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BARNEY SCHREIBERS CROP OF YEARLINGS Although the Missouri breeder Barney Scbrelbcr has reduced his stud considerably he is still the possessor of a big band of stallions and broodmares from which his yearlings of this year number sev ¬ entynine His favorite sire Sain is well repre ¬ sented but perusal of the list here published will serve to show that his other stallions notably Ban nockburn Joe Carey Otis and Sorcerer have been given good chances The latter Is a sou of Ormonde and of his list of yearlings eleven are fillies In England because of their being granddaughters of Ormonde these fillies would be highly regarded lu view of their possibilities as broodmares of the future The seventynine youngsters owe their pa ¬ ternity to Sain 15 Sorcerer 15 Joe Carey 15 Bannockbnrn 14 Otis 10 Lamplighter 3 St Savin 3 Nealon 2 Sain or Otis 1 and Patroclus 1 The yearlings and their breeding aro as follows followsBay Bay filly by Banuockburn Anna Lyle by Strath more moreBlack Black filly by Bannockburu Augusta Victoria by Sain SainBay Bay filly by Baunockburu Humming Bee by Hamburg HamburgBay Bay filly by Bannockburu Laura G G by Order OrderBay Bay colt by BaiinocUburu Miss Marion by Him yar CareyBay Brother to Sager and Joe Carey Bay colt by Bannockburn Miss Modish by Sir Modred ModredBuy Buy colt by Baunockburu Modwena by Morello MorelloBay Bay colt by Bauuockburn Paulina by Orslni OrslniBay Bay colt by Baunockburu Ravelue by Flambeau FlambeauBay Bay lilly by Bcnnockburii Revoke by Sir Dixou Sister DockcryBrown to lames Dockcry Brown fllly by Bauuockburn Rubescent by Star Ruby RubyBrown Brown colt by Banuockburn Tootsy Mack by Sir Walter WalterBay Bay filly by Baunoekburn Uarda by Strathmon Sister to Dr Gardner GardnerBlack Black lilly by Baunockburu Woodlands Rose bv Sain SainBrown Brown colt by Joe Carey Blaudiira by Emperor of Norfolk NorfolkCliestnut Cliestnut colt by Joo Carey Berlola by Alberl AlberlBrown Brown colt by Joe Carey Bonnie Lissak liy Lissak LissakRoan Roan filly by Joe Carey Chartreuse II by Cheviot CheviotBrown Brown filly by Joe Carey Cheridah by Ban nockburii nockburiiChestnut Chestnut colt by Joe Carey Dod Anderson by The Commoner CommonerBrown Brown colt by Joe Carey Ellen Atkin by King ¬ ston stonChestnut Chestnut filly by Joe Carey Gracious Dame by Bannockbnrn BannockbnrnCliestnut Cliestnut colt by Joe Carey Gottliebcn by Rubi con conBay Bay filly by Joe Carey Glcncoe Maid by Em peror of Norfolk NorfolkBrown Brown colt by Joe Carey Prudential Girl by Kin ley Mack MackChestnut Chestnut colt by Joe Carey Rebecca Ban by Ban nockburn nockburnBrown Brown lilly by Joe Carey Saiudora by Sain SainBay Bay colt by Joe Carey Sister Modred by Sir Modred ModredBrown SainBrown Brown coll by Joo Carey Trlnta by Sain Brown colt by Lamplighter Buriiellen by Ban nockburn nockburnBay RubyChestnut Bay lilly by Lamplighter Pranks by Star Ruby Chestnut colt by Lamplighter Ravolette bv Flambeau FlambeauBlaek Blaek colt by Nealou Park Ridge bv Fonso Bay FonsoBay filly l y Nealon Patroness by Patron Bay PatronBay lilly by Otis Balance All II by Luke Black ¬ burn burnBay Bay colt by Otis Belle Ward by Luke Black bum bumBrown Brown filly by Otis or Saiu Florence Colville by Hanover HanoverBay Bay BlaiseBay lilly by Otis Lady Andersou by St Blaise Bay colt and lilly twins by Otis Merlda bv Hiniyar HiniyarBay Bay colt by Otis Native Daughter bv St Carlo Bay CarloBay colt by Otis Ocean Dream by Henry of Navarre NavarreBay Bay lilly by Otis Royals Last by Sain ShotBrown Bay SainBay colt by Otis Sure Shot bv Foul Shot Brown GallantBlack colt by Otis Yokohama by Top Gallant Black filly by Patroclus Mildred B by Sain Bay SainBay colt by Saiu Amiee Abbott by Goldfinch Bay GoldfinchBay filly by Saiu Appollonia by Foul Shot Sis ¬ ter to Guy Fisher FisherBay ShotBlack Bay filly by Sain Bagshot by Foul Shot Black filly by Sain Bretzel by Galliard Bay GalliardBay filly by Sain Chablis by Artillery ArtilleryBrpwii Brpwii fllly by Sain Donna by Donovan Bay DonovanBay filly by Saiu Dunora by Donovan DonovanBay Bay colt by Sain El Salado Brother to Jack Atkin AtkinBay Bay colt by Sain Eugenie B by Balgowan Bay BalgowanBay colt by Sain Hand Dell by Hanover Bay HanoverBay ShotBrown colt by Sain Iungfrau by Foul Shot Brown filly by Saiu Little Indian by Hanover Bay HanoverBay colt by Sain Naughty by Hanover Bay HanoverBay filly by Sain Sister Ella by Torso TorsoBrown Brown lilly by Sain Winyah by Hanover Bay HanoverBay lilly by Sorcerer Ameliana by Sain Bay SainBay BishopBlack lilly iy Sorcerer Apozea by Bishop Black lilly by Sorcerer Flirt by Faustus Bay FaustusBay colt by Sorcerer Geheimniss bv Sain Bay SainBay colt by Sorcerer Ida Kearneyby Sain Bay SainBay lilly by Sorcerer Instar by Inspector B Bay BBay lilly by Sorcerer Lady Helene by Long LongBay Bay filly by Sorcerer Maicl iff by Clifford Bay lilly by Sorcerer Melodious by Sir Dixon Bay colt by Sorcerer New Jersey by Strath more moreBay Bay colt by Sorcerer Nora Ives by Himyar Bay lilly by Sorcerer Salvatorem by Salvator Bay filly by Sorcerer Testimony by Sain Bay lilly by Sorcerer Ursula II by Bon AH Bay filly by Sorcerer Woodnltch by Octagon Brown colt by St Savin Divonne bv Hanover Bay colt by St Savin Mrs McCormick by Sain Bay lilly by St Savin Saiuward by Sain