 Juarez 34 114 fast 3 3 2 3J 43J Hill 9 Roberta Keep Moving Defy 1C39 Juaicz 5i f 1102 fast 15 6 5 3s 3s Gross 7 Ly Stalwart Acgulu Amohalko