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DELORIMIER PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL Quo July I Second day Mon ¬ treal Driving Clubs Second Meeting of of 7 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge W R Norvell Starter James Milton Racing Secretary Charles Campaii 3480 First Race 5S Mile Purse 250 2year olds Maidens Allowances Net value to win ¬ ner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op CI U44 Philopena 104 1 = G W Carroll 15 15 S4443Mastership 113 2 A Matthews 5 5 2025 Q of the Turf 103 3 Cullen 7 7 3444 AV T Buclcner 107 4 Kussell 32 32 3444 = Mattio L Ill 5 Hall 2 2 3296 Cedar Green 107 C3 JDreyer 5 C Turkey Trot 110 7 AVhatley 10 12 12Time Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner Striker Holsteius blk f by Lilhos Flash StrikerStart of Night trained by I Striker Start poor Won easily second and third driving 3431 Second Race 5S Mile Purse 250 2year olds Allowances Net value to winner 175 sec ¬ ond 50 third 25 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op CI 3445 St Avano 107 li Mondon 1 3 3445 Thesieres 110 2 Cullen 4 4 2GGS Casanova 103 V CUAVhite 12 12 3445Glbbons 107 4 = KBbbins 3 4 3445 Boss 107 5s Kussell 4 2 3445 Spirella 107 G W Carroll 7 S Time 103 Track fast fastAVinuer AVinuer AV E Ninins ch f by St Avonicus Orsova trained by G Land LandStart Start good AVou driving second and third the same olds and upward belling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op CI CI344SVeuo 344SVeuo Aron 10D In Mondon 1 45 453326aMcAndrews 3326aMcAndrews 111 2s Chapt eH IS 21 3322 Chess 109 3J Cullen S 8 97206 Clltter Clatter 111 4 i Hall 20 6 344S Haymarket 111 Gi M Simmons 10 12 3297 Helen N 103 6s Forehand 4 4 3326 Mamita 102 7J Dreyer S 10 332C Coal Shoot 111 8 Russell c 7 Time 102 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner AAclte Aaleutines ch f 4 by The Irishman Minyou trained by A L Valentine ValentineStart Start good AVou driving second and third the same 3483 Fourth Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3year olds and upward Selling Net value lo winner 175 second 50 third 25 25WtFin Ind Horse WtFin Jockoy Op CI 3271 Semiquaver 114 I1 Russell 4 3 3449 Planutess 104 23 Forehand 5 5 51P9 3327sYankeo Lady 1P9 3l AVhatley 1 32 344S Kdroni 100 4l J3reyer 10 6 322CClevine 114 6J McArdlo 12 6 3453 Tee 3Eay 109 61 AVarrington 10 12 32a7Elizabeth O 104 7 Bobbins 3 4 3447 Sally Savage 99 S Halsey 15 20 3447Grenesquo 203447Grenesquo 107 9 Mondon 7 6 Time 6Time 102 Track fast fastAAinner AAinner R V Haymakers eh c 4 by Ogdcn Trillettc trained by L Haymaker Start good Won easily second and third driving 3484 Fiftli Race 58 Mile Purse 250 3yea olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op CA CA232C 232C Clouk 102 1 G W Carroll 32 11 3451 Punky 111 23 AVarrington 0 C C3321Fawu 2i3C22Jennie 3321Fawu 93 3 Robbins 8 2i 3C22Jennie Wells 109 4l Russell 7 C C332C 332C Calethumpian 107 5 Mondon 7 8 83320Lydia 3320Lydia Lee 109 0 Chappell 15 15 15344S 344S Kyle 109 71 Forehand 12 12 12332C5Johnny 332C5Johnny Wise 111 S AVhatley C 8 8S323SIr S323SIr IMincemeat 111 93 Hall 4 4 3327 Card of Itoses 107 10 Cullen 8 10 10Time Time 102 Track fast Winner J G AVaguous b f 3 by Disguise St Cypria StCypria AVagnonStart trained by J G AVagnon Start good AVou easily second and third driv ¬ ing 3485 Sixth Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3 year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind CI3179Oalypte Horse WtFin Jockey Op CI 3179Oalypte 109 I3 AVhatley 5 2 3327 Ben Sand 111 2J Jost 3 3 3241 Blagg 111 3 = Mondon 3 3 97742 Miss Jean 107 4l Russell 2 3 3449 Irollle 114 GU C White 20 25 25329S 329S Kaufman 111 C Dreyer S 8 99207 Billy Struve 111 7l Hall 12 15 1524CC 24CC Ruiiug Accountioy Sl Jtobbins 2 3 3The The African 107 9 Chappell 20 5 5Time Time 102 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner P Delaneys ch m 5 by McGee Cali ¬ fornia DelaneyStart trained by P Delaney Start good Won easily second and third driv Ing 348C Seventh Race 1 11G Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Iiid Horse AVtFin Tockey Op CI CI32J9 32J9 Lit Marchmont 111 I2 Mondou 8 4 3451 Dorothy AVebb 107 2s AVarrington 2 2 3323 Ramazan 114 31 Cullen 5 C 3323Defy 97 4J Robbins 3 3 3416 Edna Collins 107 5 Chappell 8 10 3451Scar Pimpernel 105 6s A AValker 33 3 2 3324 Montagnie 114 710 AV Burns 5 6 3270 Christina 104 S Green 30 40 40Time Time 150 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Striker Holsteius b g 5 by March niont StrikerStart II Spolia Oplna trained by I Striker Start good AVon easily second aud third driv ing 3487 Eighth Race 5S JMile Purse 250 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt WtFin Jockey 3241 Lueetta 100 10032CUBarette 1 = C AVhite 32CUBarette 97 P Bobbins Bobbins10S 2732 Faneuil Hall 10S 10S33003Isabel Cl Mondou 6 3 333003lsabel 33003Isabel Cusse 109 1093326AViiner IJ Cullen Cullen10S 2 3 33326AVunei 3326AViiner 10S O3 Kussell 8 10 3246 Irlshtown 102 63 AVilliaius 15 1 3441 aiipian 111 7 Chappell G 6 6Time Time 101 Track fast fastAVinuer AVinuer 1 C Cainbrous ch m 5 by Cesarlou Mobalosca trained by 1 C Cambrou CambrouStart Start fair AVon easily second and third driving 3488 Ninth Race 7S Mile Purse 250 4 year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey CB24Stick Pin 100 1 Hobbins 34flJessup Burn 102 2a AVilliams 35 45 3450 G Treasure 107 31 Jost 7 S 3452 Grecian Bend 105 43 C AAHiite 10 C C3452Naughty 3452Naughty Lad 115 5 = Hall 3 21 212331Lady 2331Lady Orimar 105 Dreyer 7 7Time Time 128 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B Chapmans ch f 4 by McGet Scarf Pin ChapmanStart trained by B Chapman Start bad Won driving second and third the same