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SIRES WITH ONE WINNER Aeronaut ch h 1902 by Ayrshire Miss Ellio Horse and Dam 1st 2d 3d Unp Won WonLawsuit Lawsuit Litigant 1 0 1 3 350 350Bhnockburn Bhnockburn br h 1895 by Hayden Edwards Bettie Blaise Thesiercs Discard 2 0 0 300 300Bassetlaw Bassetlaw br h 1890 by St Simon Marquesa Hearts of Oak LLightft II 2 000 2055 2055Ben Ben Brush b h 1893 by Bramble Roseville Oliver Lodge Sorcery 1 1 0 2 575 575Blues Blues b h 1893 by Sir Dixon Bonnie Blue II Arcene Ruby Itay 3 a 0 5 1495 1495Bonnie Bonnie Joe b h 1394 by Fanstus Bonnio Rose Miss Hebert Mstry Hill 11 1 2 200 200Burgomaster Burgomaster br h 1903 by Hamburg Hurly Burly HurlyBurly or Hamburg b h 1895 by Hanover Lady Reel ReelFloral Floral Park Mlueohi 2 15 0 1 520 520Chilton Chilton b h 1899 by Meddler Caslalia Chlllon Dance Bermuda Dcu 2002 340 340Chop Chop Suey ch li 1899 by St Leonards Cerito CeritoPalatable Palatable Omali Wood 3 4 2 8 775 775Deutschland Deutschland b h 1900 by Sain Derfargilla DerfargillaBrighlstone Brighlstone Bellomt 1 1 1 3 550 550Dick Dick Welles b h 1900 by King Eric Teas Over Spring Maid F of Lightning 2321 955 955Disguise Disguise b h 1897 by Domino Bonnio Gal McCorkle Quadruples 1 0 1 2 503 503Ellisdale Ellisdale br or blk h 1904 by Watercress La Primera Silver Moon Fairy Bird 2 0 0 4 745 745F F V Barr b h 1903 by Kismet by Melton Jennie K Tildy Wolffarth Cisne 1 S 4 5 725 725General General Roberts ch It 1901 by Brutus Golden Locks Kitty W Janice Marian 1 0 2 3 275 275Greenan Greenan b h 1895 by St Simon Sunrise Duchess Daffy Daffodil 1 1 0 2 5GO 5GOHamilton Hamilton II br h 1393 by Iroquois Carlotta Camia Chartreuse II 1 2 O 5 300 300Hapsburg Hapsburg b or br h 1896 by Candlemas Lady Reel Ethelburg II Ethel Wheat 0047 2000 2000Ildrim Ildrim blk h 1897 by Kingston Libbie L Sprightly Miss Lochaber 5 3 C S 1905 1905Lackford Lackford ch h 1395 by Juggler Cailleach Don Ramon Prima II 1 1 0 a 3S5 3S5Lissak Lissak br h 1892 by Loyalist Capability CapabilityLoan Loan Shark Wings 3 2 3 3 790 790Lithos Lithos blk h 1894 by Britannic Medusa Cassanovu Apple Bloom 1 0 0 D 225 225Luck Luck and Charity b h 1899 by Hanover Bonita Belle Green Cloth Silverplush 1 1 2 1 290 290Luke Luke Ward b h 1898 by Luke Blackburn Maud Ward WardMaud Maud McKee Paiilita 3 4 1 5 800 800Maddalo Maddalo ch h 1894 by Prince Fonso Glen Pearl Prince Fonso Pcess Jesiniue 1209 375 375Marclunont Marclunont II b or br h 1900 by Martagon Primavera PrimaveraColquitt Colquitt Nina F 1 0 0 0 225 225Marathon Marathon b h 1904 by Martagon Ondulee Marshon Edna Shannon 2 0 5 14 013 013Olympian Olympian ch h 1898 by Domino Belle of May wood woodLatent Latent Kilty B 4 4 4 S lOSO lOSOOrlando Orlando b h 1899 by Orme Huelva HuelvaDorlou Dorlou Belle of Ashland 1 0 0 4 400 400Ormondale Ormondale b h 1903 by Ormonde Santa Bella Anna Patricia Plumeria 2 001 1010 1010Ostler Ostler Joe blk h 1893 by Fresno Sister to Jim JimDouglas Douglas DouglasEl El Palomar Mary Aileeu 3100 725 725Out Out of Reach b h 1900 by Persimmon Sandfly Theresa Gill Consuelo II 1 1 0 0 300 300Right Right Royal b h 1902 by Rapallo Mrs Delaney DelaneyJohn John llurie Etta Gllroy 2 2 0 5 550 550Sempronius Sempronius b h 1891 by Wisdom Hamptonia HamptoniaSemprite Semprite Ignite 1 0 0 2 400 400Serpent Serpent b h 1899 by Hanover Medusa Tight Boy Azuba 3 1 0 1 1075 1075Stem Stem Winder ch h 1900 by Commercial Traveler Dora Wood WoodCal Cal Cum Quecucup 1101 50 50Superman Superman ch h 1904 by Commando Anomaly Judge Wright Debacle 1000 420 420The The Commoner ch h 1892 by Hanover Margerine MargerineHot Hot Water Clorita 1022 400 400Voorhees Voorhees b li 1903 by Solitaire II Carnation II AI Bloch Georgia VI 1 Oil 775 775Woolsthorpe Woolsthorpe b h 1888 by Tibthorpe Light of Other Days DaysSleuth Sleuth Espionage 1 0 0 4 400 400Yankee Yankee Gun ch h 1904 by Yankee Royal Gun Brookfield Black Tail 1101 550 550Yorkshire Yorkshire Lad blk h 1902 by Dinna Forget Rose Marjorie MarjorieYorkville Yorkville Susie Bush 0337 2433