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HALFMILE TRACK OFFICIALS RESIGN Kesenting interference by Jack Shcchan who has been iu charge of the betting rings on the halfmie tracks near Montreal W R Norvell has resigned is presiding Judge at Dclorimier Park and Valley liflil James Milton who ofliciated as starter on tho tracks named has taken a similar course Their places arc being filled respectively by Charles Cam pan and Frank McGinnity Mr Norvell who enjoys the reputation of being a competent and trustworthy official will serve as racing secretary and clerk of the scales at Dufferiu Park Toronto and the now track of the Toronto Driving Club now under construction at both of which halfmil courses racing will be conducted next month The disqualification of Venetian at Delorlmier Park July 3 by Judge Norvell and the ruling oft of jockey Cullen are represented as playing an important part in the differences which led to the resignations of Messrs Norvell and Milton