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FIRST RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling 97182 47 2 104 Index Course DlstTlraeTckOdda Wt St StrFln Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy MOLLIE RICHARDS ch f 2 109 109XT By Star Shoot Silver Blaze Henderson Hogan XT Salt Lake 12 43g fast 21 10 2 25 21J Henry 0 OrliuKripp Kid Nelson Garter 3107 Latonia 58104 hvy 6 112 7 3 1 25 J Henry 9 N Agues Ballyshe Star Actress 2726 Latonia 41 f 544 fast 3 110 2 71 710 Byme 12 Cream Eeulah S Silk Day 2GSO Latonia 58 l01g good 71 95 4 42 4 McCahey 7 Yorkville Inquieta Gowell 2357 Louisville 41 i 641 slow 225 107 3 51 2 Goose 11 Sleuth Auto Hun Uncle Oble 2285 Louisville 12 4Sg good 126 107 4 31 3 = 1 Goose 12 PPeak PeterGrimin UncleOble 2083 Lexington 41 t 55j fast 65 112 4 31 22 Goose 7 LaMode SofDanube Brhtstone 2034 Lexington 12 51 hvy 27 107 4 4GARTER 41 2B Goose 11 Chmas Star Benauet My Genii GeniiBy GARTER ch o 2 112 By Golden Garter Fair Empress E Gaylord 3509 Salt Lake 12 4Sg fast 3 112 4 3i 4 = D Boland G OKrlpp MolRichards KNelson 3353 C dAleno 12 49 slop 51 110 2 23iW 3 21 R Hoffman S OrBlossom BillFinn Mercurium 3iW C dAlene 12 494 fast 9 109 5 530C2 5 4s II Hoffman 8 Kitty W The Cinder Cuualr 30C2 C dAlene 4 f 54B fast 145 105 5 5 510 U Hoffman G Floral Park Camia The Cinder 2919 C dAlene 41 f 563 mud CO 107 7 51 7iojR HoffmanlO Zenotek Barium The Cinder 2785 C dAlene 12 434 fast CO 108 2 2BASHFUL 7 72JR Hoffman S Vested Hights Truly Barium BariumBy BASHFUL BETTIE ch f 2 109 1093T09 By Lackford Instar C Woodford 3T09 Salt Lake 12 4Sg fast 13 10J 3 5 = 51S Tapliu OKrlpp MolRichards K Nelson 2931 Latonia oS 101 J faat 45 110 C 4 6 Borel 10 Beulah S Lodona Nelly Agnes Agnes5s 2791 Latonia 4i f 54 faat 21 110 3 5s 5 Borel 12 Brightstone Mimesis Beulah S 2565 Louisville 4h f G4 fast 44 105 5 7 g JMoleswh 10 APatricia La Mode Sptly Miss 2395 Louisville 41 f 54 fast 15 112 2 5 410lMoleswh 9 Anna Patricia Coy Gowell 2357 Louisville 41 f 541 slow rid 108 5 5MISSIE 4h 79 j c Peak 11 Sleuth Mol Richards Auto Bun BunBy MISSIE b f 2 109 By Oddfellow My Eleanor J 0 G H Kcene 3497 Salt Lake 12 49 fast 100 102 5 5VIREO 5 514 H Radtke G Pan Zareta JouuHurie OKonite OKoniteBy VIREO ch f 2 109 By Mazagan Nuns Cloth J T Ireland 3509 Salt Lake 12 4S2 fast 0 110 1 1GASKET C C11 Falu G OKripp Mol Richards KNelson KNelsonBy GASKET br f 2 109 109lirst By Voorhees Hertha Burbank Stable lirst start